#list of things to do before asking for bug reports #TODO: cached links are from the normal view, not the full view #TODO:We should invalidate the cache more aggressively #TODO:Also delete tmp file on close #TODO: mode should be removed when displaying URL (or copying it) #TODO: pass mode to get_links() #TODO: basically, standardize on having the moded_url everywhere when possible #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Offpunk Offline Gemini client """ Offline-First Gemini/Web/Gopher/RSS reader and browser """ __version__ = "1.10" import argparse import cmd import datetime import fnmatch import io import os import os.path import filecmp import random import shlex import shutil import socket import sys import time import urllib.parse import subprocess import netcache import opnk from offutils import run,term_width,is_local,mode_url,unmode_url from offutils import _CONFIG_DIR,_DATA_DIR,_CACHE_PATH try: import setproctitle setproctitle.setproctitle("offpunk") _HAS_SETPROCTITLE = True except ModuleNotFoundError: _HAS_SETPROCTITLE = False _HAS_XSEL = shutil.which('xsel') try: import requests _DO_HTTP = True except ModuleNotFoundError: _DO_HTTP = False _GREP = "grep --color=auto" less_version = 0 if not shutil.which("less"): print("Please install the pager \"less\" to run Offpunk.") print("If you wish to use another pager, send me an email.") print("(I’m really curious to hear about people not having \"less\" on their system.)") sys.exit() output = run("less --version") # We get less Version (which is the only integer on the first line) words = output.split("\n")[0].split() less_version = 0 for w in words: if w.isdigit(): less_version = int(w) # restoring position only works for version of less > 572 if less_version >= 572: _LESS_RESTORE_POSITION = True else: _LESS_RESTORE_POSITION = False #_DEFAULT_LESS = "less -EXFRfM -PMurl\ lines\ \%lt-\%lb/\%L\ \%Pb\%$ %s" # -E : quit when reaching end of file (to behave like "cat") # -F : quit if content fits the screen (behave like "cat") # -X : does not clear the screen # -R : interpret ANSI colors correctly # -f : suppress warning for some contents # -M : long prompt (to have info about where you are in the file) # -W : hilite the new first line after a page skip (space) # -i : ignore case in search # -S : do not wrap long lines. Wrapping is done by offpunk, longlines # are there on purpose (surch in asciiart) #--incsearch : incremental search starting rev581 if less_version >= 581: less_base = "less --incsearch --save-marks -~ -XRfMWiS" elif less_version >= 572: less_base = "less --save-marks -XRfMWiS" else: less_base = "less -XRfMWiS" _DEFAULT_LESS = less_base + " \"+''\" %s" _DEFAULT_CAT = less_base + " -EF %s" def less_cmd(file, histfile=None,cat=False,grep=None): if histfile: env = {"LESSHISTFILE": histfile} else: env = {} if cat: cmd_str = _DEFAULT_CAT elif grep: grep_cmd = _GREP #case insensitive for lowercase search if grep.islower(): grep_cmd += " -i" cmd_str = _DEFAULT_CAT + "|" + grep_cmd + " %s"%grep else: cmd_str = _DEFAULT_LESS run(cmd_str, parameter=file, direct_output=True, env=env) # Command abbreviations _ABBREVS = { "..": "up", "a": "add", "b": "back", "bb": "blackbox", "bm": "bookmarks", "book": "bookmarks", "cp": "copy", "f": "forward", "g": "go", "h": "history", "hist": "history", "l": "view", "less": "view", "man": "help", "mv": "move", "n": "next", "off": "offline", "on": "online", "p": "previous", "prev": "previous", "q": "quit", "r": "reload", "s": "save", "se": "search", "/": "find", "t": "tour", "u": "up", "v": "view", "w": "wikipedia", "wen": "wikipedia en", "wfr": "wikipedia fr", "wes": "wikipedia es", } _MIME_HANDLERS = { } #An IPV6 URL should be put between [] #We try to detect them has location with more than 2 ":" def fix_ipv6_url(url): if not url or url.startswith("mailto"): return url if "://" in url: schema, schemaless = url.split("://",maxsplit=1) else: schema, schemaless = None, url if "/" in schemaless: netloc, rest = schemaless.split("/",1) if netloc.count(":") > 2 and "[" not in netloc and "]" not in netloc: schemaless = "[" + netloc + "]" + "/" + rest elif schemaless.count(":") > 2: schemaless = "[" + schemaless + "]/" if schema: return schema + "://" + schemaless return schemaless # Cheap and cheerful URL detector def looks_like_url(word): try: if not word.strip(): return False url = fix_ipv6_url(word).strip() parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) #sometimes, urllib crashed only when requesting the port port = parsed.port scheme = word.split("://")[0] mailto = word.startswith("mailto:") start = scheme in netcache.standard_ports local = scheme in ["file","list"] if mailto: return "@" in word elif not local: return start and ("." in word or "localhost" in word) else: return "/" in word except ValueError: return False # GeminiClient Decorators def needs_gi(inner): def outer(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.current_url: print("You need to 'go' somewhere, first") return None else: return inner(self, *args, **kwargs) outer.__doc__ = inner.__doc__ return outer class GeminiClient(cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self, completekey="tab", synconly=False): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) # Set umask so that nothing we create can be read by anybody else. # The certificate cache and TOFU database contain "browser history" # type sensitivie information. os.umask(0o077) self.opencache = opnk.opencache() self.no_cert_prompt = "\001\x1b[38;5;76m\002" + "ON" + "\001\x1b[38;5;255m\002" + "> " + "\001\x1b[0m\002" self.cert_prompt = "\001\x1b[38;5;202m\002" + "ON" + "\001\x1b[38;5;255m\002" self.offline_prompt = "\001\x1b[38;5;76m\002" + "OFF" + "\001\x1b[38;5;255m\002" + "> " + "\001\x1b[0m\001" self.prompt = self.no_cert_prompt self.current_url = None self.hist_index = 0 self.marks = {} self.page_index = 0 self.permanent_redirects = {} # Sync-only mode is restriced by design self.visited_hosts = set() self.offline_only = False self.sync_only = False self.support_http = _DO_HTTP self.automatic_choice = "n" self.client_certs = { "active": None } self.active_cert_domains = [] self.active_is_transient = False self.transient_certs_created = [] self.options = { "debug" : False, "beta" : False, "timeout" : 600, "short_timeout" : 5, "width" : 72, "auto_follow_redirects" : True, "tls_mode" : "tofu", "archives_size" : 200, "history_size" : 200, "max_size_download" : 10, "editor" : None, "download_images_first" : True, "redirects" : True, # the wikipedia entry needs two %s, one for lang, other for search "wikipedia" : "gemini://vault.transjovian.org:1965/search/%s/%s", "search" : "gemini://kennedy.gemi.dev/search?