
503 lines
16 KiB

// This file is part of Snownews - A lightweight console RSS newsreader
// Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Rene Puls <>
// Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Oliver Feiler <>
// Copyright (c) 2021 Mike Sharov <>
// Snownews is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3
// as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// Snownews is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Snownews. If not, see
#include "parse.h"
#include "feedio.h"
#include "conv.h"
#include <libxml/parser.h>
//{{{ Local variables --------------------------------------------------
static bool saverestore = false;
static struct newsitem* copy = NULL;
static struct newsitem* firstcopy = NULL;
static const char dcNs[] = "";
static const char snowNs[] = "";
static const char contentNs[] = "";
//{{{ free_feed
static void free_feed (struct feed* feed)
free (feed->title);
free (feed->link);
free (feed->description);
if (feed->items) {
while (feed->items->next) {
feed->items = feed->items->next;
free (feed->items->prev->data->title);
free (feed->items->prev->data->link);
free (feed->items->prev->data->description);
free (feed->items->prev->data->hash);
free (feed->items->prev->data);
free (feed->items->prev);
free (feed->items->data->title);
free (feed->items->data->link);
free (feed->items->data->description);
free (feed->items->data->hash);
free (feed->items->data);
free (feed->items);
feed->items = NULL;
feed->title = NULL;
feed->link = NULL;
feed->description = NULL;
//{{{ libXML accessors
// libXML made the strange choice of making xmlChar an unsigned char.
// Since all the text passed to it is char, a sea of casts results.
static bool node_name_is (xmlNodePtr pn, const char* name)
return 0 == xmlStrcmp (pn->name, (const xmlChar*) name);
static bool node_ns_name_is (xmlNodePtr pn, const char* ns, const char* name)
return pn->ns
&& 0 == xmlStrcmp (pn->ns->href, (const xmlChar*) ns)
&& node_name_is (pn, name);
static void copy_node_text_to (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr pn, char** pd, bool fullclean)
char* nt = (char*) xmlNodeListGetString (doc, pn->children, 1);
if (nt) {
if (!nt[0])
return free (nt);
char* cnt = text_from_html (nt);
if (!cnt)
return free (nt);
if (cnt[0]) {
free (nt);
nt = cnt;
} else
free (cnt);
CleanupString (nt, fullclean);
if (*pd)
free (*pd);
*pd = nt;
static long number_from_node_text (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr pn)
char* s = NULL;
copy_node_text_to (doc, pn, &s, false);
long v = atol(s);
free (s);
return v;
static time_t pubDate_from_node_text (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr pn)
char* s = NULL;
copy_node_text_to (doc, pn, &s, false);
time_t t = pubDateToUnix (s);
free (s);
return t;
static time_t ISODate_from_node_text (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr pn)
char* s = NULL;
copy_node_text_to (doc, pn, &s, false);
time_t t = ISODateToUnix (s);
free (s);
return t;
static void copy_node_prop_to (xmlNodePtr pn, const char* name, char** pd, bool fullclean)
if (*pd)
xmlFree (*pd);
*pd = (char*) xmlGetProp (pn, (const xmlChar*) name);
CleanupString (*pd, fullclean);
//{{{ RSS 1 parsing
// This function is called every time we hit an <item>. As parameter it
// needs the current newsfeed (struct newsfeed*), as well as the current
// XML Document handle and the current element, both come directly from
// the libxml.
static void parse_rdf10_item (struct feed* feed, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node)
// Reserve memory for a new news item
struct newsitem* item = calloc (1, sizeof (struct newsitem));
item->data = calloc (1, sizeof (struct newsdata));
item->data->parent = feed;
char* guid = NULL;
// Go through all the tags in the <item> tag and extract the information.
// same procedure as in the parse_channel() function
for (xmlNodePtr cur = node; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) {
if (cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
// Basic RSS
if (node_name_is (cur, "title"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &item->data->title, true);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "link"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &item->data->link, false);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "description"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &item->data->description, false);
// Userland extensions (No namespace!)
else if (node_name_is (cur, "guid"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &guid, true);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "pubDate"))
item->data->date = pubDate_from_node_text (doc, cur);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "readstatus"))
item->data->readstatus = number_from_node_text (doc, cur);
// content:encoded
else if (node_ns_name_is (cur, contentNs, "encoded"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &item->data->description, false);
// Dublin Core dc:date
else if (node_ns_name_is (cur, dcNs, "date"))
item->data->date = ISODate_from_node_text (doc, cur);
// Using snow namespace
else if (node_ns_name_is (cur, snowNs, "hash"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &item->data->hash, true);
else if (node_ns_name_is (cur, snowNs, "date"))
item->data->date = number_from_node_text (doc, cur);
// If we have loaded the hash from disk cache, don't regenerate it.
