# Template-Flake This flake provides custom flake templates, while still letting you access the [official flake templates](https://github.com/NixOS/templates). It was inspired by [this blogpost](https://peppe.rs/posts/novice_nix:_flake_templates/). ## Installation Run ``` nix registry add templates ~/path/to/this/repository ``` This will override the default `template`-entry in the nix-registry. You will still be able to access the official templates *through* this template. ## Usage ``` $ mkdir $ cd $ nix flake init -t templates# $ git init $ git add . ``` You will have to replace all occurances of `TEMPLATE_NAME` with your ``. ## Provided Templates ### `talk_org_revealjs` A template for a talk built with org-mode, Pandoc and reveal.js It will generate a preveal-js html file in `result/index.html` from `slides.org` and a `result/handout.pdf` from `handout.org` (if it exists).