using article struct

This commit is contained in:
Solene Rapenne 2017-12-12 19:37:45 +01:00
parent 4d6a22dcec
commit bbf0687d39
1 changed files with 42 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,21 @@
(defparameter *articles* '())
;; structure to store links
(defstruct article title tag date id tiny author short)
(defun post(&optional &key title tag date id (tiny nil) (author nil) (short nil))
(push (make-article :title title
:tag tag
:date date
:tiny tiny
:author author
:short short
:id id)
(load "data/articles.lisp")
;; common-lisp don't have a replace string function natively
(defun replace-all (string part replacement &key (test #'char=))
(with-output-to-string (out)
@ -72,12 +88,12 @@
(defun articles-by-tag()
(let ((tag-list))
(loop for article in *articles* do
(when (getf article :tag nil) ;; we don't want an error if no tag
(loop for tag in (split-str (getf article :tag)) do ;; for each word in tag keyword
(when (article-tag article) ;; we don't want an error if no tag
(loop for tag in (split-str (article-tag article)) do ;; for each word in tag keyword
(setf (getf tag-list (intern tag "KEYWORD")) ;; we create the keyword is inexistent and add ID to :value
:name tag
:value (push (getf article :id) (getf (getf tag-list (intern tag "KEYWORD")) :value)))))))
:value (push (article-id article) (getf (getf tag-list (intern tag "KEYWORD")) :value)))))))
(loop for i from 1 to (length tag-list) by 2 collect ;; removing the keywords
(nth i tag-list))))
@ -86,7 +102,7 @@
(apply #'concatenate 'string
(mapcar #'(lambda (item)
(prepare "templates/one-tag.tpl" (template "%%Name%%" item)))
(split-str (getf article :tag)))))
(split-str (article-tag article)))))
;; generates the html of the whole list of tags
(defun get-tag-list()
@ -101,16 +117,17 @@
;; this is called in a loop to produce the homepage
(defun create-article(article &optional &key (tiny t) (no-text nil))
(prepare "templates/article.tpl"
(template "%%Author%%" (getf article :author (getf *config* :webmaster)))
(template "%%Date%%" (getf article :date))
(template "%%Title%%" (getf article :title))
(template "%%Id%%" (getf article :id))
(template "%%Author%%" (let ((author (article-author article)))
(or author (getf *config* :webmaster))))
(template "%%Date%%" (article-date article))
(template "%%Title%%" (article-title article))
(template "%%Id%%" (article-id article))
(template "%%Tags%%" (get-tag-list-article article))
(template "%%Text%%" (if no-text
(if (and tiny (member :tiny article))
(getf article :tiny)
(load-file (format nil "temp/data/~d.html" (getf article :id))))))))
(if (and tiny (article-tiny article))
(article-tiny article)
(load-file (format nil "temp/data/~d.html" (article-id article))))))))
;; return a html string
;; produce the code of a whole page with title+layout with the parameter as the content
@ -132,7 +149,7 @@
(defun generate-tag-mainpage(articles-in-tag)
(apply #'concatenate 'string
(loop for article in *articles*
when (member (getf article :id) articles-in-tag :test #'equal)
when (member (article-id article) articles-in-tag :test #'equal)
collect (create-article article :tiny t))))
;; xml generation of the items for the rss
@ -142,12 +159,12 @@
for i from 1 to (if (> (length *articles*) (getf *config* :rss-item-number)) (getf *config* :rss-item-number) (length *articles*))
(prepare "templates/rss-item.tpl"
(template "%%Title%%" (getf article :title))
(template "%%Description%%" (load-file (format nil "temp/data/~d.html" (getf article :id))))
(template "%%Title%%" (article-title article))
(template "%%Description%%" (load-file (format nil "temp/data/~d.html" (article-id article))))
(template "%%Url%%"
(format nil "~darticle-~d.html"
(getf *config* :url)
(getf article :id)))))))
(article-id article)))))))
;; Generate the rss xml data
(defun generate-rss()
@ -167,9 +184,9 @@
;; produce each article file
(dolist (article *articles*)
(generate (format nil "output/html/article-~d.html" (getf article :id))
(generate (format nil "output/html/article-~d.html" (article-id article))
(create-article article :tiny nil)
:title (concatenate 'string (getf *config* :title) " : " (getf article :title))))
:title (concatenate 'string (getf *config* :title) " : " (article-title article))))
;; produce index file for each tag
(loop for tag in (articles-by-tag) do
@ -195,14 +212,14 @@
;; and date on the right
;; we truncate the article title if it's too large
(let ((title (format nil "~80a"
(if (< 80 (length (getf article :title)))
(subseq (getf article :title) 0 80)
(getf article :title)))))
(replace title (getf article :date) :start1 (- (length title) (length (getf article :date)))))
(if (< 80 (length (article-title article)))
(subseq (article-title article) 0 80)
(article-title article)))))
(replace title (article-date article) :start1 (- (length title) (length (article-date article)))))
(getf *config* :gopher-path)
(getf article :id)
(article-id article)
(getf *config* :gopher-server)
(getf *config* :gopher-port)
@ -210,7 +227,7 @@
;; produce each article file (only a copy/paste in fact)
(dolist (article *articles*)
(let ((id (getf article :id)))
(let ((id (article-id article)))
(save-file (format nil "output/gopher/article-~d.txt" id)
(load-file (format nil "data/" id)))))
@ -225,5 +242,7 @@
(if (getf *config* :gopher)