#!/bin/bash set -x set -e # Build fs, image # This file is part of PrawnOS (https://www.prawnos.com) # Copyright (c) 2018 Hal Emmerich # PrawnOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # PrawnOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with PrawnOS. If not, see . #Ensure Sudo if [ ! $UID = "0" ] then echo "Please run this script with sudo, or as root:" echo "sudo $0 $*" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "No kernel version supplied" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$2" ] then echo "No debian suite supplied" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$3" ] then echo "No base file system image filename supplied" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$4" ] then echo "No prawnos_root path supplied" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$5" ] then echo "No shared scripts path supplied" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$6" ] then echo "No Filesystem resources path supplied" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$7" ] then echo "No TARGET arch supplied" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$8" ] then echo "No Prawnos build directory supplied" exit 1 fi KVER=$1 DEBIAN_SUITE=$2 BASE=$3 PRAWNOS_ROOT=$4 PRAWNOS_SHARED_SCRIPTS=$5 PRAWNOS_FILESYSTEM_RESOURCES=$6 TARGET_ARCH=$7 PRAWNOS_BUILD=$8 outmnt=$(mktemp -d -p "$(pwd)") outdev=$(losetup -f) build_resources=$PRAWNOS_FILESYSTEM_RESOURCES build_resources_apt=$build_resources/apt # Import the package lists, shared scripts source $PRAWNOS_SHARED_SCRIPTS/* #A hacky way to ensure the loops are properly unmounted and the temp files are properly deleted. #Without this, a reboot is sometimes required to properly clean the loop devices and ensure a clean build cleanup() { set +e umount -l $outmnt > /dev/null 2>&1 rmdir $outmnt > /dev/null 2>&1 losetup -d $outdev > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l $outmnt > /dev/null 2>&1 rmdir $outmnt > /dev/null 2>&1 losetup -d $outdev > /dev/null 2>&1 #delete the base file, we didn't complete our work rm -rf $BASE echo "FILESYSTEM BUILD FAILED" exit 1 } trap cleanup INT TERM EXIT # Retry a command up to 5 times, else fail retry_until() { #must clear and unclear the "e" flag to avoid trapping into cleanup before retrying set +e command=("$@") NUM_RETRIES=0 MAX_RETRIES=5 until [ "$NUM_RETRIES" -eq 5 ] || ${command[@]}; do echo Apt failure, NUM_RETRIES = $NUM_RETRIES, trying again in 5 seconds ((NUM_RETRIES++)) sleep 5 done if [ "$NUM_RETRIES" -ge "$MAX_RETRIES" ]; then exit 1 fi set -e } # Download, cache externally, and optionally install the specified packages # also implements retries since the build dockers seem to fail randomly # 2: mount of the chroot # 3: list of packages in install # 4: if true, download, cache, and install. If false just download and cache apt_install() { PRAWNOS_BUILD=$1 shift outmnt=$1 shift install=$1 shift package_list=("$@") retry_until chroot $outmnt apt install -y -d ${package_list[@]} cp "$outmnt/var/cache/apt/archives/"* "$PRAWNOS_BUILD/chroot-apt-cache/" || true if [ "$install" = true ]; then retry_until chroot $outmnt apt install -y ${package_list[@]} fi } #layout the partitons and write filesystem information create_image() { dd if=/dev/zero of=$1 bs=$3 count=$4 conv=sparse parted --script $1 mklabel gpt cgpt create $1 kernel_start=8192 kernel_size=65536 cgpt add -i 1 -t kernel -b $kernel_start -s $kernel_size -l Kernel -S 1 -T 5 -P 10 $1 #Now the main filesystem root_start=$(($kernel_start + $kernel_size)) end=`cgpt show $1 | grep 'Sec GPT table' | awk '{print $1}'` root_size=$(($end - $root_start)) cgpt add -i 2 -t data -b $root_start -s $root_size -l Root $1 # $root_size is in 512 byte blocks while ext4 uses a block size of 1024 bytes losetup -P $2 $1 mkfs.ext4 -F -b 1024 ${2}p2 $(($root_size / 2)) # mount the / partition mount -o noatime ${2}p2 $5 } # create a 2.5GB image with the Chrome OS partition layout # Bumped to keep both Gnome and Xfce #TODO: change back to 40 (2GB) create_image $BASE $outdev 50M 60 $outmnt # use default debootstrap mirror if none is specified if [ "$PRAWNOS_DEBOOTSTRAP_MIRROR" = "" ] then PRAWNOS_DEBOOTSTRAP_MIRROR=http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian fi # install Debian on it export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # need ca-certs, gnupg, openssl to handle https apt links and key adding for deb.prawnos.com printf -v debootstrap_debs_install_joined '%s,' "${debootstrap_debs_install[@]}" debootstrap \ --arch $TARGET_ARCH \ --cache-dir=$PRAWNOS_BUILD/debootstrap-apt-cache/ \ --include ${debootstrap_debs_install_joined%,} \ --keyring=$build_resources_apt/debian-archive-keyring.gpg \ $DEBIAN_SUITE \ $outmnt \ $PRAWNOS_DEBOOTSTRAP_MIRROR chroot $outmnt passwd -d root echo -n CrawfishOS > $outmnt/etc/hostname #Setup the chroot for apt #This is what https://wiki.debian.org/EmDebian/CrossDebootstrap suggests cp /etc/hosts $outmnt/etc/ cp $build_resources_apt/sources.list $outmnt/etc/apt/sources.list cp $build_resources_apt/prawnos.list $outmnt/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ sed -i -e "s/suite/$DEBIAN_SUITE/g" $outmnt/etc/apt/sources.list sed -i -e "s/suite/$DEBIAN_SUITE/g" $outmnt/etc/apt/sources.list.d/prawnos.list if [ "$DEBIAN_SUITE" != "sid" ] then # Install sid (unstable) as an additional source for bleeding edge packages. cp $build_resources_apt/sid.list $outmnt/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ #setup apt pinning cp $build_resources_apt/sid.pref $outmnt/etc/apt/preferences.d/ fi if [ "$DEBIAN_SUITE" = "buster" ] then # sid and bullseye don't have backports or security; it's present for all other suites cat $build_resources_apt/updates.list >> $outmnt/etc/apt/sources.list sed -i -e "s/suite/$DEBIAN_SUITE/g" $outmnt/etc/apt/sources.list cp $build_resources_apt/backports.list $outmnt/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ sed -i -e "s/suite/$DEBIAN_SUITE/g" $outmnt/etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list cp $build_resources_apt/backports.pref $outmnt/etc/apt/preferences.d/ sed -i -e "s/suite/$DEBIAN_SUITE/g" $outmnt/etc/apt/preferences.d/backports.pref # Install bullseye (testing) as an additional source cp $build_resources_apt/bullseye.list $outmnt/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ cp $build_resources_apt/bullseye.pref $outmnt/etc/apt/preferences.d/ fi install_dir=$outmnt/etc/prawnos/install install_dir_direct=/etc/prawnos/install #Add the items required for installation mkdir -p $install_dir mkdir -p $install_dir/resources mkdir -p $install_dir/scripts ## installation resources cp $build_resources/logo/icons/ascii/* $install_dir/resources/ cp $build_resources/partmaps/* $install_dir/resources/ cp $build_resources_apt/deb.prawnos.com.gpg.key $install_dir/resources/ ## installation scripts cp scripts/InstallScripts/* $install_dir/scripts/ cp $PRAWNOS_SHARED_SCRIPTS/package_lists.sh $install_dir/scripts/ ln -s $install_dir_direct/scripts/InstallPrawnOS.sh $outmnt/bin/InstallPrawnOS # Just in case: ln -s $install_dir_direct/scripts/InstallPrawnOS.sh $outmnt/bin/InstallCrawfishOS ln -s prawnos $outmnt/etc/crawfishos #Bring in the deb.prawnos.com gpg keyring chroot $outmnt apt-key add /etc/prawnos/install/resources/deb.prawnos.com.gpg.key chroot $outmnt apt update #Setup the locale cp $build_resources/locale.gen $outmnt/etc/locale.gen chroot $outmnt locale-gen #Copy in the apt cache cp "$PRAWNOS_BUILD/chroot-apt-cache/"* "$outmnt/var/cache/apt/archives/" || true echo IMAGE SIZE df -h #Make apt retry on download failure chroot $outmnt echo "APT::Acquire::Retries \"3\";" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80-retries #Install the base packages chroot $outmnt apt update apt_install $PRAWNOS_BUILD $outmnt true ${base_debs_install[@]} #add the live-boot fstab cp -f $build_resources/external_fstab $outmnt/etc/fstab chmod 644 $outmnt/etc/fstab #Cleanup to reduce install size chroot $outmnt apt-get autoremove --purge chroot $outmnt apt-get clean #Download the shared packages to be installed by InstallPackages.sh: apt_install $PRAWNOS_BUILD $outmnt false ${shared_desktop_debs_download[@]} #DEs #Download the xfce packages to be installed by InstallPackages.sh: apt_install $PRAWNOS_BUILD $outmnt false ${xfce_debs_download[@]} #Download the gnome packages to be installed by InstallPackages.sh: apt_install $PRAWNOS_BUILD $outmnt false ${gnome_debs_download[@]} # we want to include all of our built packages in the apt cache for installation later, but we want to let apt download dependencies # if required # this gets tricky when we build some of the dependencies. To avoid issues # first, manually cache the deb # apt install ./local-package.deb alone doesn't work because apt will resort to downloading it from deb.prawnos.com, which we dont want # copy into /var/cache/apt/archives to place it in the cache #next call apt install -d on the ./filename or on the package name and apt will recognize it already has the package cached, so will only cache the dependencies #Copy the built prawnos debs over to the image, and update apts cache cd $PRAWNOS_ROOT && make filesystem_packages_install TARGET=$TARGET_ARCH INSTALL_TARGET=$outmnt/var/cache/apt/archives/ chroot $outmnt apt install -y ${prawnos_base_debs_prebuilt_install[@]} chroot $outmnt apt install -y -d ${prawnos_base_debs_prebuilt_download[@]} chroot $outmnt apt install -y -d ${prawnos_xfce_debs_prebuilt_download[@]} chroot $outmnt apt install -y -d ${prawnos_gnome_debs_prebuilt_download[@]} if [ $TARGET_ARCH = "armhf" ] then chroot $outmnt apt install -y -d ${prawnos_armhf_debs_prebuilt_download[@]} fi if [ $TARGET_ARCH = "arm64" ] then chroot $outmnt apt install -y -d ${prawnos_arm64_debs_prebuilt_download[@]} fi ## PrawnOS mesa packages # PrawnOS only has specific mesa packages when the debian upstream versions are too old. # commented out until we need it again # chroot $outmnt apt install -y -d ${prawnos_mesa_prebuilt_install[@]} #Setup console font size cp -f $build_resources/console-font.sh $outmnt/etc/profile.d/console-font.sh #Cleanup hosts rm -rf $outmnt/etc/hosts #This is what https://wiki.debian.org/EmDebian/CrossDebootstrap suggests echo -n " CrawfishOS" > $outmnt/etc/hosts #Cleanup apt retry chroot $outmnt rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80-retries # do a non-error cleanup umount -l $outmnt > /dev/null 2>&1 rmdir $outmnt > /dev/null 2>&1 losetup -d $outdev > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "DONE!" trap - INT TERM EXIT