%s", "accept_bad_ssl_certificates" : False, } self.redirects = { "twitter.com" : "nitter.42l.fr", "facebook.com" : "blocked", "doubleclick.net": "blocked", "google-analytics.com" : "blocked", "youtube.com" : "yewtu.be", "reddit.com" : "teddit.net", "old.reddit.com": "teddit.net", "medium.com" : "scribe.rip", } term_width(new_width=self.options["width"]) self.log = { "start_time": time.time(), "requests": 0, "ipv4_requests": 0, "ipv6_requests": 0, "bytes_recvd": 0, "ipv4_bytes_recvd": 0, "ipv6_bytes_recvd": 0, "dns_failures": 0, "refused_connections": 0, "reset_connections": 0, "timeouts": 0, "cache_hits": 0, } def complete_list(self,text,line,begidx,endidx): allowed = [] cmds = ["create","edit","subscribe","freeze","normal","delete","help"] lists = self.list_lists() words = len(line.split()) # We need to autocomplete listname for the first or second argument # If the first one is a cmds if words <= 1: allowed = lists + cmds elif words == 2: # if text, the completing word is the second cond = bool(text) if text: allowed = lists + cmds else: current_cmd = line.split()[1] if current_cmd in ["help", "create"]: allowed = [] elif current_cmd in cmds: allowed = lists elif words == 3 and text != "": current_cmd = line.split()[1] if current_cmd in ["help", "create"]: allowed = [] elif current_cmd in cmds: allowed = lists return [i+" " for i in allowed if i.startswith(text)] def complete_add(self,text,line,begidx,endidx): if len(line.split()) == 2 and text != "": allowed = self.list_lists() elif len(line.split()) == 1: allowed = self.list_lists() else: allowed = [] return [i+" " for i in allowed if i.startswith(text)] def complete_move(self,text,line,begidx,endidx): return self.complete_add(text,line,begidx,endidx) def get_renderer(self,url=None): # If launched without argument, we return the renderer for the current URL if not url: url = self.current_url return self.opencache.get_renderer(url) def _go_to_url(self, url, update_hist=True, check_cache=True, handle=True,\ name=None, mode=None,limit_size=False): """This method might be considered "the heart of Offpunk". Everything involved in fetching a gemini resource happens here: sending the request over the network, parsing the response, storing the response in a temporary file, choosing and calling a handler program, and updating the history. Nothing is returned.""" if not url: return #we don’t handle the name anymore ! if name: print("We don’t handle name of URL: %s"%name) # Obey permanent redirects if url in self.permanent_redirects: self._go_to_url(self.permanent_redirects[url],update_hist=update_hist,\ check_cache=check_cache, handle=handle, name=name,mode=mode,\ limit_size=limit_size) return params = {} params["timeout"] = self.options["short_timeout"] if limit_size: params["max_size"] = int(self.options["max_size_download"])*1000000 params["print_error"] = not self.sync_only params["offline"] = self.offline_only if not check_cache: params["validity"] = 1 # Use cache or mark as to_fetch if resource is not cached if handle and not self.sync_only: displayed = self.opencache.opnk(url,mode=mode,**params) modedurl = mode_url(url,mode) if not displayed: #if we can’t display, we mark to sync what is not local if not is_local(url) or not netcache.is_cache_valid(url): self.get_list("to_fetch") r = self.list_add_line("to_fetch",url=modedurl,verbose=False) if r: print("%s not available, marked for syncing"%url) else: print("%s already marked for syncing"%url) else: self.page_index = 0 # Update state (external files are not added to history) self.current_url = url if update_hist and not self.sync_only: self._update_history(modedurl) else: #we are asked not to handle or in sync_only mode netcache.fetch(url,**params) @needs_gi def _show_lookup(self, offset=0, end=None, show_url=False): for n, u in enumerate(self.get_renderer().get_links()[offset:end]): index = n+offset+1 line = "[%s] %s" %(index,u) #TODO: implement proper listing of url (with protocol and show_url) # protocol = "" if gi.scheme == "gemini" else " %s" % gi.scheme # line = "[%d%s] %s" % (index, protocol, gi.name or gi.url) # line += " (%s)" % gi.url print(line) def _update_history(self, url): # We never update while in sync_only if self.sync_only: return # We don’t add lists to history if not url or os.path.join(_DATA_DIR,"lists") in url: return histlist = self.get_list("history") links = self.list_get_links("history") # avoid duplicate length = len(links) if length > self.options["history_size"]: length = self.options["history_size"] if length > 0 and links[self.hist_index] == url: return self.list_add_top("history",limit=self.options["history_size"],truncate_lines=self.hist_index) self.hist_index = 0 def _log_visit(self, gi, address, size): if not address: return self.log["requests"] += 1 self.log["bytes_recvd"] += size self.visited_hosts.add(address) if address[0] == socket.AF_INET: self.log["ipv4_requests"] += 1 self.log["ipv4_bytes_recvd"] += size elif address[0] == socket.AF_INET6: self.log["ipv6_requests"] += 1 self.log["ipv6_bytes_recvd"] += size def _debug(self, debug_text): if not self.options["debug"]: return debug_text = "\x1b[0;32m[DEBUG] " + debug_text + "\x1b[0m" print(debug_text) # Cmd implementation follows def default(self, line): if line.strip() == "EOF": return self.onecmd("quit") elif line.startswith("/"): return self.do_find(line[1:]) # Expand abbreviated commands first_word = line.split()[0].strip() if first_word in _ABBREVS: full_cmd = _ABBREVS[first_word] expanded = line.replace(first_word, full_cmd, 1) return self.onecmd(expanded) # Try to access it like an URL if looks_like_url(line): return self.do_go(line) # Try to parse numerical index for lookup table try: n = int(line.strip()) except ValueError: print("What?") return # if we have no url, there's nothing to do if self.current_url is None: print("No links to index") return else: r = self.get_renderer() if r: url = r.get_link(n) self._go_to_url(url) else: print("No page with links") return ### Settings def do_redirect(self,line): """Display and manage the list of redirected URLs. This features is mostly useful to use privacy-friendly frontends for popular websites.""" if len(line.split()) == 1: if line in self.redirects: print("%s is redirected to %s" %(line,self.redirects[line])) else: print("Please add a destination to redirect %s" %line) elif len(line.split()) >= 2: orig, dest = line.split(" ",1) if dest.lower() == "none": if orig in self.redirects: self.redirects.pop(orig) print("Redirection for %s has been removed"%orig) else: print("%s was not redirected. Nothing has changed."%orig) elif dest.lower() == "block": self.redirects[orig] = "blocked" print("%s will now be blocked"%orig) else: self.redirects[orig] = dest print("%s will now be redirected to %s" %(orig,dest)) else: toprint="Current redirections:\n" toprint+="--------------------\n" for r in self.redirects: toprint += ("%s\t->\t%s\n" %(r,self.redirects[r])) toprint +="\nTo add new, use \"redirect origine.com destination.org\"" toprint +="\nTo remove a redirect, use \"redirect origine.com NONE\"" toprint +="\nTo completely block a website, use \"redirect origine.com BLOCK\"" print(toprint) def do_set(self, line): """View or set various options.""" if not line.strip(): # Show all current settings for option in sorted(self.options.keys()): print("%s %s" % (option, self.options[option])) elif len(line.split()) == 1 : # Show current value of one specific setting option = line.strip() if option in self.options: print("%s %s" % (option, self.options[option])) else: print("Unrecognised option %s" % option) else: # Set value of one specific setting option, value = line.split(" ", 1) if option not in self.options: print("Unrecognised option %s" % option) return # Validate / convert values elif option == "tls_mode": if value.lower() not in ("ca", "tofu"): print("TLS mode must be `ca` or `tofu`!") return elif option == "accept_bad_ssl_certificates": if value.lower() == "false": print("Only high security certificates are now accepted") requests.packages.urllib3.util.ssl_.DEFAULT_CIPHERS = 'ALL:@SECLEVEL=2' elif