total rewrite

This commit is contained in:
Luke Smith 2018-12-14 12:25:31 -05:00
parent af5de8e304
commit 197624ebfa
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 4C50B54A911F6252
2 changed files with 90 additions and 127 deletions

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@ -1,74 +1,56 @@
# lb -- Luke's Blog Script
Blogs and RSS feeds in less than 100 lines of shell script. `lb` stands for whatever. Maybe "Luke's blog", maybe "lightweight blog", maybe "less bloat", doesn't matter that much.
Blogs and RSS feeds in less than 100 lines of shell script, actually, right now, less than 80. `lb` stands for whatever. Maybe "Luke's blog", maybe "lightweight blog", maybe "less bloat", doesn't matter that much.
## Features
`lb` is an extremely small shell script that lets you write blog posts and will
format them in all the ways you could ever want. Here's what it will produce:
`lb` is an extremely small shell script that lets you write blog posts and will format them in all the ways you could ever want. Here's what it will produce:
- A Rolling Blog Page. See [my own Rolling Page]( as an example.
- A list of all blog entries with dates: [Blog List File]( (Note that my earlier entries
lack the date as they were added before I added this feature.)
- A list of all blog entries with dates: [Blog List File](
- All your blog posts appear as standalone entries/pages, for example [like this one](
- These standalone files exist in a `blog/` directory, which you can allow to
be browsed manually via your Apache web server as I have
- Blog posts are added, in full form, to an RSS feed of your chosing as well,
see [my RSS feed](
- Posts in the rolling blog have divs that can easily be modified via a CSS
stylesheet, and in general everything is easily editable.
- These standalone files exist in a `blog/` directory, which you can allow to be browsed manually via your Apache web server as I have [here](
- Blog posts are added, in full form, to an RSS feed of your chosing as well, see [my RSS feed](
- Posts in the rolling blog have divs that can easily be modified via a CSS stylesheet, and in general everything is easily editable.
- One command to delete published entries from the RSS feed, rolling blog and standalone entries simultaneously.
- Published blog entries can now be revised, updating the standalone blog pages, the RSS feed and everything else.
## Usage
./lb new # Make a new blog post draft.
./lb finalize # Finalize/publish a blog post draft.
./lb delete # Delete a published blog post.
./lb discard # Delete a draft of an entry.
./lb edit # Edit a draft of an entry.
`lb` commands are all one letter cause I'm lazy. They all stand for something though.
Use `./lb delete` to remove finished posts, because this command removes the
.html files *and* the entries from the RSSfeed and rolling blog. Don't be
tempted to delete everything manually unless you know what you're doing.
./lb n(ew) # Make a new blog post draft.
./lb e(edit) # Edit a draft of an entry.
./lb t(rash) # Delete a draft of an entry.
./lb p(ublish) # Finalize/publish a blog post draft.
./lb d(elete) # Delete a published blog post.
./lb r(evise) # Revise an already published entry (you can republish it with `lb p` when done)
## Installation
+ GNU sed is required.
+ Your `$EDITOR` variable should be set to your preferred text editor.
+ bash and GNU sed is required. >inb4 bloat
+ Be sure that you own or have writing privileges in the given directory, so the script can create the required directory structure.
+ Download the `lb` script and put it in your website's main directory. The expectation is that your rolling blog file and RSS feed will be there as well.
+ Open the script and change the first few variables to match the files you use in your website.
+ Add markers for where the new blog posts are added. Don't skip this step. See below.
+ Open the script and change the first few variables to match the names of the files you use in your website.
+ Add markers for where the new blog posts are added. **Don't skip this step.** See below.
### Markers
For the system to work, add the following comment line to a (1) Rolling Blog
File (as above), a (2) Blog List File and (3) RSS feed.
For the system to work, add the following comment line to a (1) Rolling Blog File (as above), a (2) Blog List File and (3) RSS feed.
<!-- LB -->
You can format these files/pages how ever you want, just be sure to edit the
`lb` file and change the variables at the top to match the file names of those
you chose.
You can format these files/pages how ever you want, just be sure to edit the `lb` file and change the variables at the top to match the file names of those you chose.
When you `finalize` a blog post, it will be added directly below that line in
the proper format (either HTML or the proper RSS/XML format), give you the
rolling blog and RSS feed for free.
