# Fancy-GMS Iteration of the 'Fancy 1.1' [Vanilla Forums](https://github.com/vanilla) theme, for use on forums.gamemaking.social. Original theme is available at: https://open.vanillaforums.com/addon/fancy-theme-1.1 The creator's website is inactive. ## Changes - Tidied CSS: easier to read (for me) (very WIP). - Changed colours, size, and some padding. - Hid 'Gender' question+indicator. - increased size of post reply text box, made it resizable, and added border to make it clearer. - Simplified borders and made individual posts most distinct. - Coloured post author details. - Changed footer. - . . . ## To-do list - Keep reorganising `design/custom.css` file - Redo `views/default.master.tpl` to be less DIVy - Work on side panel