
616 lines
28 KiB

SunVox modular synthesizer
Copyright (c) 2008 - 2018, Alexander Zolotov <nightradio@gmail.com>, WarmPlace.ru
#ifndef __SUNVOX_H__
#define __SUNVOX_H__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
Constants, data types and macros
#define NOTECMD_NOTE_OFF 128
#define NOTECMD_ALL_NOTES_OFF 129 /* notes of all synths off */
#define NOTECMD_CLEAN_SYNTHS 130 /* stop and clean all synths */
#define NOTECMD_STOP 131
#define NOTECMD_PLAY 132
typedef struct
uint8_t note; /* NN: 0 - nothing; 1..127 - note num; 128 - note off; 129, 130... - see NOTECMD_xxx defines */
uint8_t vel; /* VV: Velocity 1..129; 0 - default */
uint8_t module; /* MM: 0 - nothing; 1..255 - module number + 1 */
uint8_t zero; /* ...future use... */
uint16_t ctl; /* 0xCCEE: CC: 1..127 - controller number + 1; EE - effect */
uint16_t ctl_val; /* 0xXXYY: value of controller or effect */
} sunvox_note;
#define SV_INIT_FLAG_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT ( 1 << 0 )
#define SV_INIT_FLAG_USER_AUDIO_CALLBACK ( 1 << 1 ) /* Interaction with sound card is on the user side */
#define SV_INIT_FLAG_AUDIO_INT16 ( 1 << 2 )
#define SV_INIT_FLAG_AUDIO_FLOAT32 ( 1 << 3 )
#define SV_INIT_FLAG_ONE_THREAD ( 1 << 4 ) /* Audio callback and song modification functions are in single thread */
#define SV_MODULE_OUTPUTS_OFF ( 16 + 8 )
#define SV_STYPE_INT16 0
#define SV_STYPE_INT32 1
#define SV_STYPE_FLOAT32 2
#define SV_STYPE_FLOAT64 3
#define SV_GET_MODULE_XY( in_xy, out_x, out_y ) out_x = in_xy & 0xFFFF; if( out_x & 0x8000 ) out_x -= 0x10000; out_y = ( in_xy >> 16 ) & 0xFFFF; if( out_y & 0x8000 ) out_y -= 0x10000;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN32_WCE) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN64)
#define WIN
#define LIBNAME "sunvox.dll"
typedef const char* LIBNAME_STR_TYPE;
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#define OSX
#define LIBNAME "sunvox.dylib"
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(linux)
#define LINUX
#define LIBNAME "./sunvox.so"
#if defined(OSX) || defined(LINUX)
#define UNIX
#ifdef WIN
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define SUNVOX_FN_ATTR __attribute__((stdcall))
#define SUNVOX_FN_ATTR __stdcall
#define SUNVOX_FN_ATTR /**/
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
(use the functions with the label "USE LOCK/UNLOCK" within the sv_lock_slot() / sv_unlock_slot() block only!)
sv_init(), sv_deinit() - global sound system init/deinit
config - string with additional configuration in the following format: "option_name=value|option_name=value";
example: "buffer=1024|audiodriver=alsa|audiodevice=hw:0,0";
use null if you agree to the automatic configuration;
freq - sample rate (Hz); min - 44100;
channels - only 2 supported now;
flags - mix of the SV_INIT_FLAG_xxx flags.
int sv_init( const char* config, int freq, int channels, unsigned int flags ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_deinit( void ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_update_input() -
handle input ON/OFF requests to enable/disable input ports of the sound card
(for example, after the Input module creation).
Call it from the main thread only, where the SunVox sound stream is not locked.
int sv_update_input( void ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_audio_callback() - get the next piece of SunVox audio from the Output module.
With sv_audio_callback() you can ignore the built-in SunVox sound output mechanism and use some other sound system.