When you `finalize` a blog post, it will be added directly below that line in the proper format (either HTML or the proper RSS/XML format), give you the rolling blog and RSS feed for free.
## Other stuff
## Info
The other files in the repo are an illustration of how the bare bones of the
blog can work. The HTML entries create divs with the id "entry", which allows
you to modify them with a CSS stylesheet.
Browse my blog for an idea of how it works (links above).
## To-Do
- Make a function for revising already published entries, updating in all
output locations.
- The blog entries are stored in `blog/` in your websites root directory. Drafts are in `blog/.drafts`.
- `blog/.htaccess` acts as a "database" file. `lb` stores filenames with their corresponding proper names and publishing dates there.
- The other files in this repo just illustrate how you can use `lb`. Only the `lb` script itself is necessary.
- Your `$EDITOR` variable should be set to your preferred text editor, vim will be assumed if you don't have one set.

View File

@ -1,96 +1,77 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Set your personal data here:
name="Luke Smith"
website="" # Keep a trailing slash.
stylesheet="..\/style.css" # Characters should be escaped for this variable.
author="<a href=\"$website\">Luke Smith<\/a>"
# Set vi if $EDITOR not set
[ -z $EDITOR ] && EDITOR="vi";
# See other variables defined later, such as `header` and `webdate` for more customizability.
[ -z "$EDITOR" ] && EDITOR="vim"
getHelp() { \
echo -e "This system will take the blog entries you write and add them into the RSS file and HTML file of your choosing. Set which files to use by editing the 'lb' file directly and changing the variables at the top.\n"
echo -e "To fully prepare these files, add the following line to both files where you want the content to be added:\n"
echo -e "<!-- LB -->\n"
echo -e "Usage: 'new': create new draft; 'finalize': finish draft and add it to the RSS and HTML page; 'delete': delete a finished page.\n"
echo -e "As you finalize posts, they will be appended in the appropriate format below that line.\n"
echo -e "Blog posts will be stored in 'blog/' and drafts will be in 'blog/.drafts/'. To delete drafts, you only need delete their .html files directly, but use the 'lb delete' command to remove finalized posts since they appear in three places."
[ ! -d blog/.drafts ] &&
read -erp "Initialize blog in $webdir?" ask &&
if [ "$ask" = "y" ]; then
printf "Initializing blog system...\\n"
mkdir -pv "$webdir/blog/.drafts" || printf "Error. Do you have write permissions in this directory?\\n"
echo "Options +Indexes" > "$webdir/blog/.htaccess"
listandReturn() { \
echo "Listing contents of $1."
ls -rc $1 | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' | nl
read -rp "Pick an entry by number to $2, or press ctrl-c to cancel. " number
chosen=$(ls -rc $1 | nl | grep -w "$number" | awk '{print $2}')
newpost() { read -erp "Give a title for your post:
" title
echo "$title" | grep "\"" >/dev/null && printf "Double quotation marks (\") are not allowed in entry titles.\\n" && exit
url="$(echo "$title" | tr -d '[:punct:]' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr ' ' '-')"
echo "AddDescription \"$title\" \"$url.html\"" >> "$webdir/blog/.htaccess" || { echo "Error: Is htaccess writeable?"; exit; }
[ -f "$webdir/blog/.drafts/$url.html" ] && echo "There is already an existing draft entry of that same name/URL."
[ -f "$webdir/blog/$url.html" ] && echo "There is already an existing published entry of that same name/URL."
$EDITOR "$webdir/blog/.drafts/$url.html" ;}
getTitle() { \
echo "Post will be stored as draft in $draftdir until finalized."