value.lower() == "true": print("Low security SSL certificates are now accepted") requests.packages.urllib3.util.ssl_.DEFAULT_CIPHERS = 'ALL:@SECLEVEL=1' else: print("accept_bad_ssl_certificates should be True or False") return elif option == "width": if value.isnumeric(): value = int(value) print("changing width to ",value) term_width(new_width=value) else: print("%s is not a valid width (integer required)"%value) elif value.isnumeric(): value = int(value) elif value.lower() == "false": value = False elif value.lower() == "true": value = True else: try: value = float(value) except ValueError: pass self.options[option] = value def do_cert(self, line): """Manage client certificates""" print("Managing client certificates") if self.client_certs["active"]: print("Active certificate: {}".format(self.client_certs["active"][0])) print("1. Deactivate client certificate.") print("2. Generate new certificate.") print("3. Load previously generated certificate.") print("4. Load externally created client certificate from file.") print("Enter blank line to exit certificate manager.") choice = input("> ").strip() if choice == "1": print("Deactivating client certificate.") netcache._deactivate_client_cert() elif choice == "2": netcache._generate_persistent_client_cert() elif choice == "3": netcache._choose_client_cert() elif choice == "4": netcache._load_client_cert() else: print("Aborting.") def do_handler(self, line): """View or set handler commands for different MIME types.""" if not line.strip(): # Show all current handlers h = self.opencache.get_handlers() for mime in sorted(h.keys()): print("%s %s" % (mime, h[mime])) elif len(line.split()) == 1: mime = line.strip() h = self.opencache.get_handlers(mime=mime) if h: print("%s %s" % (mime, h)) else: print("No handler set for MIME type %s" % mime) else: mime, handler = line.split(" ", 1) self.opencache.set_handler(mime,handler) def do_abbrevs(self, *args): """Print all Offpunk command abbreviations.""" header = "Command Abbreviations:" self.stdout.write("\n{}\n".format(str(header))) if self.ruler: self.stdout.write("{}\n".format(str(self.ruler * len(header)))) for k, v in _ABBREVS.items(): self.stdout.write("{:<7} {}\n".format(k, v)) self.stdout.write("\n") def do_offline(self, *args): """Use Offpunk offline by only accessing cached content""" if self.offline_only: print("Offline and undisturbed.") else: self.offline_only = True self.prompt = self.offline_prompt print("Offpunk is now offline and will only access cached content") def do_online(self, *args): """Use Offpunk online with a direct connection""" if self.offline_only: self.offline_only = False self.prompt = self.no_cert_prompt print("Offpunk is online and will access the network") else: print("Already online. Try offline.") def do_copy(self, arg): """Copy the content of the last visited page as gemtext in the clipboard. Use with "url" as argument to only copy the adress. Use with "raw" to copy ANSI content as seen in your terminal (not gemtext). Use with "cache" to copy the path of the cached content.""" if self.current_url: if _HAS_XSEL: args = arg.split() if args and args[0] == "url": if len(args) > 1 and args[1].isdecimal(): url = self.get_renderer().get_link(int(args[1])-1) else: url = self.current_url run("xsel -b -i", input=url, direct_output=True) elif args and args[0] == "raw": run("xsel -b -i", input=open(self.get_renderer().get_temp_filename(), "rb"),\ direct_output=True) elif args and args[0] == "cache": run("xsel -b -i", input=netcache.get_cache_path(self.current_url),\ direct_output=True) else: run("xsel -b -i", input=open(netcache.get_cache_path(self.current_url), "rb"),\ direct_output=True) else: print("Please install xsel to use copy") else: print("No content to copy, visit a page first") ### Stuff for getting around def do_go(self, line): """Go to a gemini URL or marked item.""" line = line.strip() if not line: if shutil.which('xsel'): clipboards = [] urls = [] for selec in ["-p","-s","-b"]: try: clipboards.append(run("xsel "+selec)) except Exception as err: #print("Skippink clipboard %s because %s"%(selec,err)) pass for u in clipboards: if "://" in u and looks_like_url(u) and u not in urls : urls.append(u) if len(urls) > 1: stri = "URLs in your clipboard\n" counter = 0 for u in urls: counter += 1 stri += "[%s] %s\n"%(counter,u) stri += "Where do you want to go today ?> " ans = input(stri) if ans.isdigit() and 0 < int(ans) <= len(urls): self.do_go(urls[int(ans)-1]) elif len(urls) == 1: self.do_go(urls[0]) else: print("Go where? (hint: simply copy an URL in your clipboard)") else: print("Go where? (hint: install xsel to go to copied URLs)") # First, check for possible marks elif line in self.marks: url = self.marks[line] self._go_to_url(url) # or a local file elif os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(line)): self._go_to_url(line) # If this isn't a mark, treat it as a URL elif looks_like_url(line): self._go_to_url(line) else: print("%s is not a valid URL to go"%line) @needs_gi def do_reload(self, *args): """Reload the current URL.""" if self.offline_only: self.get_list("to_fetch") r = self.list_add_line("to_fetch",url=self.current_url,verbose=False) if r: print("%s marked for syncing" %self.current_url) else: print("%s already marked for syncing" %self.current_url) else: self._go_to_url(self.current_url, check_cache=False) @needs_gi def do_up(self, *args): """Go up one directory in the path. Take an integer as argument to go up multiple times.""" level = 1 if args[0].isnumeric(): level = int(args[0]) elif args[0] != "": print("Up only take integer as arguments") #TODO : implement up, this code is copy/pasted from GeminiItem parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.current_url) path = parsed.path.rstrip('/') count = 0 while count < level: pathbits = list(os.path.split(path)) # Don't try to go higher than root or in config if is_local(self.current_url) or len(pathbits) == 1 : break # Get rid of bottom component if len(pathbits) > 1: pathbits.pop() path = os.path.join(*pathbits) count += 1 if parsed.scheme == "gopher": path = "/1" + path newurl = urllib.parse.urlunparse((parsed.scheme,parsed.netloc,path,"","","")) self._go_to_url(newurl) def do_back(self, *args): """Go back to the previous gemini item.""" histfile = self.get_list("history") links = self.list_get_links("history") if self.hist_index >= len(links) -1: return self.hist_index += 1 url = links[self.hist_index] print("back to %s"%url) self._go_to_url(url, update_hist=False) def do_forward(self, *args): """Go forward to the next gemini item.""" histfile = self.get_list("history") links = self.list_get_links("history") if self.hist_index <= 0: return self.hist_index -= 1 url = links[self.hist_index] self._go_to_url(url, update_hist=False) @needs_gi def do_root(self, *args): """Go to root selector of the server hosting current item.""" parse = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.url) self._go_to_url(urllib.parse.urlunparse(parse.scheme,parse.netloc,"/","","","")) def do_tour(self, line): """Add index items as waypoints on a tour, which is basically a FIFO queue of gemini items. `tour` or `t` alone brings you to the next item in your tour. Items can be added with `tour 1 2 3 4` or ranges like `tour 1-4`. All items in current menu can be added with `tour *`. All items in $LIST can be added with `tour $LIST`. Current item can be added back to the end of the tour with `tour .