SV_INIT_FLAG_USER_AUDIO_CALLBACK flag in sv_init() mus be set.
buf - destination buffer of type signed short (if SV_INIT_FLAG_AUDIO_INT16 used in sv_init())
or float (if SV_INIT_FLAG_AUDIO_FLOAT32 used in sv_init());
stereo data will be interleaved in this buffer: LRLR... ; where the LR is the one frame (Left+Right channels);
frames - number of frames in destination buffer;
latency - audio latency (in frames);
out_time - buffer output time (in system ticks);
Return values: 0 - silence (buffer filled with zeroes); 1 - some signal.
user_out_time = ... ; //output time in user time space (NOT SunVox time space!)
user_cur_time = ... ; //current time (user time space)
user_ticks_per_second = ... ; //ticks per second (user time space)
user_latency = user_out_time - use_cur_time; //latency in user time space
unsigned int sunvox_latency = ( user_latency * sv_get_ticks_per_second() ) / user_ticks_per_second; //latency in SunVox time space
unsigned int latency_frames = ( user_latency * sample_rate_Hz ) / user_ticks_per_second; //latency in frames
sv_audio_callback( buf, frames, latency_frames, sv_get_ticks() + sunvox_latency );
int sv_audio_callback( void* buf, int frames, int latency, unsigned int out_time ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_audio_callback2() - send some data to the Input module and receive the filtered data from the Output module.
It's the same as sv_audio_callback() but you also can specify the input buffer.
in_type - input buffer type: 0 - signed short (16bit integer); 1 - float (32bit floating point);
in_channels - number of input channels;
in_buf - input buffer; stereo data will be interleaved in this buffer: LRLR... ; where the LR is the one frame (Left+Right channels);
int sv_audio_callback2( void* buf, int frames, int latency, unsigned int out_time, int in_type, int in_channels, void* in_buf ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_open_slot(), sv_close_slot(), sv_lock_slot(), sv_unlock_slot() -
open/close/lock/unlock sound slot for SunVox.
You can use several slots simultaneously (each slot with its own SunVox engine)
int sv_open_slot( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_close_slot( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_lock_slot( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_unlock_slot( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_load(), sv_load_from_memory() -
load SunVox project from the file or from the memory block.
int sv_load( int slot, const char* name ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_load_from_memory( int slot, void* data, unsigned int data_size ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_play( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_play_from_beginning( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_stop( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
autostop values: 0 - disable autostop; 1 - enable autostop.
When disabled, song is playing infinitely in the loop.
int sv_set_autostop( int slot, int autostop ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_end_of_song() return values: 0 - song is playing now; 1 - stopped.
int sv_end_of_song( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_rewind( int slot, int line_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_volume() - set volume from 0 (min) to 256 (max 100%)
int sv_volume( int slot, int vol ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_send_event() - send some event (note ON, note OFF, controller change, etc.)
track_num - track number within the pattern;
note: 0 - nothing; 1..127 - note num; 128 - note off; 129, 130... - see NOTECMD_xxx defines;
vel: velocity 1..129; 0 - default;
module: 0 - nothing; 1..255 - module number + 1;
ctl: 0xCCEE. CC - number of a controller (1..255). EE - effect;
ctl_val: value of controller or effect.
int sv_send_event( int slot, int track_num, int note, int vel, int module, int ctl, int ctl_val ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_get_current_line( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR; /* Get current line number */
int sv_get_current_line2( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR; /* Get current line number in fixed point format 27.5 */
int sv_get_current_signal_level( int slot, int channel ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR; /* From 0 to 255 */
const char* sv_get_song_name( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_get_song_bpm( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_get_song_tpl( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_get_song_length_frames(), sv_get_song_length_lines() -
get the project length.
Frame is one discrete of the sound. Sample rate 44100 Hz means, that you hear 44100 frames per second.
