# jarotsim playground for the exploration and livecoding of turing machines. (work in progress) => ./img/screenshot_jarotsim-tapes.png screenshot of jarotsim showing a series of states of a turing machine, each of them consists in bird with a hat over a tape with different tiles => ./img/screenshot_jarotsim-edit.png screenshot of jarotsim showing the edit mode: a single tape above, and four machine rules below # about jarotsim is inspired by {turingsim} as a simulator of turing-machine-based performances like {d-turing} or {mub}. it embraces computing for fun, play and learning. the objective is to have a graphical user interface where one can edit / livecode the rules of the machine and its tape, and explore their effects. for the moment the idea is to have a maximum of 4 states and 4 symbols. according to Wolfram, they should be more than enough to explore complex behaviors. => https://www.wolframscience.com/nks/p78--turing-machines/ Turing Machines: A New Kind of Science | Online by Stephen Wolfram as of now, all of the machines described in {máquinas de turing} can be simulated in jarotsim. => ./img/icono_jarotsim_64p.png jarotsim icon: a bird with a hat