
435 lines
16 KiB

import os
import sys
import time
import socket
import datetime
import pytz
import OpenSSL.SSL as ossl
import OpenSSL.crypto as ocrypt
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.x509 import NameOID, ExtensionOID
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization, hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa
# _______
# |== []| misfin(b) protocol
# | ==== | implemented in one file
# '-------' lem (2023)
# ----------
# Certificate handling.
# A nice round number...
default_expiry = datetime.timedelta(days=32768)
class Identity:
""" An identified user, either local (i.e. with a private key) or a peer. """
def __init__(self, cert, private=None, password=None):
""" Load an Identity from certificate and key objects, or from PEM data. """
if isinstance(cert, bytes):
self._cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(cert)
elif isinstance(cert, ocrypt.X509):
self._cert = cert.to_cryptography()
elif isinstance(cert, x509.Certificate):
self._cert = cert
raise TypeError("Can't load certificate")
if isinstance(private, bytes):
self._private = serialization.load_pem_private_key(private, password=password)
elif isinstance(private, rsa.RSAPrivateKey) or private is None:
self._private = private
raise TypeError("Can't load private key")
def _build_name(mailbox, blurb, additional_names=[]):
""" Builds an x509 Name with the right format for a Misfin certificate. """
mandatory = [x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.USER_ID, mailbox), x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, blurb)]
return x509.Name(mandatory + additional_names)
def _build_key():
""" Common method for building a private key. """
return rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048)
def _build_cert(pubkey, privkey, subject, issuer, hostname, is_ca, expires_in):
""" Common method for building and signing an x509 certificate. """
return x509.CertificateBuilder() \
.subject_name(subject) \
.issuer_name(issuer) \
.public_key(pubkey) \
.serial_number(x509.random_serial_number()) \
.not_valid_before(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) \
.not_valid_after(datetime.datetime.utcnow() + expires_in) \
.add_extension(x509.SubjectAlternativeName([x509.DNSName(hostname)]), critical=False) \
.add_extension(x509.BasicConstraints(ca=is_ca, path_length=None), critical=True) \
.sign(privkey, hashes.SHA256())
def new(cls, mailbox, blurb, hostname, is_ca=False, additional_names=[], expires_in=default_expiry):
""" Generate a new, self-signed identity. """
ob = cls.__new__(cls)
ob._private = Identity._build_key()
subject = Identity._build_name(mailbox, blurb, additional_names)
ob._cert = Identity._build_cert(ob._private.public_key(), ob._private, subject, subject, hostname, is_ca, expires_in)
return ob
def child_of(cls, parent, mailbox, blurb, additional_names=[], expires_in=default_expiry):
""" Generate a child certificate, signed by a parent certificate. """
if not parent.is_ca(): raise TypeError("Parent certificate can't be used to sign children")
if parent.is_peer(): raise TypeError("Parent certificate is missing a private key")
ob = cls.__new__(cls)
ob._private = Identity._build_key()
subject = Identity._build_name(mailbox, blurb, additional_names)
csr = x509.CertificateSigningRequestBuilder() \
.subject_name(subject) \
.sign(ob._private, hashes.SHA256())
ob._cert = Identity._build_cert(
csr.public_key(), parent._private,
subject, parent._cert.subject, parent.hostname(),
is_ca=False, expires_in=expires_in
return ob
def as_pem(self, encryption=serialization.NoEncryption()):
""" Serializes the Identity as PEM data. """
built = self._cert.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.PEM)
if self._private is not None:
built += self._private.private_bytes(
return built
# Ugly ugly ugly.
# Note that these are hardcoded to the first found result for their attribute.
# Misfin certs don't support multiple values for USER_ID and COMMON_NAME, and support for
# multiple hostnames is possible but not implemented.
def is_peer(self):
return self._private is None
def is_ca(self):
return self._cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.BASIC_CONSTRAINTS).value.ca
def hostname(self):
return self._cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME).value.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)[0] # ew
def blurb(self):
return self._cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0].value
def mailbox(self):
return self._cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(NameOID.USER_ID)[0].value
def parent_blurb(self):
return self._cert.issuer.get_attributes_for_oid(NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0].value
def parent_mailbox(self):
return self._cert.issuer.get_attributes_for_oid(NameOID.USER_ID)[0].value
# Built addresses.
def address(self): return self.mailbox() + "@" + self.hostname()
def parent_address(self): return self.parent_mailbox() + "@" + self.hostname()