unsigned int sv_get_song_length_frames( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
unsigned int sv_get_song_length_lines( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_new_module() - create a new module;
sv_remove_module() - remove selected module;
sv_connect_module() - connect the source to the destination;
sv_disconnect_module() - disconnect the source from the destination;
sv_load_module() - load a module or sample; supported file formats: sunsynth, xi, wav, aiff;
return value: new module number or negative value in case of some error;
sv_load_module_from_memory() - load a module or sample from the memory block;
sv_sampler_load() - load a sample to already created Sampler; to replace the whole sampler - set sample_slot to -1;
sv_sampler_load_from_memory() - load a sample from the memory block;
int sv_new_module( int slot, const char* type, const char* name, int x, int y, int z ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR; /* USE LOCK/UNLOCK! */
int sv_remove_module( int slot, int mod_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR; /* USE LOCK/UNLOCK! */
int sv_connect_module( int slot, int source, int destination ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR; /* USE LOCK/UNLOCK! */
int sv_disconnect_module( int slot, int source, int destination ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR; /* USE LOCK/UNLOCK! */
int sv_load_module( int slot, const char* file_name, int x, int y, int z ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_load_module_from_memory( int slot, void* data, unsigned int data_size, int x, int y, int z ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_sampler_load( int slot, int sampler_module, const char* file_name, int sample_slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_sampler_load_from_memory( int slot, int sampler_module, void* data, unsigned int data_size, int sample_slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_get_number_of_modules( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
unsigned int sv_get_module_flags( int slot, int mod_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR; /* SV_MODULE_FLAG_xxx */
sv_get_module_inputs(), sv_get_module_outputs() -
get pointers to the int[] arrays with the input/output links.
Number of inputs = ( module_flags & SV_MODULE_INPUTS_MASK ) >> SV_MODULE_INPUTS_OFF.
Number of outputs = ( module_flags & SV_MODULE_OUTPUTS_MASK ) >> SV_MODULE_OUTPUTS_OFF.
int* sv_get_module_inputs( int slot, int mod_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int* sv_get_module_outputs( int slot, int mod_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
const char* sv_get_module_name( int slot, int mod_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_get_module_xy() - get module XY coordinates packed in a single uint32 value:
( x & 0xFFFF ) | ( ( y & 0xFFFF ) << 16 ).
Normal working area: 0x0 ... 1024x1024
Center: 512x512
Use SV_GET_MODULE_XY() macro to unpack X and Y.
unsigned int sv_get_module_xy( int slot, int mod_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_get_module_color() - get module color in the following format: 0xBBGGRR
int sv_get_module_color( int slot, int mod_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_get_module_scope2() return value = received number of samples (may be less or equal to samples_to_read).
unsigned int sv_get_module_scope2( int slot, int mod_num, int channel, signed short* dest_buf, unsigned int samples_to_read ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_get_number_of_module_ctls( int slot, int mod_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
const char* sv_get_module_ctl_name( int slot, int mod_num, int ctl_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_get_module_ctl_value( int slot, int mod_num, int ctl_num, int scaled ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_get_number_of_patterns( int slot ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_get_pattern_x( int slot, int pat_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_get_pattern_y( int slot, int pat_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_get_pattern_tracks( int slot, int pat_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_get_pattern_lines( int slot, int pat_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_get_pattern_data() - get the pattern buffer (for reading and writing)
containing notes (events) in the following order:
line 0: note for track 0, note for track 1, ... note for track X;
line 1: note for track 0, note for track 1, ... note for track X;
line X: ...
int pat_tracks = sv_get_pattern_tracks( slot, pat_num ); //number of tracks
sunvox_note* data = sv_get_pattern_data( slot, pat_num ); //get the buffer with all the pattern events (notes)
sunvox_note* n = &data[ line_number * pat_tracks + track_number ];
... and then do someting with note n ...
sunvox_note* sv_get_pattern_data( int slot, int pat_num ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_pattern_mute( int slot, int pat_num, int mute ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR; /* USE LOCK/UNLOCK! */
SunVox engine uses its own time space, measured in system ticks (don't confuse it with the project ticks);
required when calculating the out_time parameter in the sv_audio_callback().
Use sv_get_ticks() to get current tick counter (from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF).
Use sv_get_ticks_per_second() to get the number of SunVox ticks per second.
unsigned int sv_get_ticks( void ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
unsigned int sv_get_ticks_per_second( void ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
sv_get_log() - get the latest messages from the log
size - max number of bytes to read.
