# g2e an opinionated gempub to epub converter written in awk. # usage an example (uncompressed) gpub file is provided. you can generate the corresponding epub file using: ``` make example ``` and then compress it as an epub with: ``` make epub ``` in order to convert another gpub, you can remix the following command, where `example-gpub/` would be the directory for your uncompressed gpub ``` awk -f g2e.awk example-gpub/ ``` # notes ## file structure the converter works with gempub archives that have a flat file structure: all the `.gmi` files, including `index.gmi`, have to be in the same directory. furthermore, the image assets for the book have to be inside that directory, within a directory called `img/`. for example, the structure for `example-gpub` is: ``` example-gpub/ metadata.txt book/ index.gmi cover.gmi chapter1.gmi chapter2.gmi chapter3.gmi img/ screencap_uxn-pong.gif screenshot_uxn-pong-paddle.png screenshot_uxn-pong-paddles-and-ball.png screenshot_uxn-pong-paddles.png ``` note that only `.gmi`, `.png`, `.jpg` and `.gif` files are handled. ## raw html you can insert raw html using the corresponding `.gmo` syntax: the contents of a line that starts with `+` will be inserted as is. # references * [EPUB - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPUB#Implementation) * [Gempub](https://codeberg.org/oppenlab/gempub) # license > THIS IS CHAOTIC SOFTWARE BEWARE