from invoke import task from yaspin import yaspin import requests as rq from pathlib import Path from ruamel.yaml import YAML yaml = YAML() CONFIG = yaml.load(Path("deploy.yaml")) @task def deploy(c, clean=False): with yaspin().yellow as s: if clean: s.text = "clean and rebuild""rm --recursive --force {CONFIG['deploy-dir']}", hide=True)"nikola build", hide=True) s.ok("[done]") s.text = "add to IPFS" s.start() result = f"ipfs add --recursive --hidden --quieter {CONFIG['deploy-dir']}", hide=True, ) new_hash = result.stdout.rstrip() s.ok("[done]") s.write(f"- published at {new_hash}") pinata(c, new_hash, "erambler") update_dnslink(c, f"/ipfs/{new_hash}") @task def pinata(c, new_hash, name): with yaspin(text="pin at pinata").yellow as s: result = "", headers={"Authorization": f'Bearer {CONFIG["pinata-key"]}'}, json={ "pinataMetadata": {"name": name}, "hashToPin": new_hash, }, ) result.raise_for_status() s.ok("[done]") details = result.json() s.write(f'- pin status: {details["status"]}') @task def update_dnslink(c, ipfs_path): with yaspin(text="update dnslink record").yellow as s: cf_config = CONFIG["cloudflare"] token = cf_config["token"] zone_id = cf_config["zone_id"] record_id = cf_config["record_id"] result = rq.put( f"{zone_id}/dns_records/{record_id}", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}, json={ "type": "TXT", "name": "", "content": f"dnslink={ipfs_path}", "ttl": 1, }, ) result.raise_for_status() details = result.json() if details["success"]: s.ok("[done]") else: