+++ title = "About me" description = "About me" [extra] zenn_hide_header_meta = true +++ Hello there, I'm Satch! I live in Heath, MA, and am currently in my senior year of high school. This website is rather new and at present is an almost exact copy of [Tim Visee's site](https://vis.ee). *_Below this point, the text has not been updated from Tim's site yet_* I prefer to make software free and open-source, because I believe it's important to allow anybody to inspect, modify, improve, contribute and verify it without restrictions. I also contribute to various other open projects as well. See the [Me on the web](@/about.md#me-on-the-web) section below for a comprehensive overview of my online profiles. Here is my usual developer sales pitch, as posted on my [LinkedIn][linkedin] page: ## Sales pitch - Open-source & free software enthusiast - Linux fanatic - Rust evangelist - Git master - Vim wizard Self-educated software engineer started at 8 years old, always looking to expand my technical knowledge with challenging projects. Drive to built reliable, secure, robust & high-performance software with the best technologies available to make the digital world a better place. Constantly searching for innovative solutions to develop software not just for robots, but also for humans. #### Interests - Application back-end development - Systems programming (Rust) - Automation, containerization (Docker) - Linux #### Experience - Java - Web technologies (PHP, HTML, JavaScript) - CI/CD - Python - Bash - C# - LaTeX - Windows - _and much more_ ## Me on the web Most of my [work](@/projects.md) are available on my git profiles: - [GitHub][github] ([projects](https://github.com/timvisee?tab=repositories)) - [GitLab][gitlab] ([projects](https://gitlab.com/users/timvisee/projects)) - [sr.ht][sr.ht] ([projects](https://git.sr.ht/~timvisee)) Like any developer, I use Stack Overflow and alike for development and IT related questions and answers: - [Stack Overflow][stackoverflow] - [Stack Exchange][stackexchange] I do my news reading and social activity through the following websites: - [Reddit][reddit] - [Hacker News][hackernews] - [Lobsters][lobsters] - [Mastodon][mastodon] - [Twitter][twitter] Here are some other noteworthy profiles of mine: - [LinkedIn][linkedin] - [Steam][steam] - [Mixcloud][mixcloud] To send me a message, please check out the [Contact](@/contact.md) page. ## Donate or Sponsor To support my current and future work, you can sponsor me. See the [Donate](@/donate.md) page for more information. ## Other things I like Some other random things I like besides my usual development activity that I didn't list above are: - Music, to listen to, usually while at work - Deep house, House, Electronic, Techno and _related_ - DIY (Do it Yourself) projects of various sorts, I like to be creative - Gaming, [oh yes][steam-games] - Scouting and other activities, outside, in-nature, such as camping or hiking [github]: https://github.com/timvisee [gitlab]: https://gitlab.com/timvisee [hackernews]: https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=timvisee [linkedin]: https://linkedin.com/in/timvisee [lobsters]: https://lobste.rs/u/timvisee/ [mastodon]: https://mastodon.social/@timvisee [mixcloud]: https://www.mixcloud.com/timvisee/ [reddit]: https://reddit.com/u/timvisee [sr.ht]: https://sr.ht/~timvisee [stackexchange]: https://stackexchange.com/users/980236?tab=accounts [stackoverflow]: https://stackoverflow.com/users/1000145 [steam-games]: https://steamcommunity.com/id/timvisee/games/?tab=all [steam]: https://steamcommunity.com/id/timvisee [twitter]: https://twitter.com/likecaffeinated