import { push } from 'react-router-redux' import actions from '../actions' import helpers from '../modules/helpers' import regex from '../modules/regex' const joyceRouter = store => next => action => { next(action) // State const chapters = store.getState().chapters const notes = store.getState().notes const tags = store.getState().tags const media = store.getState().media const currentDocument = store.getState().currentDocument const docType = store.getState().docType // Path const path = store.getState().routerReducer.location !== null ? store.getState().routerReducer.location.pathname : '/' const pathID = regex.checkPathForID(path) ? regex.parseIDFromPath(path) : undefined const pathNumber = regex.checkPathForNumber(path) ? regex.parseNumberFromPath(path) : undefined switch(action.type) { case '@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE': // If a docType can be parsed from the path, set it if (regex.checkIfDocTypePath(path)) { store.dispatch(actions.setDocType(regex.parseDocTypeFromPath(path))) } // If path is /edit and docType isn't chapters, push the docType to the path if (regex.checkEditBaseRoute(path)){ if (docType !== 'chapters') { store.dispatch(push('/edit/' + docType)) } } // If path ends in :id... if (regex.checkIfRedirectPath(path)) { // And currentDocument is set, push the right identifier if (currentDocument.hasOwnProperty('id')) { store.dispatch(push(docType === 'chapters' ? String(currentDocument.number) : } // And path is /:id or /edit/:id and chapters are loaded, set currentDocument to first chapter else if (regex.checkIfRootPath(path) && chapters.length > 0) { store.dispatch(actions.setCurrentDocument(chapters[0].id, 'chapters')) } // And path is /edit/:id and chapters are loaded, set currentDocument to first chapter else if (regex.checkEditRoute(path) && !regex.checkIfDocTypePath(path) && chapters.length > 0 ) { store.dispatch(actions.setCurrentDocument(chapters[0].id, 'chapters')) } // And path has a docType and docs are loaded, set currentDocument to first doc of that type else if (regex.checkIfDocTypePath(path)) { switch(regex.parseDocTypeFromPath) { case 'notes': if (notes.length > 0) { store.dispatch(actions.setCurrentDocument(notes[0].id, 'notes')) } case 'tags': if (tags.length > 0) { store.dispatch(actions.setCurrentDocument(tags[0].id, 'tags')) } case 'media': if (media.length > 0) { store.dispatch(actions.setCurrentDocument(media[0].id, 'media')) } default: break } } } case 'GET_DOCUMENT_LIST': if (action.status === 'success' && action.docType === docType && ! { // If path ends in :id, set currentDocument to the first from the returned list if (regex.checkIfRedirectPath(path) && > 0) { store.dispatch(actions.setCurrentDocument([0].id, action.docType)) } // If docType is chapters and path ends in a number, find chapter matching that number and set its ID to currentDocument if (action.docType === 'chapters' && pathNumber !== undefined) { for (const chapter of { if (chapter.number === pathNumber) { store.dispatch(actions.setCurrentDocument(, action.docType)) } } // If path ends in an ID, set it to the currentDocument } else if (pathID !== undefined) { store.dispatch(actions.setCurrentDocument(pathID, action.docType)) } } break case 'SET_EDITOR_DOC_TYPE': // If path starts with /edit, set the path appropriate for the docType if (regex.checkEditRoute(path)) { if (action.docType === 'chapters') { store.dispatch(push('/edit')) } else { store.dispatch(push('/edit/' + action.docType)) } } break case 'GET_DOCUMENT_TEXT': if (action.status === 'success' && action.state === 'currentDocument') { // After successfully retrieving a currentDocument, push its identifier to the path store.dispatch(push(action.docType === 'chapters' ? String( : } break case 'SAVE_DOCUMENT': // If successfully saving a new document, load it by pulling the id from the last document in the list if (action.status === 'success' && ! { store.dispatch(actions.setCurrentDocument([0].id, action.docType)) } // If successfully saving an existing document, reload the current document if (action.status ==='success' && { store.dispatch(actions.setCurrentDocument(, action.docType)) } break case 'DELETE_DOCUMENT': if (action.status === 'success' &&[0]) { store.dispatch(actions.setCurrentDocument([0].id, action.docType, 'currentDocument')) } break default: break } } export default joyceRouter