// <guid> is not saved in the cache, thus we would generate a different
// hash than the one from the live feed.
if (!item->data->hash) {
const char* hashitems[] = { item->data->title, item->data->link, guid, NULL };
item->data->hash = genItemHash (hashitems, 3);
if (!item->data->title)
item->data->title = strdup (_("No title"));
if (guid) {
xmlFree (guid);
guid = NULL;
// If saverestore == true, restore readstatus.
if (saverestore) {
for (struct newsitem* i = firstcopy; i; i = i->next) {
if (strcmp (item->data->hash, i->data->hash) == 0) {
item->data->readstatus = i->data->readstatus;
if (!feed->items)
feed->items = item;
else {
item->prev = feed->items;
while (item->prev->next)
item->prev = item->prev->next;
item->prev->next = item;
// Called during parsing, if we look for a <channel> element
// The function returns a new struct for the newsfeed.
static void parse_rdf10_channel (struct feed* feed, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node)
// Free everything before we write to it again.
free_feed (feed);
// Go through all the tags in the <channel> tag and extract the information
for (xmlNodePtr cur = node; cur; cur = cur->next) {
if (cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (node_name_is (cur, "title"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &feed->title, true);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "link"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &feed->link, false);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "description"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &feed->description, false);
//{{{ RSS 2 parsing
static void parse_rdf20_channel (struct feed* feed, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node)
// Free everything before we write to it again.
free_feed (feed);
// Go through all the tags in the <channel> tag and extract the information
for (xmlNodePtr cur = node; cur; cur = cur->next) {
if (cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (node_name_is (cur, "title"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &feed->title, true);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "link"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &feed->link, false);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "description"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &feed->description, false);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "item"))
parse_rdf10_item (feed, doc, cur->children);
//{{{ Atom parsing
static void parse_atom_entry (struct feed* feed, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node)
// Reserve memory for a new news item
struct newsitem* item = calloc (1, sizeof (struct newsitem));
item->data = calloc (1, sizeof (struct newsdata));
item->data->parent = feed;
char* guid = NULL;
// Go through all the tags in the <item> tag and extract the information.
// same procedure as in the parse_channel() function
for (xmlNodePtr cur = node; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) {
if (cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (node_name_is (cur, "title"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &item->data->title, true);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "link")) {
char* rel = NULL;
copy_node_prop_to (cur, "rel", &rel, false );
if (!rel || 0 == strcmp (rel, "alternate"))
copy_node_prop_to (cur, "href", &item->data->link, false);
free (rel);
} else if (node_name_is (cur, "summary") && !item->data->description)
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &item->data->description, false);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "content"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &item->data->description, false);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "id"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &guid, false);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "updated"))
item->data->date = ISODate_from_node_text (doc, cur);
// If we have loaded the hash from disk cache, don't regenerate it.
// <guid> is not saved in the cache, thus we would generate a different
// hash than the one from the live feed.
if (!item->data->hash) {
const char* hashitems[] = { item->data->title, item->data->link, guid, NULL };
item->data->hash = genItemHash (hashitems, 3);
if (!item->data->title)
item->data->title = strdup (_("No title"));
if (guid) {
free (guid);
guid = NULL;
// If saverestore == true, restore readstatus.
if (saverestore) {
for (const struct newsitem* i = firstcopy; i; i = i->next) {
if (strcmp (item->data->hash, i->data->hash) == 0) {
item->data->readstatus = i->data->readstatus;
if (!feed->items)
feed->items = item;
else {
item->prev = feed->items;
while (item->prev->next)
item->prev = item->prev->next;
item->prev->next = item;
static void parse_atom_channel (struct feed* feed, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node)
// Free everything before we write to it again.