`. Current tour can be listed with `tour ls` and scrubbed with `tour clear`.""" # Creating the tour list if needed self.get_list("tour") line = line.strip() if not line: # Fly to next waypoint on tour if len(self.list_get_links("tour")) < 1: print("End of tour.") else: url = self.list_go_to_line("1","tour") if url: self.list_rm_url(url,"tour") elif line == "ls": self.list_show("tour") elif line == "clear": for l in self.list_get_links("tour"): self.list_rm_url(l,"tour") elif line == "*": for l in self.get_renderer().get_links(): self.list_add_line("tour",url=l,verbose=False) elif line == ".": self.list_add_line("tour",verbose=False) elif looks_like_url(line): self.list_add_line("tour",url=line) elif line in self.list_lists(): list_path = self.list_path(line) if not list_path: print("List %s does not exist. Cannot add it to tour"%(list)) else: url = "list:///%s"%line display = not self.sync_only for l in self.get_renderer(url).get_links(): self.list_add_line("tour",url=l,verbose=False) else: for index in line.split(): try: pair = index.split('-') if len(pair) == 1: # Just a single index n = int(index) url = self.get_renderer().get_link(n) self.list_add_line("tour",url=url,verbose=False) elif len(pair) == 2: # Two endpoints for a range of indices if int(pair[0]) < int(pair[1]): for n in range(int(pair[0]), int(pair[1]) + 1): url = self.get_renderer().get_link(n) self.list_add_line("tour",url=url,verbose=False) else: for n in range(int(pair[0]), int(pair[1]) - 1, -1): url = self.get_renderer().get_link(n) self.list_add_line("tour",url=url,verbose=False) else: # Syntax error print("Invalid use of range syntax %s, skipping" % index) except ValueError: print("Non-numeric index %s, skipping." % index) except IndexError: print("Invalid index %d, skipping." % n) @needs_gi def do_mark(self, line): """Mark the current item with a single letter. This letter can then be passed to the 'go' command to return to the current item later. Think of it like marks in vi: 'mark a'='ma' and 'go a'=''a'. Marks are temporary until shutdown (not saved to disk).""" line = line.strip() if not line: for mark, gi in self.marks.items(): print("[%s] %s (%s)" % (mark, gi.name, gi.url)) elif line.isalpha() and len(line) == 1: self.marks[line] = self.current_url else: print("Invalid mark, must be one letter") @needs_gi def do_info(self,line): """Display information about current page.""" renderer = self.get_renderer() url = self.current_url out = renderer.get_page_title() + "\n\n" out += "URL : " + url + "\n" out += "Mime : " + renderer.get_mime() + "\n" out += "Cache : " + netcache.get_cache_path(url) + "\n" if self.get_renderer() : rend = str(self.get_renderer().__class__) rend = rend.lstrip("") else: rend = "None" out += "Renderer : " + rend + "\n\n" lists = [] for l in self.list_lists(): if self.list_has_url(self.current_url,l): lists.append(l) if len(lists) > 0: out += "Page appeard in following lists :\n" for l in lists: if not self.list_is_system(l): status = "normal list" if self.list_is_subscribed(l): status = "subscription" elif self.list_is_frozen(l): status = "frozen list" out += " • %s\t(%s)\n" %(l,status) for l in lists: if self.list_is_system(l): out += " • %s\n" %l else: out += "Page is not save in any list" print(out) def do_version(self, line): """Display version and system information.""" def has(value): if value: return "\t\x1b[1;32mInstalled\x1b[0m\n" else: return "\t\x1b[1;31mNot Installed\x1b[0m\n" output = "Offpunk " + __version__ + "\n" output += "===========\n" output += "Highly recommended:\n" output += " - python-cryptography : " + has(netcache._HAS_CRYPTOGRAPHY) output += " - xdg-open : " + has(opnk._HAS_XDGOPEN) output += "\nWeb browsing:\n" output += " - python-requests : " + has(_DO_HTTP) output += " - python-feedparser : " + has(_DO_FEED) output += " - python-bs4 : " + has(_HAS_SOUP) output += " - python-readability : " + has(_HAS_READABILITY) output += " - timg 1.3.2+ : " + has(_NEW_TIMG) if _NEW_CHAFA: output += " - chafa 1.10+ : " + has(_HAS_CHAFA) else: output += " - chafa : " + has(_HAS_CHAFA) output += " - python-pil : " + has(_HAS_PIL) output += "\nNice to have:\n" output += " - python-setproctitle : " + has(_HAS_SETPROCTITLE) output += " - xsel : " + has(_HAS_XSEL) output += "\nFeatures :\n" if _NEW_CHAFA: output += " - Render images (chafa or timg) : " + has(_RENDER_IMAGE) else: output += " - Render images (python-pil, chafa or timg) : " + has(_RENDER_IMAGE) output += " - Render HTML (bs4, readability) : " + has(_DO_HTML) output += " - Render Atom/RSS feeds (feedparser) : " + has(_DO_FEED) output += " - Connect to http/https (requests) : " + has(_DO_HTTP) output += " - Detect text encoding (python-chardet) : " + has(_HAS_CHARDET) output += " - copy to/from clipboard (xsel) : " + has(_HAS_XSEL) output += " - restore last position (less 572+) : " + has(_LESS_RESTORE_POSITION) output += "\n" output += "Config directory : " + _CONFIG_DIR + "\n" output += "User Data directory : " + _DATA_DIR + "\n" output += "Cache directoy : " + _CACHE_PATH print(output) ### Stuff that modifies the lookup table def do_ls(self, line): """List contents of current index. Use 'ls -l' to see URLs.""" self._show_lookup(show_url = "-l" in line) self.page_index = 0 def do_search(self,line): """Search on Gemini using the engine configured (by default kennedy.gemi.dev) You can configure it using "set search URL". URL should contains one "%s" that will be replaced by the search term.""" search = urllib.parse.quote(line) url = self.options["search"]%search self._go_to_url(url) def do_wikipedia(self,line): """Search on wikipedia using the configured Gemini interface. The first word should be the two letters code for the language. Exemple : "wikipedia en Gemini protocol" But you can also use abbreviations to go faster: "wen Gemini protocol". (your abbreviation might be missing, report the bug) The interface used can be modified with the command: "set wikipedia URL" where URL should contains two "%s", the first one used for the language, the second for the search string.""" words = line.split(" ",maxsplit=1) if len(words[0]) == 2: lang = words[0] search = urllib.parse.quote(words[1]) else: lang = "en" search = urllib.parse.quote(line) url = self.options["wikipedia"]%(lang,search) self._go_to_url(url) def do_gus(self, line): """Submit a search query to the geminispace.info search engine.""" self._go_to_url(urllib.parse.urlunparse("gemini","geminispace.info","/search","",line,"")) def do_history(self, *args): """Display history.""" self.list_show("history") @needs_gi def do_find(self, searchterm): """Find in current page by displaying only relevant lines (grep).""" self.get_renderer().display(grep=searchterm) def emptyline(self): """Page through index ten lines at a time.""" i = self.page_index if not self.current_url or i > len(self.get_renderer().get_links()): return self._show_lookup(offset=i, end=i+10) self.page_index += 10 ### Stuff that does something to most recently viewed item @needs_gi def do_cat(self, *args): """Run most recently visited item through "cat" command.""" run("cat", input=open(self.get_renderer().get_temp_filename(), "rb"), direct_output=True) @needs_gi def do_view(self, *args): """Run most recently visited item through "less" command, restoring \ previous position. Use "view normal" to see the default article view on html