read -rp "Give a title for your post: " title
title=$(echo "$title" | tr -d '[=/=]' | tr -d '[=\=]')
url=$(echo "$title" | tr -d '[:punct:]' | tr " " "-" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
listandReturn() { printf "Listing contents of %s.\\n" "$1"
ls -rc "$1" | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' | nl
read -erp "Pick an entry by number to $2, or press ctrl-c to cancel. " number
chosen="$(ls -rc "$1" | nl | grep -w "$number" | awk '{print $2}')"
basefile="$(basename "$chosen")" && base="${basefile%.*}" ;}
[ -z $url ] && echo "Error: Empty title!" && return 0;
grep "id='$url'" "$blogfile" &>/dev/null && lbdupnum=1 && while [ grep "$url" "$blogfile" ]; do lbdupnum=$((lbdupnum+1)); done
[ ! -z ${lbdupnum+x} ] && url="$url"-"$lbdupnum"
return 0
postNew() { \
mkdir -p "$draftdir"
[ -f "$draftdir"/"$url"'.html' ] || \
echo -e "<h2 id='$url'>$title</h2>\n<small>[<a href=\"$blogfile#$url\">link</a>&mdash;<a href=\"blog/$url.html\">standalone</a>]</small>\n\n<++>" >> "$draftdir"/$url.html
$EDITOR "$draftdir"/$url.html
finalize() { \
url=$(grep -o "<h2 id='\(.\)*'>" "$draftdir"/"$chosen" | cut -d "'" -f2)
title=$(grep -o "<h2 id='\(.\)*h2>" "$draftdir"/"$chosen" | sed -E 's/<[^>]*>//g')
echo "AddDescription \"$title\" $chosen" >> "$blogdir"/.htaccess
rssdate=$(date '+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')
webdate=$(date '+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')
listformat='<li>'$(date '+%Y %b %d')' &ndash; <a href="blog/'$url'.html">'$title'</a></li>'
publish() { \
htaccessentry=$(grep "$basefile" "$webdir/blog/.htaccess")
realname="$(echo "$htaccessentry" | cut -d'"' -f2)"
rssdate="$(grep "$basefile" blog/.htaccess | sed "s/.*\.html\"* *#*//g" | tr -d '\n')"
[ -z "$rssdate" ] && rssdate="$(date '+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')" # RSS date formats must comply with standards to validate.
webdate="$(date '+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')" # But this visible date you can set to any format.
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
echo -e "\n<item>\n<title>$title</title>\n<guid>$website$blogfile#$url</guid>\n<pubDate>$rssdate</pubDate>\n<description><![CDATA[\n$(awk 'a==1;/^$/{a=1}' "$draftdir"/"$chosen")\n]]></description>\n</item>\n"> $tmpdir/rss.xml
echo -e "\n<div class=\"entry\">\n$(cat "$draftdir"/"$chosen")\n<small>$webdate</small>\n</div>\n" > $tmpdir/html.html
sed -i "/<!-- LB -->/r $tmpdir/html.html" $blogfile
sed -i "/<!-- LB -->/r $tmpdir/rss.xml" $rssfile
sed -i "/<!-- LB -->/a $listformat" $indexfile
header="<html>\n<head>\n<title>$title<\/title>\n<link rel='stylesheet' type='text\/css' href='$stylesheet'>\n<meta charset='utf-8'\/>\n<\/head>\n<body>"
footer="<\/body>\n<footer>by <strong>$author<\/strong><\/footer>\n<\/html>"
sed "s/href=\"/href=\"..\//g;s/\.\.\/http/http/g;0,/^/s//$header/;0,/<h2 id=/s//<h1 id=/;0,/h2>/s//h1>/;\$a$footer" "$draftdir"/"$chosen" > "$blogdir"/"$chosen"
rm "$draftdir"/"$chosen"
printf "<html>\\n<head>\\n<title>%s</title>\\n<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='%s'>\\n<meta charset='utf-8'/>\\n</head>\\n<body>\\n<h1>%s</h1>\\n<small>[<a href='%s#%s'>link</a>&mdash;<a href='%s'>standalone</a>]</small>\\n%s\\n<footer>by <strong><a href='%s'>%s</a></strong></footer>\\n</body>\\n\\n</html>" "$realname" "$css" "$realname" "../$blogfile" "$base" "$basefile" "$(cat "$webdir/blog/.drafts/$basefile")" "$website" "$name" > "$webdir/blog/$basefile"
printf "\\n<item>\\n<title>%s</title>\\n<guid>%s%s#%s</guid>\\n<pubDate>%s</pubDate>\\n<description><![CDATA[\\n%s\\n]]></description>\\n</item>\\n\\n" "$realname" "$website" "$blogfile" "$basefile" "$rssdate" "$(cat "$webdir/blog/.drafts/$basefile")" > "$tmpdir/rss"
printf "<div class='entry'>\\n<h2 id='%s'>%s</h2>\\n<small>[<a href='#%s'>link</a>&mdash;<a href='%s'>standalone</a>]</small>\\n%s\\n<small>%s</small>\\n</div>\\n" "$base" "$realname" "$base" "blog/$basefile" "$(cat "$webdir/blog/.drafts/$basefile")" "$webdate" > "$tmpdir/html"
printf "<li>%s &ndash; <a href=\"blog/%s\">%s</a></li>" "$(date '+%Y %b %d')" "$basefile" "$realname" > "$tmpdir/index"
sed -i "/<!-- LB -->/r $tmpdir/html" "$blogfile"
sed -i "/<!-- LB -->/r $tmpdir/rss" "$rssfile"
sed -i "/<!-- LB -->/r $tmpdir/index" "$indexfile"
sed -i "/ \"$basefile/d" "$webdir/blog/.htaccess"
printf "AddDescription \"%s\" \"%s\" #%s" "$realname" "$basefile" "$rssdate" >> "$webdir/blog/.htaccess"
rm -f "$webdir/blog/.drafts/$chosen"
confirm() { read -erp "Really $1 \"$base\"? (y/N) " choice && echo "$choice" | grep -i "^y$" >/dev/null || exit 1 ;}
delete() { \
base=$(basename $(echo "$chosen" | cut -f1 -d'.'))