# For TOFU.
def fingerprint(self, hash_method=hashes.SHA256()):
raw = self._cert.fingerprint(hash_method)
return ":".join("%02x" % b for b in raw)
# ----------
# Requests and responses.
class Request:
""" The basic unit of data transfer for Misfin. Here's some data, here's where it's going. """
def __init__(self, mailbox, host, message):
self.mailbox = mailbox
self.host = host
self.message = message
def from_incoming(cls, req):
""" Create a Request object from the client's greeting. """
ob = cls.__new__(cls)
# Auto-convert from a bytes object, makes socket code a little cleaner
if isinstance(req, bytes): req = req.decode("utf-8")
# Maybe this isn't even a Misfin request...
if not req.startswith("misfin://"): raise TypeError("Not a Misfin request")
req = req.removeprefix("misfin://")
# Make sure we have the whole request, and save any body that might have made it through
if "\r\n" not in req: raise ValueError("Incomplete request")
header, _ = req.split("\r\n", 1)
# Split up the relevant bits of the header
dest, ob.message= header.split(" ", 1)
ob.mailbox, ob.host = dest.split("@", 1)
return ob
raise ValueError("Malformed request")
def build(self):
""" Builds the Misfin request. """
return "misfin://{}@{} {}\r\n".format(self.mailbox, self.host, self.message)
# A Misfin server response - either a go ahead, or some flavor of error.
class Response:
""" Tells the client what to do - either a go ahead, or some flavor of error. """
# Handy error messages for a server to send.
# Note that 20, 30, and 31 shouldn't use these messages, but they are included
# here for completeness
meta_tags = {
20: "message accepted",
30: "mailbox changed, look here",
31: "mailbox changed, look here (permanent)",
40: "temporary error",
41: "server is unavailable",
42: "cgi error",
43: "proxying error",
44: "slow down",
45: "mailbox full",
50: "permanent error",
51: "mailbox doesn't exist",
52: "mailbox has been removed",
53: "that domain isn't served here",
59: "bad request",
60: "certificate required",
61: "you can't send mail there",
62: "your certificate is invalid",
63: "you're lying about your certificate",
64: "prove it"
def of(cls, status, meta=None):
""" Build a Response object for a status code. """
ob = cls.__new__(cls)
ob.status = str(status)
if meta is None: ob.meta = Response.meta_tags[status]
else: ob.meta = meta
return ob
# Some shortcuts for responses that actually use the meta tag
def delivered(fingerprint):
return Response.of(20, fingerprint)
def redirect(to):
return Response.of(30, to)
def redirect_forever(to):
return Response.of(31, to)
def from_server(cls, resp):
""" Creates a Response object from the server's response. """
ob = cls.__new__(cls)
# Auto-convert from a bytes object, makes socket code a little cleaner
if isinstance(resp, bytes): resp = resp.decode("utf-8")
ob.status, ob.meta = resp.split(" ", 1)
return ob
raise ValueError("Malformed response")
def build(self):
return "{} {}\r\n".format(self.status, self.meta)
def __str__(self):
return "{} {}".format(self.status, self.meta)
def was_successful(self): return self.status[0] == "2"
def send_max(self): return int(self.meta)
def was_redirect(self): return self.status[0] == "3"
def was_temporary_error(self): return self.status[0] == "4"
def was_permanent_error(self): return self.status[0] == "5"
def was_certificate_error(self): return self.status[0] == "6"
# ----------
# Sending, receiving, and TLS.
# Default port to communicate over.
default_port = 1958
# Maximum amount of data to accept - by default, anyway.
max_request_size = 2048
def _validate_nothing(conn, cert, err, depth, rtrn):
""" Callback that lets us steal certificate verification from OpenSSL. """
""" This is !!!DANGEROUS!!! but necessary to allow us to accept self-signed certs. """
return True
def send_as(sender, request, port=default_port, check_valid_method=_validate_nothing):
""" Sends a Misfin message as a user. """
# For some reason, this block doesn't survive being moved to a separate function, so it's
# repeated below in an ugly way.
context = ossl.Context( ossl.TLS_CLIENT_METHOD )
context.set_verify( ossl.VERIFY_PEER | ossl.VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, callback=check_valid_method)
context.use_certificate( ocrypt.X509.from_cryptography(sender._cert) )
context.use_privatekey( ocrypt.PKey.from_cryptography_key(sender._private) )
sock = ossl.Connection(context, socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM))
sock.connect((request.host, port))
