Post: Advent of code day 14

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Jez Cope 2017-12-15 17:52:51 +00:00
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title: "Disk Defragmentation — Haskell — #adventofcode Day 14"
description: "In which I learn how that old flood fill tool in Microsoft Paint works."
slug: day-14
date: 2017-12-15T17:52:46+00:00
- Technology
- Learning
- Advent of Code
- Haskell
series: aoc2017
[Today's challenge]( has us helping a disk defragmentation program by identifying contiguous regions of used sectors on a 2D disk.
[→ Full code on GitHub](
!!! commentary
Wow, today's challenge had a pretty steep learning curve. Day 14 was the first to directly reuse code from a previous day: [the "knot hash" from day 10][day 10]. I [solved day 10 in Haskell](../day-10/), so I thought it would be easier to stick with Haskell for today as well. The first part was straightforward, but the second was pretty mind-bending in a pure functional language!
I ended up solving it by implementing a [flood fill algorithm][flood]. It's recursive, which is right in Haskell's wheelhouse, but I ended up using `Data.Sequence` instead of the standard list type as its API for indexing is better. I haven't tried it, but I think it will also be a little faster than a naive list-based version.
It took a looong time to figure everything out, but I had a day off work to be able to concentrate on it!
[day 10]:
A lot more imports for this solution, as we're exercising a lot more of the standard library.
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (length, filter, take)
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Sequence
import Data.Foldable hiding (length)
import Data.Ix (inRange)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, mapMaybe, isJust)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Text.Printf (printf)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
Also we'll extract the key bits from day 10 into a module and import that.
import KnotHash
Now we define a few data types to make the code a bit more readable. `Sector` represent the state of a particular disk sector, either free, used (but unmarked) or used and marked as belonging to a given integer-labelled group. `Grid` is a 2D matrix of `Sector`, as a sequence of sequences.
data Sector = Free | Used | Mark Int
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Sector where
show Free = " ."
show Used = " #"
show (Mark i) = printf "%4d" i
type GridRow = Seq Sector
type Grid = Seq (GridRow)
Some utility functions to make it easier to view the grids (which can be quite large): used for debugging but not in the finished solution.
subGrid :: Int -> Grid -> Grid
subGrid n = fmap (take n) . take n
printRow :: GridRow -> IO ()
printRow row = do
mapM_ (putStr . show) row
putStr "\n"
printGrid :: Grid -> IO ()
printGrid = mapM_ printRow
`makeKey` generates the hash key for a given row.
makeKey :: String -> Int -> String
makeKey input n = input ++ "-" ++ show n
`stringToGridRow` converts a binary string of '1' and '0' characters to a sequence of `Sector` values.
stringToGridRow :: String -> GridRow
stringToGridRow = fromList . map convert
where convert x
| x == '1' = Used
| x == '0' = Free
`makeRow` and `makeGrid` build up the grid to use based on the provided input string.
makeRow :: String -> Int -> GridRow
makeRow input n = stringToGridRow $ concatMap (printf "%08b")
$ dense $ fullKnotHash 256
$ map ord $ makeKey input n
makeGrid :: String -> Grid
makeGrid input = fromList $ map (makeRow input) [0..127]
Utility functions to count the number of used and free sectors, to give the solution to part 1.
countEqual :: Sector -> Grid -> Int
countEqual x = sum . fmap (length . filter (==x))
countUsed = countEqual Used
countFree = countEqual Free
Now the real meat begins! `fundUnmarked` finds the location of the next used sector that we haven't yet marked. It returns a `Maybe` value, which is `Just (x, y)` if there is still an unmarked block or `Nothing` if there's nothing left to mark.
findUnmarked :: Grid -> Maybe (Int, Int)
findUnmarked g
| y == Nothing = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (fromJust x, fromJust y)
hasUnmarked row = isJust $ elemIndexL Used row
x = findIndexL hasUnmarked g
y = case x of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x' -> elemIndexL Used $ index g x'
`floodFill` implements a very simple recursive flood fill. It takes a target and replacement value and a starting location, and fills in the replacement value for every *connected* location that currently has the target value. We use it below to replace a connected used region with a marked region.
floodFill :: Sector -> Sector -> (Int, Int) -> Grid -> Grid
floodFill t r (x, y) g
| inRange (0, length g - 1) x
&& inRange (0, length g - 1) y
&& elem == t =
let newRow = update y r row
newGrid = update x newRow g
in newGrid
& floodFill t r (x+1, y)
& floodFill t r (x-1, y)
& floodFill t r (x, y+1)
& floodFill t r (x, y-1)
| otherwise = g
row = g `index` x
elem = row `index` y
`markNextGroup` looks for an unmarked group and marks it if found. If no more groups are found it returns `Nothing`. `markAllGroups` then repeatedly applies `markNextGroup` until `Nothing` is returned.
markNextGroup :: Int -> Grid -> Maybe Grid
markNextGroup i g = case findUnmarked g of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just loc -> Just $ floodFill Used (Mark i) loc g
markAllGroups :: Grid -> Grid
markAllGroups g = markAllGroups' 1 g
markAllGroups' i g = case markNextGroup i g of
Nothing -> g
Just g' -> markAllGroups' (i+1) g'
`onlyMarks` filters a grid row and returns a list of (possibly duplicated) group numbers in the row.
onlyMarks :: GridRow -> [Int]
onlyMarks = mapMaybe getMark . toList
getMark Free = Nothing
getMark Used = Nothing
getMark (Mark i) = Just i
Finally, `countGroups` puts all the group numbers into a set to get rid of duplicates and returns the size of the set, i.e. the total number of separate groups.
countGroups :: Grid -> Int
countGroups g = Set.size groupSet
groupSet = foldl' Set.union Set.empty $ fmap rowToSet g
rowToSet = Set.fromList . toList . onlyMarks
As always, every Haskell program needs a main function to drive the I/O and produce the actual result.
main = do
input <- fmap head getArgs
let grid = makeGrid input
used = countUsed grid
marked = countGroups $ markAllGroups grid
putStrLn $ "Used sectors: " ++ show used
putStrLn $ "Groups: " ++ show marked