read -rp "Really delete \"$base\"? (y/N) " choice
[[ $choice =~ [Yy] ]] || exit
sed -i "/<item/{:a;N;/<\/item>/!ba};/#$base<\/guid/d" $rssfile && echo "Entry removed from RSS feed file."
sed -i "/<div/{:a;N;/<\/div>/!ba};/id='$base'/d" $blogfile && echo "HTML code removed from blogfile."
sed -i "/<li>.*<a href=\"blog\/$base.html\">/d" $indexfile && echo "Index file entry removed."
rm "$chosen" && echo "Blog post deleted from directories."
sed -i "/<item/{:a;N;/<\\/item>/!ba};/#$base.html<\\/guid/d" $rssfile
sed -i "/<div/{:a;N;/<\\/div>/!ba};/id='$base'/d" $blogfile
sed -i "/<li>.*<a href=\"blog\\/$base.html\">/d" $indexfile
rm "$webdir/blog/$basefile" 2>/dev/null && printf "Old blog entry removed.\\n" ;}
discard() { \
base=$(echo "$chosen" | cut -f1 -d'.')
read -rp "Really discard \"$(basename $chosen)\"? (y/N) " choice
[[ $choice =~ [Yy] ]] || exit
rm "$chosen" && echo "Blog draft discarded."
revise() { awk '/^<small>\[/{flag=1;next}/<footer>/{flag=0}flag' "$webdir/blog/$chosen" > "$webdir/blog/.drafts/$basefile"
"$EDITOR" "$webdir/blog/.drafts/$basefile"
printf "Revision stored in blog/.drafts. Publish as normal entry when desired.\\n" ;}
case "$1" in
new) getTitle && postNew ;;
discard) listandReturn "$draftdir/*.html" discard && discard ;;
finalize) listandReturn "$draftdir" finalize && finalize ;;
delete) listandReturn "$blogdir/*.html" delete && delete ;;
edit) listandReturn "$draftdir/*.html" edit && $EDITOR "$chosen" ;;
*) getHelp ;;
n*) newpost ;;
e*) listandReturn "$webdir"/blog/.drafts/ edit && "$EDITOR" "$webdir/blog/.drafts/$chosen" ;;
p*) listandReturn "$webdir"/blog/.drafts/ publish && publish ;;
t*) listandReturn "$webdir"/blog/.drafts/ trash && confirm trash && rm "$webdir/blog/.drafts/$chosen" && printf "Draft deleted.\\n" ;;
d*) listandReturn "$webdir"/blog/ delete && confirm delete && delete ;;
r*) listandReturn "$webdir"/blog/ revise && revise ;;
*) printf "lb blog system by Luke Smith <>\\nUsage:\\n ln n:\\tnew draft\\n lb e:\\tedit draft\\n lb p:\\tpublish/finalize draft\\n lb r:\\trevise published entry\\n lb t:\\tdiscard draft\\n lb d:\\tdelete published entry\\n\\nBe sure to have the following pattern added to your RSS feed, blog file and blog index:\\n\\n<!-- LB -->\\n\\nNew content will be added directly below that sequence. This is required.\\nSee for more.\\n" ;;