Commit Graph

15 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Alex Hunt a8dea70e6e Bug fixes and tweaks 2017-12-16 15:07:49 -05:00
Alex Hunt 83c657ceec Add loading indicators and basic components/api for a search page. Still needs some wiring up. 2017-12-16 15:00:20 -05:00
Alex Hunt 8b3274de8f Got remove link buttons to work. Got annotation links to pop up a modal! Looks like it's never gonna work with dangerouslySetInnerHTML, but I made the DraftJS link decorator a connected component and that worked. 2017-12-11 22:47:52 -05:00
Alex Hunt 814c9148a6 Abstracted the notes UI into a documents UI and set up a text route to return chapters in the documents UI. 2017-12-10 22:19:59 -05:00
Alex Hunt e083adfbc0 Used selectionState and decorators to add annotation UI to DraftJS editor! Includes modal for selecting note from list. 2017-12-10 18:22:38 -05:00
Alex Hunt 0d4927114b Added annotator top bar buttons. 2017-12-10 13:17:14 -05:00
Alex Hunt e5e3f90d00 Added annotate mode logic. 2017-12-10 12:58:25 -05:00
Alex Hunt 4cab7755c8 Rehashed same CRUD UI for notes, but using the mode. Need to build in title inputs next. 2017-12-09 18:00:19 -05:00
Alex Hunt 6e37fae7ca Fleshing out Notes page with edit and annotate modes. Commiting now while it basically works, before refactoring some of the component names, which have gotten confusing. 2017-12-09 13:05:18 -05:00
Alex Hunt ada54f7dfc Replicated basic chapter read UI for notes. 2017-12-07 21:08:07 -05:00
Alex Hunt 0b61166220 Converted Elasticsearch API to generate document IDs distinct from chapter numbers, the way I should have done it from the start. Also made chapter numbers update after deleting a chapter from the middle of the range 2017-11-28 23:44:15 -05:00
Alex Hunt 43a37ce123 Refactored TextEditor components so that the DraftJS editor can be reused for note editing 2017-11-26 09:47:19 -05:00
Alex Hunt 44b432f1e1 Introduced FontAwesome to replace the glyphicons lost in upgrading Boostrap to4 2017-11-22 15:17:27 -05:00
Alex Hunt bf55be3404 Wired the react CRUD UI up to the Elasticsearch API. Numbering scheme will break once you start deleting chapters. 2017-11-21 22:52:32 -05:00
Alex Hunt 810236455a Refactored sidebars into two container components with different onClick funtions passed as props. 2017-11-13 19:49:29 -05:00