page. Use "view full" to see a complete html page instead of the article view. Use "view feed" to see the the linked feed of the page (in any). Use "view feeds" to see available feeds on this page. (full, feed, feeds have no effect on non-html content).""" if self.current_url and args and args[0] != "": if args[0] in ["full","debug"]: self._go_to_url(self.current_url,mode=args[0]) elif args[0] in ["normal","readable"]: self._go_to_url(self.current_url,mode="readable") elif args[0] == "feed": subs = self.get_renderer().get_subscribe_links() if len(subs) > 1: self.do_go(subs[1][0]) elif "rss" in subs[0][1] or "atom" in subs[0][1]: print("%s is already a feed" %self.current_url) else: print("No other feed found on %s"%self.current_url) elif args[0] == "feeds": subs = self.get_renderer().get_subscribe_links() stri = "Available views :\n" counter = 0 for s in subs: counter += 1 stri += "[%s] %s [%s]\n"%(counter,s[0],s[1]) stri += "Which view do you want to see ? >" ans = input(stri) if ans.isdigit() and 0 < int(ans) <= len(subs): self.do_go(subs[int(ans)-1][0]) else: print("Valid argument for view are : normal, full, feed, feeds") else: self._go_to_url(self.current_url) @needs_gi def do_open(self, *args): """Open current item with the configured handler or xdg-open. Uses "open url" to open current URL in a browser. see "handler" command to set your handler.""" if args[0] == "url": run("xdg-open %s", parameter=self.current_url, direct_output=True) else: self.opencache.opnk(self.current_url,terminal=False) @needs_gi def do_shell(self, line): """'cat' most recently visited item through a shell pipeline. '!' is an useful shortcut.""" run(line, input=open(self.get_renderer().get_temp_filename(), "rb"), direct_output=True) @needs_gi def do_save(self, line): """Save an item to the filesystem. 'save n filename' saves menu item n to the specified filename. 'save filename' saves the last viewed item to the specified filename. 'save n' saves menu item n to an automagic filename.""" args = line.strip().split() # First things first, figure out what our arguments are if len(args) == 0: # No arguments given at all # Save current item, if there is one, to a file whose name is # inferred from the gemini path if not netcache.is_cache_valid(self.current_url): print("You cannot save if not cached!") return else: index = None filename = None elif len(args) == 1: # One argument given # If it's numeric, treat it as an index, and infer the filename try: index = int(args[0]) filename = None # If it's not numeric, treat it as a filename and # save the current item except ValueError: index = None filename = os.path.expanduser(args[0]) elif len(args) == 2: # Two arguments given # Treat first as an index and second as filename index, filename = args try: index = int(index) except ValueError: print("First argument is not a valid item index!") return filename = os.path.expanduser(filename) else: print("You must provide an index, a filename, or both.") return # Next, fetch the item to save, if it's not the current one. if index: last_url = self.current_url try: url = self.get_renderer().get_link(index) self._go_to_url(url, update_hist = False, handle = False) except IndexError: print ("Index too high!") self.current_url = last_url return else: url = self.current_url # Derive filename from current GI's path, if one hasn't been set if not filename: filename = os.path.basename(netcache.get_cache_path(self.current_url)) # Check for filename collisions and actually do the save if safe if os.path.exists(filename): print("File %s already exists!" % filename) else: # Don't use _get_active_tmpfile() here, because we want to save the # "source code" of menus, not the rendered view - this way Offpunk # can navigate to it later. path = netcache.get_cache_path(url) if os.path.isdir(path): print("Can’t save %s because it’s a folder, not a file"%path) else: print("Saved to %s" % filename) shutil.copyfile(path, filename) # Restore gi if necessary if index != None: self._go_to_url(last_url, handle=False) @needs_gi def do_url(self, *args): """Print URL of most recently visited item.""" print(self.current_url) ### Bookmarking stuff @needs_gi def do_add(self, line): """Add the current URL to the list specied as argument. If no argument given, URL is added to Bookmarks.""" args = line.split() if len(args) < 1 : list = "bookmarks" if not self.list_path(list): self.list_create(list) self.list_add_line(list) else: self.list_add_line(args[0]) # Get the list file name, creating or migrating it if needed. # Migrate bookmarks/tour/to_fetch from XDG_CONFIG to XDG_DATA # We migrate only if the file exists in XDG_CONFIG and not XDG_DATA def get_list(self,list): list_path = self.list_path(list) if not list_path: old_file_gmi = os.path.join(_CONFIG_DIR,list + ".gmi") old_file_nogmi = os.path.join(_CONFIG_DIR,list) target = os.path.join(_DATA_DIR,"lists") if os.path.exists(old_file_gmi): shutil.move(old_file_gmi,target) elif os.path.exists(old_file_nogmi): targetgmi = os.path.join(target,list+".gmi") shutil.move(old_file_nogmi,targetgmi) else: if list == "subscribed": title = "Subscriptions #subscribed (new links in those pages will be added to tour)" elif list == "to_fetch": title = "Links requested and to be fetched during the next --sync" else: title = None self.list_create(list, title=title,quite=True) list_path = self.list_path(list) return list_path @needs_gi def do_subscribe(self,line): """Subscribe to current page by saving it in the "subscribed" list. If a new link is found in the page during a --sync, the new link is automatically fetched and added to your next tour. To unsubscribe, remove the page from the "subscribed" list.""" subs = self.get_renderer().get_subscribe_links() if len(subs) > 1: stri = "Multiple feeds have been found :\n" elif "rss" in subs[0][1] or "atom" in subs[0][1] : stri = "This page is already a feed:\n" else: stri = "No feed detected. You can still watch the page :\n" counter = 0 for l in subs: link = l[0] already = [] for li in self.list_lists(): if self.list_is_subscribed(li): if self.list_has_url(link,li): already.append(li) stri += "[%s] %s [%s]\n"%(counter+1,link,l[1]) if len(already) > 0: stri += "\t -> (already subscribed through lists %s)\n"%(str(already)) counter += 1 stri += "\n" stri += "Which feed do you want to subscribe ? > " ans = input(stri) if ans.isdigit() and 0 < int(ans) <= len(subs): sublink,mime,title = subs[int(ans)-1] else: sublink,title = None,None if sublink: list_path = self.get_list("subscribed") added = self.list_add_line("subscribed",url=sublink,verbose=False) if added : print("Subscribed to %s" %sublink) else: print("You are already subscribed to %s"%sublink) else: print("No subscription registered") def do_bookmarks(self, line): """Show or access the bookmarks menu. 'bookmarks' shows all bookmarks. 