free_feed (feed);
// Go through all the tags in the <channel> tag and extract the information
for (xmlNodePtr cur = node; cur; cur = cur->next) {
if (cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (node_name_is (cur, "title"))
copy_node_text_to (doc, cur, &feed->title, true);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "link"))
copy_node_prop_to (cur, "href", &feed->link, false);
else if (node_name_is (cur, "entry"))
parse_atom_entry (feed, doc, cur->children);
int DeXML (struct feed* cur_ptr)
if (!cur_ptr->xmltext)
return -1;
saverestore = false;
// If cur_ptr-> items! = NULL then we can cache item->readstatus
if (cur_ptr->items != NULL) {
saverestore = true;
firstcopy = NULL;
// Copy current newsitem struct. */
for (struct newsitem * cur_item = cur_ptr->items; cur_item != NULL; cur_item = cur_item->next) {
copy = calloc (1, sizeof (struct newsitem));
copy->data = calloc (1, sizeof (struct newsdata));
copy->data->readstatus = cur_item->data->readstatus;
if (cur_item->data->hash)
copy->data->hash = strdup (cur_item->data->hash);
copy->next = NULL;
if (!firstcopy) {
copy->prev = NULL;
firstcopy = copy;
} else {
copy->prev = firstcopy;
while (copy->prev->next)
copy->prev = copy->prev->next;
copy->prev->next = copy;
// xmlRecoverMemory:
// parse an XML in-memory document and build a tree.
// In case the document is not Well Formed, a tree is built anyway.
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlRecoverMemory (cur_ptr->xmltext, strlen (cur_ptr->xmltext));
if (!doc)
return 2;
// Find the root element (in our case, it should read "<RDF: RDF>").
// The RDF: prefix is ignored for now until the Jaguar
// Find out how to read that exactly (jau).
xmlNodePtr cur = xmlDocGetRootElement (doc);
if (!cur) {
xmlFreeDoc (doc);
return 2;
// Check if the element really is called <RDF>
if (node_name_is (cur, "RDF")) {
// Now we go through all the elements in the document. This loop however,
// only the highest level elements work (HTML would only be HEAD and
// BODY), so do not wander entire structure down through. The functions
// are responsible for this, which we then call in the loop itself.
for (xmlNodePtr c = cur->children; c; c = c->next) {
if (c->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (node_name_is (c, "channel"))
parse_rdf10_channel (cur_ptr, doc, c->children);
if (node_name_is (c, "item"))
parse_rdf10_item (cur_ptr, doc, c->children);
// Last-Modified is only used when reading from internal feeds (disk cache).
if (node_ns_name_is (c, snowNs, "lastmodified"))
cur_ptr->lastmodified = number_from_node_text (doc, c);
} else if (node_name_is (cur, "rss")) {
for (xmlNodePtr c = cur->children; c; c = c->next) {
if (c->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (node_name_is (c, "channel"))
parse_rdf20_channel (cur_ptr, doc, c->children);
} else if (node_name_is (cur, "feed")) {
parse_atom_channel (cur_ptr, doc, cur->children);
} else {
xmlFreeDoc (doc);
return 3;
xmlFreeDoc (doc);
if (saverestore) {
// free struct newsitem *copy.
while (firstcopy->next) {
firstcopy = firstcopy->next;
free (firstcopy->prev->data->hash);
free (firstcopy->prev->data);
free (firstcopy->prev);
free (firstcopy->data->hash);
free (firstcopy->data);
free (firstcopy);
firstcopy = NULL;
if (cur_ptr->custom_title) {
free (cur_ptr->title);
cur_ptr->title = strdup (cur_ptr->custom_title);
} else if (!cur_ptr->title)
cur_ptr->title = strdup (_("No title"));
if (cur_ptr->original)
free (cur_ptr->original);
cur_ptr->original = strdup (cur_ptr->title);
return 0;
unsigned ParseOPMLFile (const char* flbuf)
unsigned nfeeds = 0;
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlRecoverMemory (flbuf, strlen (flbuf));
if (!doc)
return nfeeds;
xmlNodePtr rootnode = xmlDocGetRootElement (doc);
if (!rootnode) {
xmlFreeDoc (doc);
return nfeeds;
if (xmlStrcmp (rootnode->name, (const xmlChar*) "opml") == 0) {
for (xmlNodePtr body = rootnode->children; body; body = body->next) {
if (body->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE || !node_name_is (body, "body"))
for (xmlNodePtr outline = body->children; outline; outline = outline->next) {
if (outline->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE || !node_name_is (outline, "outline"))
char *text = NULL, *xmlUrl = NULL, *categories = NULL, *filter = NULL;
copy_node_prop_to (outline, "text", &text, false);
copy_node_prop_to (outline, "xmlUrl", &xmlUrl, false);
copy_node_prop_to (outline, "category", &categories, false);
copy_node_prop_to (outline, "filter", &filter, false);
if (xmlUrl && text) {
AddFeed (xmlUrl, text, categories, filter);
if (text) free (text);
if (xmlUrl) free (xmlUrl);
if (categories) free (categories);
if (filter) free (filter);
xmlFreeDoc (doc);
return nfeeds;