Return value: pointer to the null-terminated string with the latest log messages.
const char* sv_get_log( int size ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR;
int sv_get_sample_type( void ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR; /* Get internal sample type of the SunVox engine. Return value: one of the SV_STYPE_xxx defines. Use it to get the scope buffer type from get_module_scope() function. */
void* sv_get_module_scope( int slot, int mod_num, int channel, int* buffer_offset, int* buffer_size ) SUNVOX_FN_ATTR; /* Use sv_get_module_scope2() */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* ...extern "C" */
/* DYNAMIC LIBRARY (DLL, SO, etc.) ... */
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_audio_callback)( void* buf, int frames, int latency, unsigned int out_time );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_audio_callback2)( void* buf, int frames, int latency, unsigned int out_time, int in_type, int in_channels, void* in_buf );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_open_slot)( int slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_close_slot)( int slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_lock_slot)( int slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_unlock_slot)( int slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_init)( const char* config, int freq, int channels, unsigned int flags );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_deinit)( void );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_update_input)( void );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_sample_type)( void );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_load)( int slot, const char* name );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_load_from_memory)( int slot, void* data, unsigned int data_size );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_play)( int slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_play_from_beginning)( int slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_stop)( int slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_set_autostop)( int slot, int autostop );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_end_of_song)( int slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_rewind)( int slot, int t );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_volume)( int slot, int vol );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_send_event)( int slot, int track_num, int note, int vel, int module, int ctl, int ctl_val );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_current_line)( int slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_current_line2)( int slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_current_signal_level)( int slot, int channel );
typedef const char* (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_song_name)( int slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_song_bpm)( int slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_song_tpl)( int slot );
typedef unsigned int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_song_length_frames)( int slot );
typedef unsigned int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_song_length_lines)( int slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_new_module)( int slot, const char* type, const char* name, int x, int y, int z );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_remove_module)( int slot, int mod_num );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_connect_module)( int slot, int source, int destination );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_disconnect_module)( int slot, int source, int destination );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_load_module)( int slot, const char* file_name, int x, int y, int z );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_load_module_from_memory)( int slot, void* data, unsigned int data_size, int x, int y, int z );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_sampler_load)( int slot, int sampler_module, const char* file_name, int sample_slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_sampler_load_from_memory)( int slot, int sampler_module, void* data, unsigned int data_size, int sample_slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_number_of_modules)( int slot );
typedef unsigned int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_module_flags)( int slot, int mod_num );
typedef int* (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_module_inputs)( int slot, int mod_num );
typedef int* (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_module_outputs)( int slot, int mod_num );
typedef const char* (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_module_name)( int slot, int mod_num );
typedef unsigned int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_module_xy)( int slot, int mod_num );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_module_color)( int slot, int mod_num );
typedef void* (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_module_scope)( int slot, int mod_num, int channel, int* buffer_offset, int* buffer_size );
typedef unsigned int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_module_scope2)( int slot, int mod_num, int channel, signed short* dest_buf, unsigned int samples_to_read );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_number_of_module_ctls)( int slot, int mod_num );
typedef const char* (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_module_ctl_name)( int slot, int mod_num, int ctl_num );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_module_ctl_value)( int slot, int mod_num, int ctl_num, int scaled );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_number_of_patterns)( int slot );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_pattern_x)( int slot, int pat_num );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_pattern_y)( int slot, int pat_num );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_pattern_tracks)( int slot, int pat_num );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_pattern_lines)( int slot, int pat_num );
typedef sunvox_note* (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_pattern_data)( int slot, int pat_num );
typedef int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_pattern_mute)( int slot, int pat_num, int mute );
typedef unsigned int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_ticks)( void );
