
137 lines
4.6 KiB

import asyncio
import random
import time
import argparse
from db import DuckDB
from db import DuckEvent
from db import DuckStats
from channels import ChannelDB
from lang import lang
from admin import Admin
# fill in with password = "password"
from secret import password
from irctokens import build, Line
from ircrobots import Bot as BaseBot
from ircrobots import Server as BaseServer
from ircrobots import ConnectionParams
class DuckLogic:
async def new_duck(self):
self.messages = 0
self.duckactive = True
self.duckactivetime = time.time()
await self.msgall(lang["duck"])
async def duck_test(self):
if self.messages > 100 and random.randint(0, 99) < 10: await self.new_duck()
async def misstime(self):
return format(time.time() - self.lastduck, '.2f')
async def coughttime(self):
return format(self.lastduck - self.duckactivetime, '.2f')
async def duck_action(self, user, chan):
db = DuckDB(self.db)
if self.duckactive:
self.duckactive = False
self.messages = 0
self.lastduck = time.time()
await self.msgall(lang["duckcought"].format(user, chan, await self.coughttime()))
db.add("B", user, time.time(), float(await self.coughttime()), chan)
elif self.lastduck != 0:
await self.msg(chan, lang["noduck"].format(await self.misstime()), user)
db.add("M", user, time.time(), float(await self.misstime()), chan)
await self.msg(chan, lang["noduckstart"], user)
db.add("M", user, time.time(), -1, chan)
class Server(BaseServer, DuckLogic):
messages = 0
duckactive = False
duckactivetime = 0
lastduck = 0
db = "duckdb"
chandb = "chandb"
async def msg(self, chan, msg, usr=None):
await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", ["ChanServ", "identify {}".format(password)]))
if usr != None:
await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [chan, usr + ": " + msg]))
else: await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [chan, msg]))
async def msgall(self, msg):
[await self.msg(channel, msg) for channel in self.channels]
async def line_read(self, line: Line):
print(f"{self.name} < {line.format()}")
if line.command == "001":
chans = ChannelDB(self.chandb)
for i in chans.list():
await self.send(build("JOIN", [i]))
elif line.command == "PRIVMSG":
if line.params[1][0] == '%':
cmd = line.params[1].split(' ')[0][1:]
chan = line.params[0]
user = line.hostmask.nickname
args = line.params[1].split(' ')[1:]
if cmd == "bef": await self.duck_action(user, chan)
# elif cmd == "trigger": await self.new_duck()
elif cmd == "stats":
db = DuckDB(self.db)
stats = DuckStats(db)
await self.msg(chan, lang["stats"].format(
format(stats.ratio(args[0]), ".3f")
), user)
self.messages += 1
await self.duck_test()
elif line.command == "INVITE":
chans = ChannelDB(self.chandb)
await self.send(build("JOIN", [line.params[1]]))
elif line.command == "KICK":
chans = ChannelDB(self.chandb)
async def line_send(self, line: Line):
print(f"{self.name} > {line.format()}")
class Bot(BaseBot):
def create_server(self, name: str):
return Server(self, name)
async def main(srv, port, tls, nick):
print(srv, port, tls, nick)
bot = Bot()
params = ConnectionParams(nick, srv, port, tls)
await bot.add_server("main", params)
await bot.run()
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="cross-channel duck bot")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--host', default="beepboop.systems")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', default=6667, type=int)
parser.add_argument('-t', '--tls', action="store_true")
parser.add_argument('-n', '--nick', default="test")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', default=password)
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse_args()
password = args.password
asyncio.run(main(args.host, args.port, args.tls, args.nick))