# roadmap the things that want to happen # documentation ## uxn tutorial complete the {uxn tutorial}: publishing one "day" per week other to-do's: * change hello sprites example in {uxn tutorial day 2} to match the sprite blending table in the official docs (ordering and inversion of square) ## others apply to critical coding cookbook: => https://parsonsdt.github.io/critical-coding-cookbook/ critical coding cookbok # performances ## slomoco apply to the fall phase of SloMoCo? => https://moco21.movementcomputing.org/submissions/cfp/ call for proposals - slomoco ## iclc it'd be nice to apply to iclc 2021, as it talks about "live coding without computers" => https://iclc.toplap.org/2021/ iclc 2021 {performances} # coloring computers implement the following concepts: => https://www.solipsys.co.uk/new/FactoringViaGraphThreeColouring.html?tk30mn Factoring Via Graph Three Colouring {coloring computers} # wiki ## to do create and add the following pages and resources: * page: manifestos (e.g. human powered computation machines, abstracts) * page: postcards computer * page(s) : references and inspiration * page(s) : desfases? * page: poñg * page: tabletop paper computers * table of logic gates in {compuertas} complete, organize and clean the following: * organize translations * systematize classification in the {logiteca} # and more * develop a turing machine simulator? * develop a {computadora de papel} simulator? * paper cards-based uxn implementation? * uxn {verilog} implementation?