typedef unsigned int (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_ticks_per_second)( void );
typedef const char* (SUNVOX_FN_ATTR *tsv_get_log)( int size );
#define SV_FN_DECL
#define SV_FN_DECL2 =0
#define SV_FN_DECL extern
#define SV_FN_DECL2
SV_FN_DECL tsv_audio_callback sv_audio_callback SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_audio_callback2 sv_audio_callback2 SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_open_slot sv_open_slot SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_close_slot sv_close_slot SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_lock_slot sv_lock_slot SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_unlock_slot sv_unlock_slot SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_init sv_init SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_deinit sv_deinit SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_update_input sv_update_input SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_sample_type sv_get_sample_type SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_load sv_load SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_load_from_memory sv_load_from_memory SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_play sv_play SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_play_from_beginning sv_play_from_beginning SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_stop sv_stop SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_set_autostop sv_set_autostop SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_end_of_song sv_end_of_song SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_rewind sv_rewind SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_volume sv_volume SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_send_event sv_send_event SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_current_line sv_get_current_line SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_current_line2 sv_get_current_line2 SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_current_signal_level sv_get_current_signal_level SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_song_name sv_get_song_name SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_song_bpm sv_get_song_bpm SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_song_tpl sv_get_song_tpl SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_song_length_frames sv_get_song_length_frames SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_song_length_lines sv_get_song_length_lines SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_new_module sv_new_module SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_remove_module sv_remove_module SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_connect_module sv_connect_module SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_disconnect_module sv_disconnect_module SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_load_module sv_load_module SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_load_module_from_memory sv_load_module_from_memory SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_sampler_load sv_sampler_load SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_sampler_load_from_memory sv_sampler_load_from_memory SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_number_of_modules sv_get_number_of_modules SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_module_flags sv_get_module_flags SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_module_inputs sv_get_module_inputs SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_module_outputs sv_get_module_outputs SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_module_name sv_get_module_name SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_module_xy sv_get_module_xy SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_module_color sv_get_module_color SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_module_scope sv_get_module_scope SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_module_scope2 sv_get_module_scope2 SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_number_of_module_ctls sv_get_number_of_module_ctls SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_module_ctl_name sv_get_module_ctl_name SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_module_ctl_value sv_get_module_ctl_value SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_number_of_patterns sv_get_number_of_patterns SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_pattern_x sv_get_pattern_x SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_pattern_y sv_get_pattern_y SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_pattern_tracks sv_get_pattern_tracks SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_pattern_lines sv_get_pattern_lines SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_pattern_data sv_get_pattern_data SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_pattern_mute sv_pattern_mute SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_ticks sv_get_ticks SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_ticks_per_second sv_get_ticks_per_second SV_FN_DECL2;
SV_FN_DECL tsv_get_log sv_get_log SV_FN_DECL2;
#ifdef WIN
#define IMPORT( Handle, Type, Function, Store ) \
{ \
Store = (Type)GetProcAddress( Handle, Function ); \
if( Store == 0 ) { fn_not_found = Function; break; } \
#define ERROR_MSG( msg ) MessageBoxA( 0, msg, "Error", MB_OK );
#ifdef UNIX
#define IMPORT( Handle, Type, Function, Store ) \
{ \
Store = (Type)dlsym( Handle, Function ); \
if( Store == 0 ) { fn_not_found = Function; break; } \
#define ERROR_MSG( msg ) printf( "ERROR: %s\n", msg );
#ifdef UNIX
void* g_sv_dll = 0;
#ifdef WIN
HMODULE g_sv_dll = 0;
int sv_load_dll2( LIBNAME_STR_TYPE filename )
#ifdef WIN
g_sv_dll = LoadLibrary( filename );
if( g_sv_dll == 0 )
printf( "LoadLibrary() error %d\n", GetLastError() );
ERROR_MSG( "can't load sunvox.dll" );
return -1;
#ifdef UNIX
g_sv_dll = dlopen( filename, RTLD_NOW );
if( g_sv_dll == 0 )
printf( "%s\n", dlerror() );
return -1;
const char* fn_not_found = 0;
while( 1 )