'bookmarks n' navigates immediately to item n in the bookmark menu. Bookmarks are stored using the 'add' command.""" list_path = self.get_list("bookmarks") args = line.strip() if len(args.split()) > 1 or (args and not args.isnumeric()): print("bookmarks command takes a single integer argument!") elif args: self.list_go_to_line(args,"bookmarks") else: self.list_show("bookmarks") @needs_gi def do_archive(self,args): """Archive current page by removing it from every list and adding it to archives, which is a special historical list limited in size. It is similar to `move archives`.""" for li in self.list_lists(): if li not in ["archives", "history"]: deleted = self.list_rm_url(self.current_url,li) if deleted: print("Removed from %s"%li) self.list_add_top("archives",limit=self.options["archives_size"]) print("Archiving: %s"%self.get_renderer().get_page_title()) print("\x1b[2;34mCurrent maximum size of archives : %s\x1b[0m" %self.options["archives_size"]) #what is the line to add to a list for this url ? def to_map_line(self,url=None): if not url: url = self.current_url r = self.get_renderer(url) if r: mode = r.get_mode() url = mode_url(url,mode) title = r.get_page_title() else: title = "" return "=> {} {}\n".format(url,title) def list_add_line(self,list,url=None,verbose=True): list_path = self.list_path(list) if not list_path and self.list_is_system(list): self.list_create(list,quite=True) list_path = self.list_path(list) if not list_path: print("List %s does not exist. Create it with ""list create %s"""%(list,list)) return False else: if not url: url = self.current_url # first we check if url already exists in the file with open(list_path,"r") as l_file: lines = l_file.readlines() l_file.close() for l in lines: sp = l.split() if url in sp: if verbose: print("%s already in %s."%(url,list)) return False with open(list_path,"a") as l_file: l_file.write(self.to_map_line(url)) l_file.close() if verbose: print("%s added to %s" %(url,list)) return True @needs_gi def list_add_top(self,list,limit=0,truncate_lines=0): stri = self.to_map_line().strip("\n") if list == "archives": stri += ", archived on " elif list == "history": stri += ", visited on " else: stri += ", added to %s on "%list stri += time.ctime() + "\n" list_path = self.get_list(list) with open(list_path,"r") as l_file: lines = l_file.readlines() l_file.close() with open(list_path,"w") as l_file: l_file.write("#%s\n"%list) l_file.write(stri) counter = 0 # Truncating is useful in case we open a new branch # after a few back in history to_truncate = truncate_lines for l in lines: if not l.startswith("#"): if to_truncate > 0: to_truncate -= 1 elif limit == 0 or counter < limit: l_file.write(l) counter += 1 l_file.close() # remove an url from a list. # return True if the URL was removed # return False if the URL was not found def list_rm_url(self,url,list): return self.list_has_url(url,list,deletion=True) # deletion and has_url are so similar, I made them the same method def list_has_url(self,url,list,deletion=False): list_path = self.list_path(list) if list_path: to_return = False with open(list_path,"r") as lf: lines = lf.readlines() lf.close() to_write = [] # let’s remove the mode url=unmode_url(url)[0] for l in lines: # we separate components of the line # to ensure we identify a complete URL, not a part of it splitted = l.split() if url not in splitted and len(splitted) > 1: current = unmode_url(splitted[1])[0] #sometimes, we must remove the ending "/" if url == current: to_return = True elif url.endswith("/") and url[:-1] == current: to_return = True else: to_write.append(l) else: to_return = True if deletion : with open(list_path,"w") as lf: for l in to_write: lf.write(l) lf.close() return to_return else: return False def list_get_links(self,list): list_path = self.list_path(list) if os.path.exists(list_path): return self.get_renderer("list:///%s"%list).get_links() else: return [] def list_go_to_line(self,line,list): list_path = self.list_path(list) if not list_path: print("List %s does not exist. Create it with ""list create %s"""%(list,list)) elif not line.isnumeric(): print("go_to_line requires a number as parameter") else: r = self.get_renderer("list:///%s"%list) url = r.get_link(int(line)) display = not self.sync_only if url: self._go_to_url(url,handle=display) return url def list_show(self,list): list_path = self.list_path(list) if not list_path: print("List %s does not exist. Create it with ""list create %s"""%(list,list)) else: url = "list:///%s"%list display = not self.sync_only self._go_to_url(url,handle=display) #return the path of the list file if list exists. #return None if the list doesn’t exist. def list_path(self,list): listdir = os.path.join(_DATA_DIR,"lists") list_path = os.path.join(listdir, "%s.gmi"%list) if os.path.exists(list_path): return list_path else: return None def list_create(self,list,title=None,quite=False): list_path = self.list_path(list) if list in ["create","edit","delete","help"]: print("%s is not allowed as a name for a list"%list) elif not list_path: listdir = os.path.join(_DATA_DIR,"lists") os.makedirs(listdir,exist_ok=True) list_path = os.path.join(listdir, "%s.gmi"%list) with open(list_path,"a") as lfile: if title: lfile.write("# %s\n"%title) else: lfile.write("# %s\n"%list) lfile.close() if not quite: print("list created. Display with `list %s`"%list) else: print("list %s already exists" %list) def do_move(self,arg): """move LIST will add the current page to the list LIST. With a major twist: current page will be removed from all other lists. If current page was not in a list, this command is similar to `add LIST`.""" if not arg: print("LIST argument is required as the target for your move") elif arg[0] == "archives": self.do_archive() else: args = arg.split() list_path = self.list_path(args[0]) if not list_path: print("%s is not a list, aborting the move" %args[0]) else: lists = self.list_lists() for l in lists: if l != args[0] and l not in ["archives", "history"]: isremoved = self.list_rm_url(self.current_url,l) if isremoved: print("Removed from %s"%l) self.list_add_line(args[0]) def list_lists(self): listdir = os.path.join(_DATA_DIR,"lists") to_return = [] if os.path.exists(listdir): lists = os.listdir(listdir) if len(lists) > 0: for l in lists: #removing the .gmi at the end of the name to_return.append(l[:-4]) return to_return def list_has_status(self,list,status): path = self.list_path(list) toreturn = False if path: with open(path) as f: line = f.readline().strip() f.close() if line.startswith("#") and status in line: toreturn = True return toreturn def list_is_subscribed(self,list): return self.list_has_status(list,"#subscribed") def list_is_frozen(self,list): return self.list_has_status(list,"#frozen") def list_is_system(self,list): return list in ["history","to_fetch","archives","tour"] # This modify the status of a list to one of : # normal, frozen, subscribed # action is either #frozen, #subscribed or None def list_modify(self,list,action=None): path = self.list_path(list) with open(path) as f: lines = f.readlines() f.close() if lines[0].strip().startswith("#"): first_line = lines.pop(0).strip("\n") else: first_line = "# %s "%list first_line = first_line.replace("#subscribed","").replace("#frozen","") if action: first_line += " " + action print("List %s has been marked as %s"%(list,action)) else: print("List %s is now a normal list" %list) first_line += "\n" lines.insert(0,first_line) with open(path,"w") as f: for line in lines: f.write(line) f.close() def do_list(self,arg): """Manage list of bookmarked pages. - list : display available lists - list $LIST : display pages in $LIST - list create $NEWLIST : create a new list - list edit $LIST : edit the list - list subscribe $LIST : during sync, add new links found in listed pages to tour - list freeze $LIST : don’t update pages in list during sync if a cache already exists - list normal $LIST : update pages in list during sync but don’t add anything to