lambda 9f06b3331d ~data/articles.lisp
Improve readability.

	Cover the old lisp-application tradition and make cl-yag
	self-documenting in another way: By displaying it's own README as a post. :-)

	Remove data/
	Use README as another example-entry:

Status of this commit: Suggestion
2017-11-22 17:15:26 +01:00

40 lines
2.0 KiB
Common Lisp

;; MIND: The tilde character "~" must be escaped like this '~~' to use it as a literal.
;; Define Your Webpage
(defvar *config*
:webmaster "Your autor name here"
:title "Put youre website's title here."
:description "Yet another website on the net"
:url "" ;; the trailing slash is mandatory! RSS links will fail without it. Notice the '~~' to produce a literal '~'
:rss-item-number 10 ;; limit total amount of items in RSS feed to 10
:html t ;; 't' to enable export to a html website / 'nil' to disable
:gopher t ;; 't' to enable export to a gopher website / 'nil' to disable
:gopher-path "/user" ;; absolute path of your gopher directory
:gopher-server "" ;; hostname of the gopher server
:gopher-port "70" ;; tcp port of the gopher server, 70 usually
;; Define your articles and their display-order on the website in *articles* below.
;; Display Order is 'lifo', i.e. the top entry in this list gets displayed as the topmost entry.
;; An Example Of A Minimal Definition:
;; (list :id "4" :date "2015-05-04" :title "The article title" :author "Me" :tiny "Short description for home page")
;; A Note On Keywords:
;; :author can be omitted. If so, it's value gets replaced by the value of :webmaster.
;; :tiny can be omitted. If so, the article's full text gets displayed on the all-articles view. (most people don't want this.)
(defvar *articles*
(list :id "README" :date "20 May 2016" :tag "cl-yag" :title "README" :author "Solène" :short "cl-yag is documenting itself." :tiny "cl-yag's README")
(list :id "1" :date "29 April 2016":tag "pony code" :title "My first message" :short "This is my first message" :author "Solène" :tiny "Read more")