+++ title = "Contact me" [extra] zenn_hide_header_meta = true +++ Feel free to contact me! **Email:** [`satya@benson.place`][mailto] **Telephone:** feel free to call or text [`(413) 225-1533`][tel] **XMPP:** [`satchlj@hmm.st`][xmpp] **IRC:** `satchlj` on [tilde chat][tilde] or [libera][libera] **Fediverse:** [`@satchlj@owlper.ch`](https://owlper.ch/satchlj) **Snail Mail:** ``` Satya Benson PO Box 36 Heath, MA 01346 ``` Or, if you're sending me mail between January 17th and June 11th 2022: ``` Satya Benson Kroka Expeditions 767 Forest Road Marlow, NH 03456 ``` [mailto]: mailto:mail@satch.xyz [tel]: tel:+14132251533 [tilde]: ircs://irc.tilde.chat:6697 [libera]: ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697 [xmpp]: xmpp:satchlj@hmm.st