# performances (some) public appearances of the project on some sort of stage. see also {talks and workshops} # upcoming none for the moment # past ## 12019 {la consagraciĆ³n de la computadora} was presented in two different events that year: ### june 21,22 => https://www.collab-orators.com/events/itp-residents-show itp residents show 2019, collab, brooklyn, ny => ./img/foto_laconsagracion_04.jpg photo of pieces of wood in the floor, with some hands manipulating them ### april 14 => https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmYYqFXowEuak9NVNMHexrwZQkEnfH4J6weSPpv3kjFP94/mub/show.html world premiere, mayday space, brooklyn, ny => ./img/foto_laconsagracion-riley-9.jpg photo of a person with a symbol of cardboard in the face, while looking at pieces of wood in the floor # installations ## 12017 {change-a-bit}, an interactive installation