[Alpine News Configuration] 1. Start alpine $alpine 2. Press "S" to get to the Setup menu 3. Press "C" to get to the Configuration screen 4. For NNTP server, Change the value to localhost 5. Exit Setup and save your changes. 6. Now, from the main screen in alpine, Press "L" to go to your folder list. You should see a new folder list called "News on localhost/nntp". Select this collection and Press > or Enter to view it. 7. At first it will be empty. Press "A" to add groups. 8. Alpine will ask you to enter a newsgroup name. You can enter "*" to see all the groups. 9. From here you can select a group to add, or Press "L" to enter List Mode which lets you select multiple groups. The pink.general group is a good place to start. This is an internal group that is not shared with the rest of the tildeverse. The group tilde.pink is our public share. 10. Press "S" to subscribe to the selected group(s). 11. Now you should be back in your folder list and your subscribed groups will be visible. To see the news in a group, select the group and press > or Enter. 12. From here you can read articles, reply to articles, or post a new article. Consider reading these guidelines: [h|Netiquet|URL:http://lol-russ.umn.edu/webruss/WebRuss/russ1102/comphelp/netiquet.html|server|port] Guide created by dbucklin on tilde.town. Modified for tilde.pink.