#!/usr/bin/env python import asyncio import websockets import os async def loop(ws, p): print("connected") writeflag = False authed = False async for message in ws: if not writeflag: split = message.split(' ') if split[0] == 'get' and authed: try: fd = open('tree/' + split[1], 'r') except FileNotFoundError: await ws.send("text/formatted") await ws.send("#file not found!") await ws.send("oh no") continue await ws.send("text/formatted") for i in fd.readlines(): await ws.send(i.rstrip()) fd.close() elif split[0] == 'put' and authed: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(split[1]), exist_ok=True) fd = open('tree/' + split[1], 'w+') writeflag = True; elif split[0] == 'auth': accts = open('login', 'r') linedata = [i.rstrip().split(' ') for i in accts.readlines()] passwdmatch = False for (username, password) in linedata: if split[1] == username and split[2] == password: passwdmatch = True if passwdmatch: authed = True await ws.send("auth succeed") else: fd.write(message); fd.close(); writeflag = False; await ws.send("hi there!") async def main(): async with websockets.serve(loop, "", 8765): await asyncio.Future() asyncio.run(main())