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_audio_callback, "sv_audio_callback", sv_audio_callback );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_audio_callback2, "sv_audio_callback2", sv_audio_callback2 );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_open_slot, "sv_open_slot", sv_open_slot );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_close_slot, "sv_close_slot", sv_close_slot );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_lock_slot, "sv_lock_slot", sv_lock_slot );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_unlock_slot, "sv_unlock_slot", sv_unlock_slot );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_init, "sv_init", sv_init );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_deinit, "sv_deinit", sv_deinit );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_update_input, "sv_update_input", sv_update_input );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_sample_type, "sv_get_sample_type", sv_get_sample_type );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_load, "sv_load", sv_load );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_load_from_memory, "sv_load_from_memory", sv_load_from_memory );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_play, "sv_play", sv_play );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_play_from_beginning, "sv_play_from_beginning", sv_play_from_beginning );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_stop, "sv_stop", sv_stop );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_set_autostop, "sv_set_autostop", sv_set_autostop );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_end_of_song, "sv_end_of_song", sv_end_of_song );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_rewind, "sv_rewind", sv_rewind );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_volume, "sv_volume", sv_volume );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_send_event, "sv_send_event", sv_send_event );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_current_line, "sv_get_current_line", sv_get_current_line );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_current_line2, "sv_get_current_line2", sv_get_current_line2 );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_current_signal_level, "sv_get_current_signal_level", sv_get_current_signal_level );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_song_name, "sv_get_song_name", sv_get_song_name );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_song_bpm, "sv_get_song_bpm", sv_get_song_bpm );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_song_tpl, "sv_get_song_tpl", sv_get_song_tpl );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_song_length_frames, "sv_get_song_length_frames", sv_get_song_length_frames );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_song_length_lines, "sv_get_song_length_lines", sv_get_song_length_lines );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_new_module, "sv_new_module", sv_new_module );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_remove_module, "sv_remove_module", sv_remove_module );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_connect_module, "sv_connect_module", sv_connect_module );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_disconnect_module, "sv_disconnect_module", sv_disconnect_module );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_load_module, "sv_load_module", sv_load_module );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_load_module_from_memory, "sv_load_module_from_memory", sv_load_module_from_memory );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_sampler_load, "sv_sampler_load", sv_sampler_load );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_sampler_load_from_memory, "sv_sampler_load_from_memory", sv_sampler_load_from_memory );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_number_of_modules, "sv_get_number_of_modules", sv_get_number_of_modules );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_module_flags, "sv_get_module_flags", sv_get_module_flags );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_module_inputs, "sv_get_module_inputs", sv_get_module_inputs );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_module_outputs, "sv_get_module_outputs", sv_get_module_outputs );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_module_name, "sv_get_module_name", sv_get_module_name );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_module_xy, "sv_get_module_xy", sv_get_module_xy );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_module_color, "sv_get_module_color", sv_get_module_color );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_module_scope, "sv_get_module_scope", sv_get_module_scope );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_module_scope2, "sv_get_module_scope2", sv_get_module_scope2 );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_number_of_module_ctls, "sv_get_number_of_module_ctls", sv_get_number_of_module_ctls );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_module_ctl_name, "sv_get_module_ctl_name", sv_get_module_ctl_name );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_module_ctl_value, "sv_get_module_ctl_value", sv_get_module_ctl_value );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_number_of_patterns, "sv_get_number_of_patterns", sv_get_number_of_patterns );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_pattern_x, "sv_get_pattern_x", sv_get_pattern_x );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_pattern_y, "sv_get_pattern_y", sv_get_pattern_y );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_pattern_tracks, "sv_get_pattern_tracks", sv_get_pattern_tracks );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_pattern_lines, "sv_get_pattern_lines", sv_get_pattern_lines );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_pattern_data, "sv_get_pattern_data", sv_get_pattern_data );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_pattern_mute, "sv_pattern_mute", sv_pattern_mute );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_ticks, "sv_get_ticks", sv_get_ticks );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_ticks_per_second, "sv_get_ticks_per_second", sv_get_ticks_per_second );
IMPORT( g_sv_dll, tsv_get_log, "sv_get_log", sv_get_log );
if( fn_not_found )
char ts[ 256 ];
sprintf( ts, "sunvox lib: %s() not found", fn_not_found );
ERROR_MSG( ts );
return -2;
return 0;
int sv_load_dll( void )
#ifdef WIN
return sv_load_dll2( TEXT(LIBNAME) );
return sv_load_dll2( LIBNAME );
return -1111;
int sv_unload_dll( void )
#ifdef UNIX
if( g_sv_dll ) dlclose( g_sv_dll );
return 0;
#else /* ... SUNVOX_MAIN */
int sv_load_dll2( LIBNAME_STR_TYPE filename );
int sv_load_dll( void );
int sv_unload_dll( void );
#endif /* ... not SUNVOX_MAIN */
#endif /* ... DYNAMIC LIBRARY */