tour - list delete $LIST : delete a list permanently (a confirmation is required) - list help : print this help See also : - add $LIST (to add current page to $LIST or, by default, to bookmarks) - move $LIST (to add current page to list while removing from all others) - archive (to remove current page from all lists while adding to archives) There’s no "delete" on purpose. The use of "archive" is recommended. The following lists cannot be removed or frozen but can be edited with "list edit" - list archives : contains last 200 archived URLs - history : contains last 200 visisted URLs - to_fetch : contains URLs that will be fetch during the next sync - tour : contains the next URLs to visit during a tour (see "help tour") """ listdir = os.path.join(_DATA_DIR,"lists") os.makedirs(listdir,exist_ok=True) if not arg: lists = self.list_lists() if len(lists) > 0: lurl = "list:///" self._go_to_url(lurl) else: print("No lists yet. Use `list create`") else: args = arg.split() if args[0] == "create": if len(args) > 2: name = " ".join(args[2:]) self.list_create(args[1].lower(),title=name) elif len(args) == 2: self.list_create(args[1].lower()) else: print("A name is required to create a new list. Use `list create NAME`") elif args[0] == "edit": editor = None if "editor" in self.options and self.options["editor"]: editor = self.options["editor"] elif os.environ.get("VISUAL"): editor = os.environ.get("VISUAL") elif os.environ.get("EDITOR"): editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR") if editor: if len(args) > 1 and args[1] in self.list_lists(): path = os.path.join(listdir,args[1]+".gmi") try: # Note that we intentionally don't quote the editor. # In the unlikely case `editor` includes a percent # sign, we also escape it for the %-formatting. cmd = editor.replace("%", "%%") + " %s" run(cmd, parameter=path, direct_output=True) except Exception as err: print(err) print("Please set a valid editor with \"set editor\"") else: print("A valid list name is required to edit a list") else: print("No valid editor has been found.") print("You can use the following command to set your favourite editor:") print("set editor EDITOR") print("or use the $VISUAL or $EDITOR environment variables.") elif args[0] == "delete": if len(args) > 1: if self.list_is_system(args[1]): print("%s is a system list which cannot be deleted"%args[1]) elif args[1] in self.list_lists(): size = len(self.list_get_links(args[1])) stri = "Are you sure you want to delete %s ?\n"%args[1] confirm = "YES" if size > 0: stri += "! %s items in the list will be lost !\n"%size confirm = "YES DELETE %s" %size else : stri += "The list is empty, it should be safe to delete it.\n" stri += "Type \"%s\" (in capital, without quotes) to confirm :"%confirm answer = input(stri) if answer == confirm: path = os.path.join(listdir,args[1]+".gmi") os.remove(path) print("* * * %s has been deleted" %args[1]) else: print("A valid list name is required to be deleted") else: print("A valid list name is required to be deleted") elif args[0] in ["subscribe","freeze","normal"]: if len(args) > 1: if self.list_is_system(args[1]): print("You cannot modify %s which is a system list"%args[1]) elif args[1] in self.list_lists(): if args[0] == "subscribe": action = "#subscribed" elif args[0] == "freeze": action = "#frozen" else: action = None self.list_modify(args[1],action=action) else: print("A valid list name is required after %s" %args[0]) elif args[0] == "help": self.onecmd("help list") elif len(args) == 1: self.list_show(args[0].lower()) else: self.list_go_to_line(args[1],args[0].lower()) def do_help(self, arg): """ALARM! Recursion detected! ALARM! Prepare to eject!""" if arg == "!": print("! is an alias for 'shell'") elif arg == "?": print("? is an alias for 'help'") elif arg in _ABBREVS: full_cmd = _ABBREVS[arg] print("%s is an alias for '%s'" %(arg,full_cmd)) print("See the list of aliases with 'abbrevs'") print("'help %s':"%full_cmd) cmd.Cmd.do_help(self, full_cmd) else: cmd.Cmd.do_help(self, arg) ### Flight recorder def do_blackbox(self, *args): """Display contents of flight recorder, showing statistics for the current gemini browsing session.""" lines = [] # Compute flight time now = time.time() delta = now - self.log["start_time"] hours, remainder = divmod(delta, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) # Count hosts ipv4_hosts = len([host for host in self.visited_hosts if host[0] == socket.AF_INET]) ipv6_hosts = len([host for host in self.visited_hosts if host[0] == socket.AF_INET6]) # Assemble lines lines.append(("Patrol duration", "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds))) lines.append(("Requests sent:", self.log["requests"])) lines.append((" IPv4 requests:", self.log["ipv4_requests"])) lines.append((" IPv6 requests:", self.log["ipv6_requests"])) lines.append(("Bytes received:", self.log["bytes_recvd"])) lines.append((" IPv4 bytes:", self.log["ipv4_bytes_recvd"])) lines.append((" IPv6 bytes:", self.log["ipv6_bytes_recvd"])) lines.append(("Unique hosts visited:", len(self.visited_hosts))) lines.append((" IPv4 hosts:", ipv4_hosts)) lines.append((" IPv6 hosts:", ipv6_hosts)) lines.append(("DNS failures:", self.log["dns_failures"])) lines.append(("Timeouts:", self.log["timeouts"])) lines.append(("Refused connections:", self.log["refused_connections"])) lines.append(("Reset connections:", self.log["reset_connections"])) lines.append(("Cache hits:", self.log["cache_hits"])) # Print for key, value in lines: print(key.ljust(24) + str(value).rjust(8)) def do_sync(self, line): """Synchronize all bookmarks lists and URLs from the to_fetch list. - New elements in pages in subscribed lists will be added to tour - Elements in list to_fetch will be retrieved and added to tour - Normal lists will be synchronized and updated - Frozen lists will be fetched only if not present. Before a sync, you can edit the list of URLs that will be fetched with the following command: "list edit to_fetch" Argument : duration of cache validity (in seconds).""" if self.offline_only: print("Sync can only be achieved online. Change status with `online`.") return args = line.split() if len(args) > 0: if not args[0].isdigit(): print("sync argument should be the cache validity expressed in seconds") return else: validity = int(args[0]) else: validity = 0 self.call_sync(refresh_time=validity) def call_sync(self,refresh_time=0,depth=1): # fetch_url is the core of the sync algorithm. # It takes as input : # - an URL to be fetched # - depth : the degree of recursion to build the cache (0 means no recursion) # - validity : the age, in seconds, existing caches need to have before # being refreshed (0 = never refreshed if it already exists) # - savetotour : if True, newly cached items are added to tour def add_to_tour(url): if url and netcache.is_cache_valid(url): toprint = " -> adding to tour: %s" %url width = term_width() - 1 toprint = toprint[:width] toprint += " "*(width-len(toprint)) print(toprint) self.list_add_line("tour",url=url,verbose=False) return True else: return False def fetch_url(url,depth=0,validity=0,savetotour=False,count=[0,0],strin=""): #savetotour = True will save to tour newly cached content # else, do not save to tour #regardless of valitidy if not url: return if not netcache.is_cache_valid(url,validity=validity): if strin != "": endline = '\r' else: endline = None #Did we already had a cache (even an old