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<header><h1>Chad's Guide to Starting Your Own Website</h1></header>
This is, a site dedicated to turning internet peasants into Internet Landlords
by showing them how to setup websites, email servers, chat servers and everything in between.
<p>Starting a website is something that can be done in a lazy afternoon and costs pocket change.</p>
<p>Most of the internet's problems could be solved if more people had their own personal platforms,
so the objective of this site is to guide any normal person through the process of installing a website.</p>
<h2>All courses</h2>
<h3 id=basic>Basic Personal Website Setup</h3>
This is the basic "course." Follow these quick tutorials and you'll
have a fully functioning basic web page on the domain name of your
⏳ This "basic course" can take <strong>as little as an hour</strong> or even less.
<ol class=ll>
<li><a href="domain.html">Get a domain name.</a></li>
<li><a href="server.html">Get a server.</a></li>
<li><a href="dns.html">Set up DNS settings to connect your server and domain name.</a></li>
<li><a href="nginx.html">Set up your web server.</a></li>
<li><a href="certbot.html">Get a secure HTTPS connection with Certbot.</a></li>
<h3 id=other>Excellent Extras</h3>
<ul class=ll>
<li><a href="rsync.html">Rsync: Upload and Sync Files and Websites</a></li>
<li><a href="maintenance.html">How to Maintain a Server.</a></li>
<li><a href="sshkeys.html">Use your SSH keys to prevent hacking.</a></li>
<li><a href="cron.html">Schedule tasks with Crontabs/Cronjobs.</a></li>
<li><a href="cgi.html">Server side scripting with CGI</a></li>
<li><a href="tor.html">Mirror your site on <img src="pix/tor.svg">Tor.</a></li>
<li><a href="auth.html">Password-protecting Webpages (HTTP Authentication)</a></li>
<li><a href="ufw.html">Using ufw as a firewall.</a></li>
<li><a href="gemini.html">Create a Gemini Capsule.</a></li>
<li><a href="standalone.html">Standalone Certbot Certificates</a></li>
<h3 id=platform>"Build your own platform!"</h3>
<dl class=ll>
<dt><a href="xmpp.html"><img src="pix/xmpp.svg" alt="xmpp logo"> XMPP</a></dt><dd>Minimalist and federated chat server</dd>
<dt><a href="pleroma.html">Pleroma</a></dt><dd>A federated Twitter-like microblogging Site</dd>
<dt><a href="peertube.html"><img src="pix/peertube.svg" alt="peertube logo"> PeerTube</a></dt><dd>A federated YouTube-like video Site</dd>
<dt><a href="nextcloud.html"><img src="pix/nextcloud.svg"> Nextcloud</a></dt><dd>Setting up a Nextcloud Instance (file hosting and more)</dd>
<dt><a href="jitsi.html"><img src="pix/jitsi.svg" alt="Jitsi logo"> Jitsi</a></dt><dd>Free and easy video conferencing</dd>
<dt><a href="git.html"><img src="pix/git.svg"> git</a></dt><dd>Version control software on your own server</dd>
<dt><a href="gitea.html"><img src="pix/gitea.svg"> Gitea</a></dt><dd>A fully-featured git and issue tracking site</dd>
<dt><a href="irc.html"><img src="pix/irc.svg"> IRC</a></dt><dd>Installing and managing a classic internet relay chat server</dd>
<dt><a href="rss-bridge.html">RSS Bridge</a></dt><dd>Creating RSS feeds for social media sites</dd>
<dt><a href="calibre.html"><img src="pix/calibre.png"> Calibre</a></dt><dd>A library server</dd>
<h3 id=crypto>Accepting Cryptocurrency Tips</h3>
<dl class=ll>
<dt><a href="crypto.html">Why crypto?</a></dt><dd>The case for crypto for normal people</dd>
<dt><a href="bitcoin.html"><img src="pix/btc.svg" alt="btc logo"> Bitcoin</a></dt><dd>Accept Bitcoin (BTC) donations</dd>
<dt><a href="monero.html"><img src="pix/xmr.svg" alt="xmr logo"> Monero</a></dt><dd>Accept Monero (XMR) donations for superior privacy</dd>
<dt><a href="openalias.html">OpenAlias</a></dt><dd>OpenAlias to make crypto easy</dd>
<dt><a href="bat.html"><img src="pix/bat.svg"> BAT</a></dt><dd>Receive donations via the Brave browser</dd>
<h2>In the Works...</h2>
These articles are still under construction.
Subscribe to our <a href="rss.xml"><img src="pix/rss.svg">RSS feed</a> for updates.
<h3>Articles and Tutorials in Progress...</h3>
<li>Full HTML tutorial</li>
<li>Full CSS tutorial</li>
<li>RSS feeds</li>
<li>Matrix (federated chat)</li>
<li>SearX (search engine)</li>
<h3>On the look out for...</h3>
There are other articles not currently under construction which we would like to add the
If you have experience with any of these, you may submit an article for review on <a href="">the Github</a>.
Please include directions for Debian 10 as default.
Abstain from using containerization (Docker, etc.).
Attempt to follow the same settings as other articles here.
<li><a href="">BTCPay</a></li>
<li>Email webclients</li>
<li>Simple static site generators</li>
<li><a href="">XMPP ejabberd</a></li>
<li><a href="">Movim for XMPP</a></li>
<li>XMPP ejabberd</li>
<li>Movim for XMPP</li>
<p>Help advertize this site by adding this banner with a link on your website:</p>
<a href=""><img src="pix/landchad.gif" alt=""></a>
No ads, trackers or trash on this site.
We are funded by doing good and earning gratitude.
Express your gratitude in the following ways:
<ul class=ll>
<li>When setting up a website, use our linked affiliate links, like to <a href="">Vultr</a> or <a href="">Frantech/BuyVM</a> for a VPS.</li>
<li>If you enjoy a guest article, the author's donation links may be included at the bottom of the page.</li>
<li>Donate crypto to the long-term LandChad maintenance and expansion fund:</li>
<div class=cryptocontainer>
<div class=cryptoinfo>
<p><img style="max-height:1em;max-width:1em" src=pix/xmr.svg> Monero </br>
<code>84RXmrsE7ffCe1ADprxLMHRpmyhZuWYScDR4YghE8pFRFSyLtiZFYwD6EPijVzD3aZiEpg57MfHEr1pGJNPXyJgENMnWrSh</code> </br>
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<div class=cryptoinfo>
<p><img style="max-height:1em;max-width:1em" src=pix/btc.svg> Bitcoin </br>
<code>bc1q9f3tmkhnxj8gduytdktlcw8yrnx3g028nzzsc5</code> </br>
<a href=pix/btc.png><img class=qr src=pix/btc.png></a>
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