+++ title = "Voice: Mumble (details)" description = "Mumble hosted by timvisee.com" [extra] zenn_hide_header_meta = true +++ _Old page @ [old.timvisee.com/voice](https://old.timvisee.com/voice)_ Welcome to the official page of our voice server. You can quick connect to our server by clicking [here][connect] if you already have Mumble installed. If you're new to Mumble, you can download/configure Mumble and connect to our server, walk through the steps below to connect. ## 1. Download Mumble Download the latest version from their official website. [» Download Mumble][download] ## 2. Configure Audio Start Mumble once installed, and configure your audio with the wizard that pops up. Please carefully walk through the wizard instructions for the best Mumble experience. To manually open the audio wizard if it doesn't pop-up, open it by go to `Configure ≫ Audio Wizard`. ## 3. Connect When Mumble has been configured properly, you can connect to our voice server. Click on `Add New...` in the server browser that pops up to add our server. Use the following credentials: | Field | Value | |---------:|:----------------------| | Label | `timvisee.com - Mumble` | | Address | `voice.timvisee.com` | | Port | `64738` | | Username | _Choose yourself_ | Click the `Ok` button to save the credentials. Double click on the newly added server to connect. To quickly connect to our server without saving the credentials, click on the button below. Of course, Mumble needs to be installed. ## Enjoy! You can join different channels on the server, and you can talk to all others in your current channel. The `AFK` channel is silent and for people that are connected but unavailable at the moment. It is also possible to create your very own channel in the `Custom Channels` section. To do this, right click on this section and click `Add`. Please enjoy your time on our server. [download]: https://www.mumble.info/downloads/ [connect]: mumble://voice.timvisee.com:64738?title=timvisee.com%20-%20Mumble&version=1.3.0