#!/bin/sh echo " Welcome to tilde.pink!" echo "" echo " ___________________" echo " /o.-==-. .-. .-==-.o\\" echo " || )) (( ||" echo " \\\\____// \\\\____//" echo " \`-==-' \`-==-'" echo "" echo "A tilde server of a different shade. tilde.pink is an open tilde" echo "server, providing shell, email, and gopher accounts. We are a" echo "gopher-only tilde using geomyidae to serve gopher pages. tilde.pink" echo "runs on DragonflyBSD. DragonflyBSD is a unix-like operating system," echo "similar to Linux, but different in many ways. If you're up to the" echo "challenge and want to learn new things, sign up today." echo "" echo "[1|Sign Up|/signup.gph|server|port]" echo "[1|Documentation|/documentation.gph|server|port]" echo "" echo " -=News=-" echo "01May19 - I've been working on adding some new services. We are now" echo "accessable via tor for gopher and ssh/sftp. Our tor address is" echo "tildepinkaxbdebq.onion I've also installed an inn2 news service" echo "node on tilde.pink. We are linked up to the tildeverse news" echo "network. For information, visit news.tildeverse.org. You can read" echo "news locally with alpine, slrn, or tin. I'll write up some" echo "configuration documentation later." echo "" # Generate a list of users echo "Users:" users=$(ls /home) for i in $users do if [ -f "/home/$i/public_gopher/index.gph" ] then echo "[1|~$i|/~$i/|server|port]" elif [ -f "/home/$i/public_gopher/index.cgi" ] then echo "[1|~$i|/~$i/|server|port]" elif [ -f "/home/$i/public_gopher/index.dcgi" ] then echo "[1|~$i|/~$i/|server|port]" fi done echo "" /usr/local/bin/ddate