2021-11-25 22:05:50 -06:00

100 lines
2.5 KiB

# generate the following log files:
# * twtxt gemini
# * twtxt web
# * atom feed gemini
# * atom feed web
# * gmo log
# * gmisub
# to use:
# awk -f genlog.awk log.txt
twgempath = "gem/tw.txt"
twwebpath = "web/tw.txt"
loggmopath = "src/"
atomwebpath = "web/atom.xml"
atomgempath = "gem/atom.xml"
gmisubpath = "gem/feed.gmi"
loggmoheader = "log/logheader.gmi"
gematomheader = "log/gematomheader.txt"
webatomheader = "log/webatomheader.txt"
gmisubheader = "log/feedheader.gmi"
FS = "\t"
"date --rfc-3339=date"| getline fecha
system("cp " loggmoheader " " loggmopath)
system("cp " gematomheader " " atomgempath)
system("cp " webatomheader " " atomwebpath)
system("cp " gmisubheader " " gmisubpath)
updated = "<updated>" fecha "T12:00:00Z</updated>"
print updated >> atomgempath
print updated >> atomwebpath
# $1 es la fecha
# $2 el texto
# $3 el wikilink, opcional
twgemstring = $1 "\t" $2
twwebstring = $1 "\t" $2
date = $1
gsub(/T.+$/,"",date) # remove time from date
print "## " date >> loggmopath
printf "%s\n", $2 >> loggmopath
# web atom feed
printf "\n<entry>\n" >> atomwebpath
print "<title>" $2 "</title>" >> atomwebpath
print "<updated>" $1 "</updated>" >> atomwebpath
# gem atom feed
printf "\n<entry>\n" >> atomgempath
print "<title>" $2 "</title>" >> atomgempath
print "<updated>" $1 "</updated>" >> atomgempath
if ( match($3, /{.+}/) ){ # si hay wikilink
filename = $3
gsub(" ","_",filename)
print "=> ./" filename ".gmi {" $3 "}" >> loggmopath
print "=> ./" filename ".gmi " date " " $2 >> gmisubpath
gemurl = "gemini://" filename ".gmi"
weburl = "" filename ".html"
twgemstring = twgemstring " | " gemurl
twwebstring = twwebstring " | " weburl
print "<link rel='alternate' href='" weburl "#" date "'/>" >> atomwebpath
print "<id>" weburl "#" date "</id>" >> atomwebpath
print "<link rel='alternate' href='" gemurl "'/>" >> atomgempath
print "<id>" gemurl "</id>" >> atomgempath
print "<link rel='alternate' href='" date "'/>" >> atomwebpath
print "<id>" date "</id>" >> atomwebpath
print "<link rel='alternate' href='gemini://" date "'/>" >> atomgempath
print "<id>gemini://" date "</id>" >> atomgempath
print twgemstring > twgempath
print twwebstring > twwebpath
print "</entry>" >> atomwebpath
print "" >> loggmopath
print "</feed>" >> atomwebpath