# talks and workshops public appearances of the project. see also {performances} # upcoming ## 12021 ### cuna workshop: {taller de compudanzas} in cuna school => https://www.cunamex.com/compudanzascursoonline compudanzas - cuna # past ## 12021 ### pcd quito compudanzas talk and {coloring computers} workshop in processing community day quito, june 19th. resources: => https://sejo.codeberg.page/slides/120210619-compudanzas-pcd-quito.html slideshow: hablemos de compudanzas => https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmaiMEk5Stw5Xvfs1btAwMg2sctwEq1MS9NDJAUEr1SHvf/ coloring computers pack archive video recordings of the event in fb: => https://www.facebook.com/MediosInteractivosUSFQ/videos/790979431595683/ hablemos de compudanzas talk at 45' => https://www.facebook.com/MediosInteractivosUSFQ/videos/447688293067070/ coloring computers workshop from the beginning => http://pcdquito.com/ pcd quito 2021 ## 12019 ### pcd nyc {coloring computers} workshop in the processing community day nyc => https://processing.nyc/2019/#workshops processing community day nyc 2019