one) ? isnew = not netcache.is_cache_valid(url) toprint = "%s [%s/%s] Fetch "%(strin,count[0],count[1]) + url width = term_width() - 1 toprint = toprint[:width] toprint += " "*(width-len(toprint)) print(toprint,end=endline) #If not saving to tour, then we should limit download size limit = not savetotour self._go_to_url(url,update_hist=False,limit_size=limit) if savetotour and isnew and netcache.is_cache_valid(url): #we add to the next tour only if we managed to cache #the ressource add_to_tour(url) #Now, recursive call, even if we didn’t refresh the cache # This recursive call is impacting performances a lot but is needed # For the case when you add a address to a list to read later # You then expect the links to be loaded during next refresh, even # if the link itself is fresh enough # see fetch_list() if depth > 0: #we should only savetotour at the first level of recursion # The code for this was removed so, currently, we savetotour # at every level of recursion. links = self.get_renderer(url).get_links(mode="links_only") subcount = [0,len(links)] d = depth - 1 for k in links: #recursive call (validity is always 0 in recursion) substri = strin + " -->" subcount[0] += 1 fetch_url(k,depth=d,validity=0,savetotour=savetotour,\ count=subcount,strin=substri) def fetch_list(list,validity=0,depth=1,tourandremove=False,tourchildren=False): links = self.list_get_links(list) end = len(links) counter = 0 print(" * * * %s to fetch in %s * * *" %(end,list)) for l in links: counter += 1 # If cache for a link is newer than the list fetch_url(l,depth=depth,validity=validity,savetotour=tourchildren,count=[counter,end]) if tourandremove: if add_to_tour(l): self.list_rm_url(l,list) self.sync_only = True lists = self.list_lists() # We will fetch all the lists except "archives" and "history" # We keep tour for the last round subscriptions = [] normal_lists = [] fridge = [] for l in lists: if not self.list_is_system(l): if self.list_is_frozen(l): fridge.append(l) elif self.list_is_subscribed(l): subscriptions.append(l) else: normal_lists.append(l) # We start with the "subscribed" as we need to find new items starttime = int(time.time()) for l in subscriptions: fetch_list(l,validity=refresh_time,depth=depth,tourchildren=True) #Then the fetch list (item are removed from the list after fetch) # We fetch regarless of the refresh_time if "to_fetch" in lists: nowtime = int(time.time()) short_valid = nowtime - starttime fetch_list("to_fetch",validity=short_valid,depth=depth,tourandremove=True) #then we fetch all the rest (including bookmarks and tour) for l in normal_lists: fetch_list(l,validity=refresh_time,depth=depth) for l in fridge: fetch_list(l,validity=0,depth=depth) #tour should be the last one as item my be added to it by others fetch_list("tour",validity=refresh_time,depth=depth) print("End of sync") self.sync_only = False ### The end! def do_quit(self, *args): """Exit Offpunk.""" def unlink(filename): if filename and os.path.exists(filename): os.unlink(filename) for cert in self.transient_certs_created: for ext in (".crt", ".key"): certfile = os.path.join(_CONFIG_DIR, "transient_certs", cert+ext) if os.path.exists(certfile): os.remove(certfile) print("You can close your screen!") sys.exit() do_exit = do_quit # Main function def main(): # Parse args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('--bookmarks', action='store_true', help='start with your list of bookmarks') parser.add_argument('--tls-cert', metavar='FILE', help='TLS client certificate file') parser.add_argument('--tls-key', metavar='FILE', help='TLS client certificate private key file') parser.add_argument('--sync', action='store_true', help='run non-interactively to build cache by exploring bookmarks') parser.add_argument('--assume-yes', action='store_true', help='assume-yes when asked questions about certificates/redirections during sync (lower security)') parser.add_argument('--disable-http',action='store_true', help='do not try to get http(s) links (but already cached will be displayed)') parser.add_argument('--fetch-later', action='store_true', help='run non-interactively with an URL as argument to fetch it later') parser.add_argument('--depth', help='depth of the cache to build. Default is 1. More is crazy. Use at your own risks!') parser.add_argument('--cache-validity', help='duration for which a cache is valid before sync (seconds)') parser.add_argument('--version', action='store_true', help='display version information and quit') parser.add_argument('--features', action='store_true', help='display available features and dependancies then quit') parser.add_argument('url', metavar='URL', nargs='*', help='start with this URL') args = parser.parse_args() # Handle --version if args.version: print("Offpunk " + __version__) sys.exit() elif args.features: GeminiClient.do_version(None,None) sys.exit() else: for f in [_CONFIG_DIR, _DATA_DIR]: if not os.path.exists(f): print("Creating config directory {}".format(f)) os.makedirs(f) # Instantiate client gc = GeminiClient(synconly=args.sync) torun_queue = [] # Interactive if offpunk started normally # False if started with --sync # Queue is a list of command (potentially empty) def read_config(queue,interactive=True): rcfile = os.path.join(_CONFIG_DIR, "offpunkrc") if os.path.exists(rcfile): print("Using config %s" % rcfile) with open(rcfile, "r") as fp: for line in fp: line = line.strip() if ((args.bookmarks or args.url) and any((line.startswith(x) for x in ("go", "g", "tour", "t"))) ): if args.bookmarks: print("Skipping rc command \"%s\" due to --bookmarks option." % line) else: print("Skipping rc command \"%s\" due to provided URLs." % line) continue # We always consider redirect # for the rest, we need to be interactive if line.startswith("redirect") or interactive: queue.append(line) return queue # Act on args if args.tls_cert: # If tls_key is None, python will attempt to load the key from tls_cert. netcache._activate_client_cert(args.tls_cert, args.tls_key) if args.bookmarks: torun_queue.append("bookmarks") elif args.url: if len(args.url) == 1: torun_queue.append("go %s" % args.url[0]) else: for url in args.url: torun_queue.append("tour %s" % url) torun_queue.append("tour") if args.disable_http: gc.support_http = False # Endless interpret loop (except while --sync or --fetch-later) if args.fetch_later: if args.url: gc.sync_only = True for u in args.url: if netcache.is_cache_valid(u): gc.list_add_line("tour",u) else: gc.list_add_line("to_fetch",u) else: print("--fetch-later requires an URL (or a list of URLS) as argument") elif args.sync: if args.assume_yes: gc.automatic_choice = "y" gc.onecmd("set accept_bad_ssl_certificates True") if args.cache_validity: refresh_time = int(args.cache_validity) else: # if no refresh time, a default of 0 is used (which means "infinite") refresh_time = 0 if args.depth: depth = int(args.depth) else: depth = 1 read_config(torun_queue, interactive=False) for line in torun_queue: gc.onecmd(line) gc.call_sync(refresh_time=refresh_time,depth=depth) gc.onecmd("blackbox") else: # We are in the normal mode. First process config file torun_queue = read_config(torun_queue,interactive=True) print("Welcome to Offpunk!") print("Type `help` to get the list of available command.") for line in torun_queue: gc.onecmd(line) while True: try: gc.cmdloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("") if __name__ == '__main__': main()