# satchlj.com [My website][site] began as a complete copy of [Tim Visée's site](https://timvisee.com), but that changed long ago as I added my own content. ## Content The majority of the content is formatted in Markdown, located in the [`./content`](./content/) directory. It includes theme as well ([zenn][zenn]) for the visuals, by Tim Visée. This website is built with [Zola][zola], a static website generator. See its documentation for more information on how this project is structured. Any pull requests for changes on the website are welcome. ## Usage To run a local instance of this website, be sure to install [`zola`][zola] first. Then run: ```bash # Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/satchlj/satch.xyz cd satch.xyz # Build and serve a local instance zola serve --open # Open: # Edit files in ./content, view live changes your browser # Build and deploy zola build # serve static files in public directory to web ``` ## License This project is released under the GNU AGPL-3.0 license. Check out the [LICENSE][license] file for more information. [site]: https://satchlj.com/ [zola]: https://getzola.org/ [zenn]: ./themes/zenn/ [license]: ./LICENSE