# sejo instigator of compudanzas / persona instigadora de compudanzas. # about queer nerd researching playful movement and computing; flowing with patience and curiosity. i'm interested in exploring and sharing digital technologies and related knowledge that have the aim of being empowering, benign and joyful. for me, that usually implies experimenting and learning with simple tech, low-tech, and/or already-existing tech: i identify with the values of {permacomputing}. for many applications i prefer paper over screens. i enjoy {running}, cycling, skating and walking outdoors, as well as cooking and eating plant-based food (see {recetas}.) i am usually amazed by emergent complexity in its different expressions on life and the universe. # e-mail sejo at posteo dot net => ./llave_sejo.asc [pgp key] # social media fediverse: => https://merveilles.town/@sejo @sejo at merveilles.town ssb, via {la sala}: => https://sala.compudanzas.net/alias/sejo sejo ``` @y+CywqbY5If181KcX87nQLh4tqAGllkt3lvoY0f+zy0=.ed25519 ``` i might be present in commercial social networks in order to connect with people that haven't done their leap yet :)