i'm satchlj

i live at the benson place blueberry farm and i love it here.

i am a student and an actor

about me

my name is satya lincoln johnson, but i go by satch which rhymes with watch not patch. in december 2021 i began using benson as my last name. on the web i'm satchlj - see names gemlog. i live in western massachusetts, where i've been since 2006 (i was born in portland, oregon). i went to the hartsbrook school in Hadley for my early childhood education, and i homeschooled most of elementary school and all of highschool.

the who is satch scoop

music tastes

i like long walks on the beach. but more than that, of course, i like pink floyd, yes, jacob collier, the beatles, and lots of fiddlin' jams, mind blowing classical compositions, and snippets of birdsong, from the beginning of music way back in the day all the way through to the present.

i also play the violin :)

other killer bands and artists: fleetwood mac, , neutral milk hotel, genesis, van der graaf generator, king crimson, radiohead, the grateful dead, jethro tull, joanna newsom, gil scott-heron, arden lloyd, peter gabriel, david bowie, paul simon (and simon & garfunkel), peter paul and mary, the band, joan baez, liz carroll, crosby stills & nash, the gaslight tinkers, solas, the decemberists, the flaming lips, and (last but not least) the great django reinhardt.

me on the web

i have an old website on google sites (i know, it's shameful) here. most places online you can find me as satchlj.

me off the web

to send me a message, please check out the contact page.

to support my current and future work, you can sponsor me.

see the donate page for more information.

other random things i like

what i'm doing now

i'm enjoying the winter holidays with my family, but i'm still as busy as ever.

i'm awaiting my final grades of highschool - my semester has ended, and i have graduated! i'm working on applications to harvard, dartmouth, yale, amherst, and williams (i already applied to mit and got deferred). i'm preparing for a kroka semester for which i'll leave in january.

i started a few cool things online, most recently a pleroma instance called the owl perch.

i'm trying to change my last name to benson. we'll see how it goes.

i'm feeling pretty swamped still, but things are starting to calm down. i'm happy to have a wonderful network of friends and support people :)

updated dec 23rd, 2021

about now pages.



the best and fastest way to get in touch with me is irc. i'm satchlj on and i also run my own private irc server—if you're a friend of mine contact me and i'll let you in.

i'm also on xmpp as, but i currently don't use it much.


i have too many email addresses, just ask wylie, but you can always reach me at or

social media

i list my accounts on the me on the web page, but i really don't check them all that much. the best way to social media me is the fediverse. i run a pleroma instance called the owl perch and i am