# Send our message and see if the destination accepts.
sock.write(bytes(request.build(), "utf-8"))
response = Response.from_server(sock.read(max_request_size))
return response
# Skadoodle
return True
def write_message(message, blurb, address):
tz = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
now = datetime.datetime.now(tz)
with open("messages.gmi","a") as file:
file.write("### message from {} ({}):\n@ {}\n{}\n\n".format(blurb, address, now.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), message))
def _allow_anything(server, peer, request):
""" Callback that accepts any message to the server's mailbox. """
""" SCARY! Only use for testing. """
print("Incoming from {} ({})".format(peer.blurb(), peer.address()))
print("Fingerprint is {}".format(peer.fingerprint()))
print("Message: {}".format(request.message))
if request.mailbox == server.mailbox():
write_message(request.message, peer.blurb(), peer.address())
return Response.delivered(server.fingerprint())
print("...but we aren't {}, we're {}".format(request.mailbox, server.mailbox()))
return Response.of(51)
def receive_from(connection, server, peer, is_allowed_method):
""" Receives a Misfin message from a client. """
# Do we want to receive this message?
request = Request.from_incoming(connection.read(max_request_size))
response = is_allowed_method(server, peer, request)
connection.write(bytes(response.build(), 'utf-8'))
except Exception as err:
# Something fucked up, be nice and tell the client.
connection.write(bytes(Response.of(40).build(), "utf-8"))
raise err
# Skadoodle
return request
def receive_forever(server, is_allowed_method=_allow_anything, check_valid_method=_validate_nothing, port=default_port):
""" Receives Misfin messages, forever and ever. """
# See above.
context = ossl.Context( ossl.TLS_SERVER_METHOD )
context.set_verify( ossl.VERIFY_PEER | ossl.VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, callback=check_valid_method)
context.use_certificate( ocrypt.X509.from_cryptography(server._cert) )
context.use_privatekey( ocrypt.PKey.from_cryptography_key(server._private) )
sock = ossl.Connection(context, socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM))
sock.bind((server.hostname(), port))
while True:
# Set up a connection...
connection, addr = sock.accept()
# ...and do something about it
peer = Identity(connection.get_peer_certificate())
receive_from(connection, server, peer, is_allowed_method)
except ossl.Error as err:
print("Client disconnected before finishing.")
except Exception as err:
print("Aborting receive due to exception.")
# ----------
# Stupid simple command-line interface.
if __name__ == "__main__":
# I wasn't kidding.
def print_usage():
print("usage: python -m misfin_b [make-cert mailbox blurb hostname output.who]")
print("usage: [cert-from parent.who mailbox blurb output.who]")
print("usage: [send-as identity.who destination 'message']")
print("usage: [receive-as identity.who]")
command = sys.argv[1]
if command == "make-cert":
mailbox, blurb, hostname, output = sys.argv[2:]
ident = Identity.new(mailbox, blurb, hostname, is_ca=True)
with open(output, "wb") as dest: dest.write(ident.as_pem())
print("Generated cert for {} ({}) - saved to {}".format(ident.blurb(), ident.address(), output))
elif command == "cert-from":
parent, mailbox, blurb, output = sys.argv[2:]
loaded_pem = open(parent, "rb").read()
parent_ident = Identity(loaded_pem, loaded_pem)
ident = Identity.child_of(parent_ident, mailbox, blurb)
with open(output, "wb") as dest: dest.write(ident.as_pem())
print("Generated cert for {} ({}), child of {} ({}) - saved to {}".format(ident.blurb(), ident.address(), ident.parent_blurb(), ident.parent_address(), output))
elif command == "send-as":
sender, destination, message = sys.argv[2:]
mailbox, host = destination.split("@", 1)
loaded_pem = open(sender, "rb").read()
ident = Identity(loaded_pem, loaded_pem)
msg = Request(mailbox, host, message)
if len(msg.build()) > max_request_size:
raise ValueError("Message is too long - needs to fit in {} bytes but totals {}".format(max_request_size, len(msg.build())))
print(send_as(ident, msg))
elif command == "receive-as":
loaded_pem = open(sys.argv[2], "rb").read()
ident = Identity(loaded_pem, loaded_pem)
print("Receiving for {} ({})".format(ident.blurb(), ident.address()))
except Exception as err:
# Hehe
# raise err