+++ title = "Now" description = "What I'm doing now" [extra] zenn_hide_header_meta = true +++ I've finished my first year of college at [Williams][williams]. In the fall, I'll be taking Dance of the Primes (MATH 407), Intro to Formal Linguistics (COGS 224), Data Structures and Advanced Programming (CSCI 136), and Neuroscience (NSCI 201). I'm getting ready for a summer full of work and play, and making plans to balance these things. I'm looking forward to a Vipassana meditation course I'll be sitting in June. After that, I plan to work simultaneously on two research projects, one involving blueberries, fungus, and bacteria, and the other involving *p*-adic numbers and Dirichlet characters. I'm trying to figure out how to live my life in the best way I can. It's pretty tricky. Last updated May 20th, 2023 [About Now pages.](https://nownownow.com/about) [williams]: https://www.williams.edu