2021-06-14 22:03:28 -05:00

24 lines
877 B

# about
compudanzas is a research project aimed at the development of alternative modes of computation.
# mission
we enlarge to a human-scale and slow down to a human-speed the processes that give rise to what is understood as computing.
through our experiments we ask: what happens when computers are dances, rituals, games, instead of closed electronic boxes with a high environmental and social cost?
to what extent can we reappropriate these logics to inspire other ways of being in the world?
what can be the role of non-electronic, very slow, human-scale, and seemingly useless computers, in a world that seems to be in {collapse}?
are they alternative and empowering didactic materials? performances? puzzles? passtimes? magic tricks? marvelous pursuits?
# meta
read our updates in the {log}
visit the index of {pages} in the site
=> ./contact.gmi {contact}