+++ title = "Firefox tricks: efficient QuantumBar usage" description = "Tricks to efficiently use the Firefox address bar. Using scope characters, bookmark keywords, and duckduckgo bangs, without add-ons." [taxonomies] categories = ["blog"] tags = ["firefox"] [extra] toc = true zenn_applause = true comments = [] +++ {{ fit_image(path="blog/2021-09-07_firefox-tricks-quantumbar/header.png", url="/blog/firefox-tricks-quantumbar/header.png") }} The Firefox [QuantumBar][firefox-address-bar] (formerly AwesomeBar, or just address bar) is surprisingly capable. There's a lot you can do with it to quickly navigate through your browser. It's one of the things which makes Firefox so comfy to me. I like to be as quick as possible without leaving the keyboard. For this, I use _scope characters_, _bookmark keywords_, and _DuckDuckGo bangs_. In this article I'll go through these features and hope to show you something new, no add-ons required. ## Restrict characters, scopes By default, when you type search terms in the address bar, the suggestion list shows various suggestions types, including search results, bookmarks, and open tabs. I usually find these to be spot-on already. When looking for a specific type of result through, like an open tab, you can speed up the process by adding special characters with a whitespace in the address bar before (or after) your search terms. Firefox is vague about its naming, so I call these scope characters. Available scope characters: - `%`: limit to open tabs - `^`: limit to browser history - `*`: limit to bookmarks - `+`: limit to tagged bookmarks - `#`: limit to pages where search terms are part of title or tag - `$`: limit to pages where search terms are part of the address - `?`: limit to search suggestions Imagine you want to jump to an open Google tab, simply type: ``` % google ``` {{ fit_image(path="blog/2021-09-07_firefox-tricks-quantumbar/tab-google.png", url="/blog/firefox-tricks-quantumbar/tab-google.png") }} Or you want to find an _MDN_ bookmark on _Progressive web apps_ you added to your huge bookmarks collection ages ago. [Proton][proton] even shows a fancy hint now: ``` * mdn pwa ``` {{ fit_image(path="blog/2021-09-07_firefox-tricks-quantumbar/bookmark-mdn-pwa.png", url="/blog/firefox-tricks-quantumbar/bookmark-mdn-pwa.png") }} Simple! By the way, use Ctrl+L or F6 to quickly focus the address bar. Firefox documentation lists this feature [here][search-chars]. It has changed a bit during Firefox's lifetime as you can see [here][search-chars-old]. ## Bookmark keywords, smart triggers Almost every browser supports bookmarks. However, Firefox allows you to configure a bookmark keyword to make them easily accessible and interactive. The keyword acts as a trigger in the address bar. You basically extend the scope characters above with your bookmarks to your liking. You may add a new bookmark through the bookmark manager (Ctrl+Shift+O) or editing an existing one, then the _Keyword_ field shows up. This is where you specify your keyword term to trigger it with. You may put `%s` in the bookmark URL, which will be replaced with what you type after the trigger keyword, making them interactive. {{ fit_image(path="blog/2021-09-07_firefox-tricks-quantumbar/bookmark-edit.png", url="/blog/firefox-tricks-quantumbar/bookmark-edit.png") }} The simplest example would be to quickly jump to your favorite site. Set a bookmark with the `d` keyword. Type `d` in your address bar and hit enter to instantly jump to your bookmarked webpage. Though this isn't so interesting. Here are some better examples I use a lot: #### Bookmark: specific search engine Quickly search with a specific search engine: ``` d what is the answer to life wiki bikeshedding ``` {{ fit_image(path="blog/2021-09-07_firefox-tricks-quantumbar/bookmark-search.png", url="/blog/firefox-tricks-quantumbar/bookmark-search.png") }}
Tap to see bookmark config > Keyword: `d` > Url: `https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s` > > Keyword: `wiki` > Url: `https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search/%s`
#### Bookmark: jump to subreddit Quickly jump to your favorite subreddit: ``` r/ linuxmasterrace ``` {{ fit_image(path="blog/2021-09-07_firefox-tricks-quantumbar/bookmark-reddit.png", url="/blog/firefox-tricks-quantumbar/bookmark-reddit.png") }}
Tap to see bookmark config > Keyword: `r/` > Url: `https://reddit.com/r/%s`
#### Bookmark: translate Quickly translate something between English and Dutch: ``` ennl bikeshedding nlen fietsenstalling ``` {{ fit_image(path="blog/2021-09-07_firefox-tricks-quantumbar/bookmark-translate.png", url="/blog/firefox-tricks-quantumbar/bookmark-translate.png") }}
Tap to see bookmark config > Keyword: `ennl` > Url: `https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=en&tl=nl&text=%s` > > Keyword: `nlen` > Url: `https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=nl&tl=en&text=%s`
## DuckDuckGo bangs For the final trick, we use the default search engine to extend address bar functionality. [DuckDuckGo][duckduckgo] provides an insane amount of [`!bangs`][bangs]. These function similar to bookmark keywords, but are preconfigured. DuckDuckGo has more than 13K bangs [available][bangs] for popular sites, most you can come up with _just work_. Simply prefix your search terms with the appropriate bang and hit Enter. Super powerful! The only caveat is that it requires you to [change][firefox-change-search-engine] your default search engine to DuckDuckGo to use it easily. Here are some example queries: - [`!g Amsterdam`](https://ddg.gg/?q=!g+Amsterdam): Search `Amsterdam` via Google, if DuckDuckGo couldn't find it - [`!maps Amsterdam`](https://ddg.gg/?q=!maps+Amsterdam): Show `Amsterdam` on Google Maps - [`!so Rust string character count`](https://ddg.gg/?q=!so+Rust+string+character+count): Find a solution on StackOverflow - [`!rust String`](https://ddg.gg/?q=!rust+String): Search `String` in Rust documentation - [`!timer 3m`](https://ddg.gg/?q=!timer+3m): Set a 3-minute timer - [`!wa solve x^2+4x+6=0`](https://ddg.gg/?q=!wa+solve+x^2+%2B+4x+%2B+6+%3D+0): Solve equation with WolframAlpha - [`!bangs`](https://ddg.gg/?q=!bangs): _there's so many more..._ Lastly, not clearly listed, DuckDuckGo has an _I'm Feeling Ducky_ feature using just the `!` bang. It will redirect you to the first search result instantly: - [`! Coldplay magic`](https://ddg.gg/?q=!+Coldplay+magic) - [`! jamming cat`](https://ddg.gg/?q=!+jamming+cat) - [`! timvisee`](https://ddg.gg/?q=!+timvisee) I hope you've learned something new and useful to be just that little bit more efficient using the Firefox QuantumBar. [firefox-address-bar]: https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/urlbar/index.html#address-bar [firefox-change-search-engine]: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/change-your-default-search-settings-firefox [search-chars-old]: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Location_Bar_search#Location_Bar_search_.28internal_-_Auto_Complete.29 [search-chars]: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/address-bar-autocomplete-firefox#w_changing-results-on-the-fly [proton]: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox/Proton [duckduckgo]: https://duckduckgo.com/ [bangs]: https://duckduckgo.com/bangs