import re import os import shutil def filename2Wikilink( s ): return '{' + s.replace('_',' ').replace('.gmo','') + '}' def wikilink2Filename( s, ext='.gmi' ): return s.strip("{}").replace(' ','_') + ext os.chdir('src/') incoming = {} for filename in os.listdir(): if filename.endswith('.gmo'): # copy to tmp shutil.copy(filename, '../tmp/'+filename) # if filename != '' and filename != '': if filename != '': # convert filename to wikilink wikilink=filename2Wikilink(filename) if wikilink not in incoming: incoming[wikilink] = set() # open file and search for all outgoing links with open(filename) as file: pre_mode = False for line in file: if re.match("```",line) != None: # toggle preformatted mode pre_mode = not pre_mode if pre_mode: # skip preformatted mode continue while"\{[^{}]+\}",line): m ="\{[^{}]+\}",line) match = # matched string if match not in incoming: # create a new set for that page incoming[match] = set() # add this file incoming[match].add(wikilink) line = line[m.end()+1:] os.chdir('../tmp/') # remove incoming links for: # incoming.pop('{pages}') incoming.pop('{home}') #incoming.pop('{license}') for key,links in incoming.items(): # get filename for key filename = wikilink2Filename(key,'.gmo') # print(key) # open file in append mode with open(filename, 'a') as file: if len(links): # write incoming links # print( '{} incoming links\n'.format( len(links) ) ) file.write("\n\n# incoming links\n") for link in links: gemlink = '=> ./{} {}'.format(wikilink2Filename(link), link) file.write(gemlink+"\n") else: print( '{}: orphan\n'.format(key) ) file.write("\n\nno incoming links\n")