# roadmap the things that want to happen; some of them {now} in progress. # performances calls for {performances} where the project might fit in ## moco 2022 => https://moco22.movementcomputing.org/cfp.html moco 2022 call for papers applied, waiting for the next steps. # dance continue developing, practicing and sharing the {qiudanz technique} # non-electronic computers ## tangible computing * learn to program turing machines to perform manually like in {d-turing} * learn and practice lambda calculus ## coloring computers implement the following concepts as {coloring computers}: => https://www.solipsys.co.uk/new/FactoringViaGraphThreeColouring.html?tk30mn Factoring Via Graph Three Colouring ## and more * explore more non-electronic computers examples from the {references} * develop a {computadora de papel} simulator? * paper cards-based uxn implementation? * uxn {verilog} implementation? # uxn * update instructions for running uxnemu * update DateTime and File devices info # wiki ## generator * `pre` tag for inline code in html? ## content create and add the following pages and resources: * page: tabletop paper computers in 8x8 grids / {beans computing} * page: 5!, or factorial dance, via {qiudanz technique} transformations * page: poñg * page: manifestos (e.g. human powered computation machines, abstracts) * page: postcards computer * page(s) : desfases? * systematize classification in the {logiteca}?