# mediawiki-theme-vector-gmt Theme fitting the Mediawiki 'vector' skin, for use with the [Game Making Tools wiki](https://www.gamemaking.tools/wiki/). ## Installation - Requires the Mediawiki extension 'Theme': https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Theme
See instructions behind that link (you just put stuff in a folder and add a line to LocalSettings.php). - Place this stylesheet within your wiki's `extensions/Theme/vector` directory (Vector is the skin it modifies). - Within `extensions/Theme` there's a file called `extension.json`. You need to find the `ResourceModules` bit and add the theme there. For example mine looks like this: ``` "ResourceModules": { "themeloader.skins.vector.gmt": { "styles": { "vector/gmt.css": { "media": "screen" } } } }, ``` - NB: I only have one theme set-up though! Each theme you want to use needs it's own 'module'. ## To-Do - Clean up some of the hacky feeling bits (mostly to do with the logo). - Mobile version. - ? Maybe shift styling of infoboxes to CSS instead of in the template. - Make less wide (more of a pain than it should be).