2018-05-02 20:29:45 -04:00

32 lines
589 B

// TODO: Buggy af above 19; gotta figure out how to break out of the numberCheck for loop
const romanize = (num) => {
let roman_numeral = ''
const values = [
{1000: 'M'},
{500: 'D'},
{100: 'C'},
{50: 'L'},
{40: 'XL'},
{10: 'X'},
{9: 'IX'},
{5: 'V'},
{4: 'IV'},
{1: 'I'}
for (let i = num ; i > 0;) {
for (const key in values) {
const obj = values[key]
numberCheck: {
for (let id in obj) {
if (i - id >= 0) {
roman_numeral = roman_numeral + obj[id]
i = i - id
return roman_numeral
export default romanize