
388 lines
10 KiB

// This file is part of Snownews - A lightweight console RSS newsreader
// Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Oliver Feiler <>
// Copyright (c) 2021 Mike Sharov <>
// Snownews is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3
// as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// Snownews is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Snownews. If not, see
#include "main.h"
#include "about.h"
#include "uiutil.h"
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
// Santa Hunta
struct shot {
unsigned x;
unsigned y;
bool fired;
struct santa {
int x;
unsigned y;
unsigned height;
unsigned length;
unsigned speed;
unsigned anim;
const char* gfx;
const char* gfx_line2;
const char* altgfx;
const char* altgfx_line2;
struct scoreDisplay {
int score;
int x;
int y;
int rounds;
// Generate a random number in given range
static unsigned nrand (unsigned r)
return rand() % r;
static void mvadd_center_utf8 (unsigned line, const char* text)
mvadd_utf8 (line, (COLS - utf8_length (text)) / 2u, text);
// Santa Hunta
static void SHDrawGun (unsigned gun_pos)
move (LINES - 3, 0);
move (LINES - 2, 0);
attron (WA_BOLD);
mvaddstr (LINES - 3, gun_pos - 3, "___/\\___");
mvaddstr (LINES - 2, gun_pos - 3, "|######|");
attroff (WA_BOLD);
static void SHDrawStatus (void)
attron (WA_BOLD);
char helpstr[128];
snprintf (helpstr, sizeof (helpstr), _("Move: cursor or %c/%c; shoot: space; quit: %c"), _settings.keybindings.prev,, _settings.keybindings.quit);
mvadd_utf8 (LINES - 1, 1, helpstr);
move (LINES - 1, COLS - 1);
attroff (WA_BOLD);
static void SHDrawScore (int score, int level)
attron (WA_REVERSE);
mvhline (0, 0, ' ', COLS);
mvadd_utf8 (0, 1, _("Santa Hunta!"));
char scorestr[16];
snprintf (scorestr, sizeof (scorestr), _("Score: %d"), score);
mvadd_utf8 (0, COLS - utf8_length (scorestr) - 1, scorestr);
char levelstr[16];
snprintf (levelstr, sizeof (levelstr), _("Level: %d"), level);
mvadd_center_utf8 (0, levelstr);
attroff (WA_REVERSE);
static void SHDrawProjectile (struct shot shot)
attron (WA_BOLD);
mvaddstr (shot.y, shot.x, "|");
attroff (WA_BOLD);
static void SHDrawSanta (struct santa santa)
int len = COLS - santa.x;
if (santa.anim == 0) {
if (santa.x < 0)
mvaddnstr (santa.y, 0, santa.gfx + abs (santa.x), len);
mvaddnstr (santa.y, santa.x, santa.gfx, len);
if (santa.x < 0)
mvaddnstr (santa.y + 1, 0, santa.gfx_line2 + abs (santa.x), len);
mvaddnstr (santa.y + 1, santa.x, santa.gfx_line2, len);
} else {
if (santa.x < 0)
mvaddnstr (santa.y, 0, santa.altgfx + abs (santa.x), len);
mvaddnstr (santa.y, santa.x, santa.altgfx, len);
if (santa.x < 0)
mvaddnstr (santa.y + 1, 0, santa.altgfx_line2 + abs (santa.x), len);
mvaddnstr (santa.y + 1, santa.x, santa.altgfx_line2, len);
attron (COLOR_PAIR (10));
mvaddch (santa.y, santa.x + santa.length - 1, '*');
attroff (COLOR_PAIR (10));
static void newSanta (struct santa* santa, unsigned level)
santa->x = -27;
santa->y = 1 + nrand (LINES - 7);
santa->speed = level + nrand (3);
santa->anim = 0;
santa->height = 2;
santa->length = 27;
santa->gfx = "##___ __-+---+/*__-+---+/*";
santa->gfx_line2 = "_|__|_) /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ "; // Append 2 spaces!
santa->altgfx = "##___ __-+---+/*__-+---+/*";
santa->altgfx_line2 = "_|__|_) /| |\\ /| |\\ "; // Append 1 space!
static bool SHHit (const struct shot shot, const struct santa santa)
return ((int) shot.x >= santa.x && shot.x <= santa.x + santa.length && (shot.y == santa.y || shot.y == santa.y + 1));
static unsigned SHAddScore (const struct santa santa)
return 100 / santa.y * santa.speed;
static void SHDrawHitScore (struct scoreDisplay score)
attron (WA_BOLD);
unsigned rand_color = 10 + nrand (6);
attron (COLOR_PAIR (rand_color));
mvprintw (score.y, score.x, "%d", score.score);
attroff (COLOR_PAIR (rand_color));
attroff (WA_BOLD);
static void printFinalScore (unsigned score)
//{{{ numbers ASCII art
static const char numbers[10][5][8] = {
{ "_______",
"| _ |",
"| | | |",
"| |_| |",
"|_____|" }, // 0
{ " ____ ",
" / | ",
"/_/| | ",
" | | ",
" |_| " }, // 1
{ "_______",
"|___ |",
"| ____|",
"| |____",
"|_____|" }, // 2
{ "_______",
"|___ |",
" ___ |",
"___| |",
"|_____|" }, // 3
{ "___ ___",
"| |_| |",
"|____ |",
" | |",
" |_|" }, // 4
{ "_______",
"| ___|",
"|___ |",
"____| |",
"|_____|" }, // 5
{ " __ ",
" / / ",
" / \\",
"| O /",
" \\___/ " }, // 6
{ "_______",
"|___ |",
" | |",
" | |",
" |_|" }, // 7
{ "_______",
"| _ |",
"| |_| |",
"| |_| |",
"|_____|" }, // 8
{ " ___ ",
" / \\ ",
"| O |",
" \\ / ",
" /__/ " } // 9
char numtxt[12];
unsigned ndigits = snprintf (numtxt, 12, "%u", score);
const int sx = (COLS - ndigits * 8) / 2u, sy = (LINES - 5) / 2u;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ndigits; ++i)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
mvaddstr (sy + j, sx + i * 8, numbers[numtxt[i] - '0'][j]);
static void SHFinalScore (int score)
attron (WA_BOLD);
mvadd_center_utf8 ((LINES - 5) / 2u - 2, _("Final score:"));
for (int k; (k = getch()) < ' ' || k > '~';) {
unsigned rand_color = 10 + nrand (6);
attron (COLOR_PAIR (rand_color));
printFinalScore (score);
attroff (COLOR_PAIR (rand_color));
attroff (WA_BOLD);
static void santaHunta (void)
// Set ncurses halfdelay mode.
