# biosejo a chronological account of {sejo}'s life and research. posts are listed below in reverse chronological order (most recent first.) # 12022 ## Movement: A personal reframing Renewing a focus and commitment with physical movement. => ./biosejo_120220825.gmi {biosejo 120220825} ## On sticky notes These days I've been working with paper, sticky notes, a lot, and I've been thinking about them. The following are some loose ideas regarding them and potential digital counterparts. => ./biosejo_120220717.gmi {biosejo 120220717} ## The other side Hello from Madrid! => ./biosejo_120220710.gmi {biosejo 120220710} ## Closure(s) and not A post about some recent events, closures, new beginnings, and other reflections. => ./biosejo_120220607.gmi {biosejo 120220607} ## Packing and unpacking Moving things around and deciding what to keep and what to leave behind, internally and externally. => ./biosejo_120220519.gmi {biosejo 120220519} ## On systems, dreams and practice Updates regarding systems I'm using, dreams that are coming back, and insights on daily practice. => ./biosejo_120220511.gmi {biosejo 120220511} ## Here we go: Intro, research and notes In which I introduce {biosejo} and talk about my plans regarding research, note-taking, and movement. => ./biosejo_120220503.gmi {biosejo 120220503} # subscribe you can get the posts by subscribing to the following artisanal atom feed: => ./biosejo.xml [biosejo atom feed] + [Valid Atom 1.0] additionally, updates here are replicated in the {log} and its multiple feeds.