blogindex added

This commit is contained in:
Luke Smith 2018-08-11 19:31:17 -04:00
parent 83ac8d2802
commit 0ba518a84c
1 changed files with 24 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
stylesheet="..\/style.css" # Characters should be escaped for this variable.
author="<a href=\"$website\">Luke Smith<\/a>"
@ -21,54 +22,57 @@ getHelp() { \
listandReturn() { \
echo "Listing contents of $1."
ls $1 | nl
read -p "Pick an entry by number to $2, or press ctrl-c to cancel. " number
chosen=$(basename $(ls $1 | nl | grep -w "$number" | awk '{print $2}'))
ls -rc $1 | nl
read -rp "Pick an entry by number to $2, or press ctrl-c to cancel. " number
chosen=$(basename $(ls -rc $1 | nl | grep -w "$number" | awk '{print $2}'))
getTitle() { \
echo "Post will be stored as draft in $dir/blog/.drafts until finalized."
read -p "Give a title for your post: " title
read -rp "Give a title for your post: " title
url=$(echo $title | sed -e "s/'\|\"\|=\|+\|_\|,\|:\|;\|?\|!\|@\|\*\|&\|(\|)\|[\|]\|<\|>//g;s/ /-/g" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') ;}
postNew() { \
mkdir -p $dir/blog/.drafts
echo -e "<h2 id='$url'>$title</h2>\n<small>[<a href=\"$blogfile#$url\">link</a>&mdash;<a href=\"blog/$url.html\">standalone</a>]</small>\n\n<++>" >> $dir/blog/.drafts/$url.html && $EDITOR $dir/blog/.drafts/$url.html ;}
mkdir -p "$dir"/blog/.drafts
echo -e "<h2 id='$url'>$title</h2>\n<small>[<a href=\"$blogfile#$url\">link</a>&mdash;<a href=\"blog/$url.html\">standalone</a>]</small>\n\n<++>" >> "$dir"/blog/.drafts/$url.html && $EDITOR "$dir"/blog/.drafts/$url.html ;}
finalize() { \
listandReturn $dir/blog/.drafts finalize
url=$(cat $dir/blog/.drafts/$chosen | grep -o "<h2 id='\(.\)*'>" | cut -d "'" -f2)
title=$(cat $dir/blog/.drafts/$chosen | grep -o "<h2 id='\(.\)*h2>" |sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g')
echo "AddDescription \"$title\" $chosen" >> $dir/blog/.htaccess
listandReturn "$dir"/blog/.drafts finalize
url=$(cat "$dir"/blog/.drafts/"$chosen" | grep -o "<h2 id='\(.\)*'>" | cut -d "'" -f2)
title=$(cat "$dir"/blog/.drafts/"$chosen" | grep -o "<h2 id='\(.\)*h2>" |sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g')
echo "AddDescription \"$title\" $chosen" >> "$dir"/blog/.htaccess
rssdate=$(date '+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')
webdate=$(date '+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')
listformat='<li>'$(date '+%Y %b %d')' &ndash; <a href="blog/'$url'.html">'$title'</a></li>'
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
echo -e "\n<item>\n<title>$title</title>\n<guid>$website$blogfile#$url</guid>\n<pubDate>$rssdate</pubDate>\n<description><![CDATA[\n$(cat $dir/blog/.drafts/$chosen | awk 'a==1;/^$/{a=1}')\n]]></description>\n</item>\n"> $tmpdir/rss.xml
echo -e "\n<div class=\"entry\">\n$(cat $dir/blog/.drafts/$chosen)\n<small>$webdate</small>\n</div>\n" > $tmpdir/html.html
echo -e "\n<item>\n<title>$title</title>\n<guid>$website$blogfile#$url</guid>\n<pubDate>$rssdate</pubDate>\n<description><![CDATA[\n$(cat "$dir"/blog/.drafts/$chosen | awk 'a==1;/^$/{a=1}')\n]]></description>\n</item>\n"> $tmpdir/rss.xml
echo -e "\n<div class=\"entry\">\n$(cat "$dir"/blog/.drafts/$chosen)\n<small>$webdate</small>\n</div>\n" > $tmpdir/html.html
sed -i "/<!-- LB -->/r $tmpdir/html.html" $blogfile
sed -i "/<!-- LB -->/r $tmpdir/rss.xml" $rssfile
sed -i "/<!-- LB -->/a $listformat" $indexfile
header="<html>\n<head>\n<title>$title<\/title>\n<link rel='stylesheet' type='text\/css' href='$stylesheet'>\n<meta charset='utf-8'\/>\n<\/head>\n<body>"
footer="<\/body>\n<footer>by <strong>$author<\/strong><\/footer>\n<\/html>"
sed "s/href=\"/href=\"..\//g;s/\.\.\/http/http/g;0,/^/s//$header/;0,/<h2 id=/s//<h1 id=/;0,/h2>/s//h1>/;\$a$footer" $dir/blog/.drafts/$chosen > $dir/blog/$chosen
rm $dir/blog/.drafts/$chosen
sed "s/href=\"/href=\"..\//g;s/\.\.\/http/http/g;0,/^/s//$header/;0,/<h2 id=/s//<h1 id=/;0,/h2>/s//h1>/;\$a$footer" "$dir"/blog/.drafts/"$chosen" > "$dir"/blog/"$chosen"
rm "$dir"/blog/.drafts/"$chosen"
delete() { \
listandReturn "$dir/blog/*.html" delete
base=$(echo $chosen | cut -f1 -d'.')
read -p "Really delete \"$base\"? (y,N) " choice
base=$(echo "$chosen" | cut -f1 -d'.')
read -rp "Really delete \"$base\"? (y/N) " choice
[[ $choice =~ [Yy] ]] || exit
rm $dir/blog/$chosen && echo "Blog post deleted from directories."
rm "$dir"/blog/"$chosen" && echo "Blog post deleted from directories."
sed -i "/<item/{:a;N;/<\/item>/!ba};/$base/d" $rssfile && echo "Entry removed from RSS feed file."
sed -i "/<div/{:a;N;/<\/div>/!ba};/$base/d" $blogfile && echo "HTML code removed from blogfile."
sed -i "/<li>.*<a href=\"blog\/$base.html\">/d" $indexfile && echo "Index file entry removed."
discard() { \
listandReturn "$dir/blog/.drafts/*.html" discard
base=$(echo $chosen | cut -f1 -d'.')
read -p "Really discard \"$base\"? (y,N) " choice
base=$(echo "$chosen" | cut -f1 -d'.')
read -rp "Really discard \"$base\"? (y/N) " choice
[[ $choice =~ [Yy] ]] || exit
rm $dir/blog/.drafts/$chosen && echo "Blog draft discarded."
rm "$dir"/blog/.drafts/"$chosen" && echo "Blog draft discarded."
case "$1" in