// Max resolution is 1/10sec
halfdelay (1);
struct scoreDisplay scoreDisplay = { };
struct shot shot = { 0, 0, false };
bool santalives = false;
struct santa santa = { };
for (unsigned score = 0, level = 1, gun_pos = COLS / 2u, hitcount = 0, draw_delay = 0;;) {
struct timeval before, after;
gettimeofday (&before, NULL);
int input = getch();
gettimeofday (&after, NULL);
if (after.tv_sec > before.tv_sec)
after.tv_usec += 1000000;
if (!santalives) {
newSanta (&santa, level);
santalives = true;
// Pad drawing resolution to 1/10sec
draw_delay += after.tv_usec - before.tv_usec;
if (draw_delay > 100000) {
draw_delay = 0;
if (santalives)
SHDrawSanta (santa);
santa.anim = !santa.anim;
if (santa.x >= COLS)
santalives = false;
if (shot.fired)
SHDrawProjectile (shot);
if (scoreDisplay.rounds > 0)
SHDrawHitScore (scoreDisplay);
if (SHHit (shot, santa)) {
if (++hitcount >= 10) {
hitcount = 0;
santalives = false;
scoreDisplay.x = shot.x;
scoreDisplay.y = shot.y;
scoreDisplay.score = SHAddScore (santa);
scoreDisplay.rounds = 20;
score += scoreDisplay.score;
santa.x += santa.speed;
if (!--shot.y)
shot.fired = false;
if ((input == KEY_RIGHT) || (input == {
if (gun_pos < COLS - 5u)
} else if ((input == KEY_LEFT) || (input == _settings.keybindings.prev)) {
if (gun_pos > 3)
} else if (input == ' ') {
if (!shot.fired) {
attron (WA_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR (12));
mvaddstr (LINES - 4, gun_pos - 2, "\\***/");
attroff (WA_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR (12));
shot.x = gun_pos;
shot.y = LINES - 4;
shot.fired = true;
} else if (input == _settings.keybindings.quit) {
if (score)
SHFinalScore (score);
SHDrawGun (gun_pos);
SHDrawScore (score, level);
// Leave halfdelay mode.
void UIAbout (void)
if (COLS < 80) {
mvadd_utf8 (0, 0, _("Need at least 80 COLS terminal, sorry!"));
int key = 'S';
if (!easterEgg()) {
unsigned xpos = COLS / 2u - 40;
mvaddstr (2, xpos, " ________ _______ ____ __________ _______ ______ __________ ________");
mvaddstr (3, xpos, " / _____/ \\ \\ / \\\\ | | \\\\ \\ / ___/ \\ | | \\ / ______/");
mvaddstr (4, xpos, " \\____ \\ \\ | \\ / /\\ \\\\ | / \\ | \\ / / \\ | / \\____ \\");
mvaddstr (5, xpos, " / \\ / | \\\\ \\/ / \\ | / / | \\\\ ___\\ \\ | / / \\");
mvaddstr (6, xpos, "/______ / / ___|___/ \\____/ /__|__/ / ___|___/ \\____ \\ /__|__/ /______ /");
mvaddstr (7, xpos, " \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/");
char verstrbuf [128];
snprintf (verstrbuf, sizeof(verstrbuf), _("Version %s"), SNOWNEWS_VERSTRING);
mvadd_center_utf8 (9, verstrbuf);
mvadd_center_utf8 (11, _("Brought to you by:"));
mvadd_center_utf8 (13, _("Main code"));
mvadd_center_utf8 (14, "Oliver Feiler");
mvadd_center_utf8 (16, _("Additional code"));
mvadd_center_utf8 (17, "Mike Sharov, Rene Puls");
mvadd_center_utf8 (19, _("Translation team"));
mvadd_center_utf8 (20, "Frank van der Loo, Pascal Varet, Simon Isakovic, Страхиња Радић");
mvadd_center_utf8 (21, "Fernando J. Pereda, Marco Cova, Cheng-Lung Sung, Dmitry Petukhov");
mvadd_center_utf8 (22, "Douglas Campos, Ray Iwata, Piotr Ozarowski, Yang Huan");
mvadd_center_utf8 (23, "Ihar Hrachyshka, Mats Berglund, Johannes Hove-Henriksen");
key = getch();
if (key == 'S')
bool easterEgg (void)
time_t tunix = time (NULL);
struct tm* t = localtime (&tunix);
return t->tm_mon == 11 && t->tm_mday >= 24 && t->tm_mday <= 26;