Took way too long

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scms 2024-03-12 15:14:55 -07:00
parent f2c9ea235d
commit 310b69757f
1 changed files with 88 additions and 0 deletions

p96.lisp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
;;; Algorithm: Find an empty cell and try all valid digits, then
;;; recurse (returning early on success and reverting on failure).
(defun make-grid ()
"Returns an empty Sudoku grid"
(make-array (list 9 9)
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
:initial-element 0))
(defun parse-grid (grid-lines)
"Parses text lines representing a Sudoku puzzle, returning a 2D grid of digits"
(loop with grid = (make-grid)
for line in grid-lines
for row from 0 below 9
do (loop for column from 0 below 9
for character across line
for value = (digit-char-p character)
do (setf (aref grid row column) value))
finally (return grid)))
(defun from-index (index)
"Converts a 1D index (e.g. 80) into a row and column (e.g. (VALUES 9 9))"
(floor index 9))
(defun find-open-cell (grid start-index)
"Returns the row and column of the first open cell in GRID"
(loop for index from start-index below 81
do (multiple-value-bind (i j) (from-index index)
(when (= 0 (aref grid i j))
(return-from find-open-cell index)))))
(defun compute-invalid (grid i j)
"Returns a bit vector of invalid digits"
(let ((invalid 0))
;; Check column
(loop for ci from 0 below 9
do (setf invalid (logior invalid (ash 1 (aref grid ci j)))))
;; Check row
(loop for rj from 0 below 9
do (setf invalid (logior invalid (ash 1 (aref grid i rj)))))
;; Check square
(loop for si of-type fixnum upfrom (* 3 (floor i 3))
repeat 3
do (loop for sj of-type fixnum upfrom (* 3 (floor j 3))
repeat 3
do (setf invalid (logior invalid (ash 1 (aref grid si sj))))))
(defun solve-sudoku (grid &optional (start-index 0))
"Solves the Sudoku puzzle represented by GRID, returning the solved grid on success or NIL on error (optionally starting from START-INDEX)"
(let ((index (find-open-cell grid start-index)))
(cond ((not index) grid) ; All cells filled in; done!
;; Found an empty cell; try all valid digits
(multiple-value-bind (i j) (from-index index)
(let ((invalid (compute-invalid grid i j)))
(loop for d from 1 upto 9
unless (logbitp d invalid)
do ;; Check for solution
(setf (aref grid i j) d)
(let ((result (solve-sudoku grid (+ 1 (* 9 i) j))))
(when result
;; Found a solution; return early
(return-from solve-sudoku result)))
;; Revert on failure
(setf (aref grid i j) 0)))
(defun solution-code (grid)
"Returns a 3-digit number using the first three digits in the top line of the grid"
(+ (* 100 (aref grid 0 0))
(* 10 (aref grid 0 1))
(aref grid 0 2)))
(defun sudoku (&rest indices)
(let ((raw-lines (uiop:read-file-lines "p096_sudoku.txt")))
(flet ((go-to-next-grid (list)
(nthcdr 10 list)))
(loop with sum = 0
for (title-line . grid-lines) on raw-lines by #'go-to-next-grid
for index upfrom 1
do (when (or (not indices)
(member index indices))
(let* ((grid (parse-grid grid-lines))
(solution (solve-sudoku grid)))
(incf sum (solution-code solution))))
finally (return sum)))))