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2021-01-06 18:53:31 +00:00
<Cabbage> bounds(0, 0, 0, 0)
form caption("Amateur") size(400, 300), colour(0, 51, 153),pluginid("amat")
keyboard bounds(6, 170, 381, 95) value(53)
combobox bounds(4, 38, 110, 20) channel("osc1") text("piano", "el piano (SIN)", "e-bass", "e-organ (SAW)", "distorted", "guitar (SQR)", "organ", "oboe")
combobox bounds(172, 38, 103, 20) text("piano", "el piano (SIN)", "e-bass", "e-organ (SAW)", "distorted", "guitar (SQR)", "organ", "oboe") channel("osc2") value(2)
rslider bounds(66, 2, 36, 32) range(1, 3, 2, 1, 1) channel("osc1transpose")
rslider bounds(204, 0, 37, 33) range(1, 3, 2, 1, 1) channel("osc2transpose")
rslider bounds(122, 30, 45, 37) range(0, 1, 0.5, 1, 0.001) channel("oscmix")
label bounds(106, 8, 80, 16) text("OSC")
label bounds(36, 74, 80, 16) text("ENV")
rslider bounds(4, 96, 55, 43) range(0.01, 1, 0.01, 1, 0.001) channel("attack")
rslider bounds(94, 94, 53, 45) range(0.01, 1, 0.5, 1, 0.001) channel("decay")
checkbox bounds(64, 100, 27, 30) channel("hold") value(1)
label bounds(18, 142, 34, 16) text("A")
label bounds(100, 142, 39, 16) text("D/R")
label bounds(60, 142, 34, 16) text("S")
label bounds(298, 10, 80, 16) text("FILTER")
combobox bounds(298, 38, 80, 20) channel("filter_mode") text("none", "quack", "quack & bite")
label bounds(258, 76, 80, 16) text("FX")
rslider bounds(238, 98, 42, 40) range(0, 1, 0, 1, 0.001) channel("phaser")
label bounds(230, 142, 54, 16) text("phaser")
rslider bounds(292, 98, 46, 42) range(0, 1, 0, 1, 0.001) channel("chorus")
label bounds(286, 142, 57, 16) text("chorus")
rslider bounds(346, 98, 48, 41) range(0, 1, 0, 1, 0.001) channel("reverb")
label bounds(346, 142, 49, 16) text("reverb")
vslider bounds(152, 72, 50, 87) range(0, 1, 0.5, 1, 0.001) channel("vol")
checkbox bounds(8, 272, 18, 19) channel("wheelmix")
label bounds(32, 274, 179, 17) text("mix with modwheel?") channel("wheelmix")
me = act_menu()
me.add(csd_select(me, csd, "osc1", "OSC1", 0, ["piano", "el piano (SIN)", "e-bass", "e-organ (SAW)", "distorted", "guitar (SQR)", "organ", "oboe"]))
me.add(csd_select(me, csd, "osc1transpose", "OSC1 register", 1, ["lower", "middle", "upper"]))
me.add(csd_select(me, csd, "osc2", "OSC2", 1, ["piano", "el piano (SIN)", "e-bass", "e-organ (SAW)", "distorted", "guitar (SQR)", "organ", "oboe"]))
me.add(csd_select(me, csd, "osc2transpose", "OSC2 register", 1, ["lower", "middle", "upper"]))
me.add(csd_param(me, csd, "oscmix", "OSC1 / OSC2", 0.5, 0, 1));
me.add(csd_checkbox(me, csd, "wheelmix", "Wheelmix?", 0))
me.add(csd_param(me, csd, "attack", "Attack", 0.01, 0.01, 1))
me.add(csd_param(me, csd, "decay", "Decay", 0.5, 0.01, 1))
me.add(csd_checkbox(me, csd, "hold", "Hold tone?", 1))
me.add(csd_select(me, csd, "filter_mode", "Filter mode", 0, ["none", "quack", "quack & bite"]))
me.add(csd_param(me, csd, "phaser", "FX: phaser", 0, 0, 1))
me.add(csd_param(me, csd, "chorus", "FX: chorus", 0, 0, 1))
me.add(csd_param(me, csd, "reverb", "FX: reverb", 0, 0, 1))
me.add(csd_param(me, csd, "vol", "Volume", 0.5, 0, 1))
me.add(act_confirm(me, 'Reset synth?', exit))
; silent, default DAC, PortMidi and all inputs, cps to p4, velocity to p5
-d -+rtaudio=jack -o dac -+rtmidi=PortMidi -Ma --midi-key-cps=4 --midi-velocity-amp=5
; Initialize the global variables.
;ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
giWaves[] init 9
giWaves[1] ftgen 0, 0, 0, 1, "akwf/AKWF_piano_0001.wav", 0, 0, 0
giWaves[2] ftgen 0, 0, 0, 1, "akwf/AKWF_epiano_0014.wav", 0, 0, 0
giWaves[3] ftgen 0, 0, 0, 1, "akwf/AKWF_ebass_0042.wav", 0, 0, 0
giWaves[4] ftgen 0, 0, 0, 1, "akwf/AKWF_eorgan_0033.wav", 0, 0, 0
giWaves[5] ftgen 0, 0, 0, 1, "akwf/AKWF_eguitar_0011.wav", 0, 0, 0
giWaves[6] ftgen 0, 0, 0, 1, "akwf/AKWF_eguitar_0003.wav", 0, 0, 0
giWaves[7] ftgen 0, 0, 0, 1, "akwf/AKWF_eorgan_0114.wav", 0, 0, 0
giWaves[8] ftgen 0, 0, 0, 1, "akwf/AKWF_oboe_0013.wav", 0, 0, 0
giTranspose[] init 4
giTranspose[1] = 0.5
giTranspose[2] = 1
giTranspose[3] = 2
gaOut init 0
;Author: Iain McCurdy (2012)
opcode Phaser,a,akkkKki
ain,krate,kdepth,kfreq,kstages,kfback,ishape xin ;READ IN INPUT ARGUMENTS
if ishape=1 then
klfo lfo kdepth*0.5, krate, 1 ;LFO FOR THE PHASER (TRIANGULAR SHAPE)
elseif ishape=2 then
klfo lfo kdepth*0.5, krate, 0 ;LFO FOR THE PHASER (SINE SHAPE)
elseif ishape=3 then
klfo lfo kdepth*0.5, krate, 2 ;LFO FOR THE PHASER (SQUARE SHAPE)
elseif ishape=4 then
klfo lfo kdepth*0.5, krate, 4 ;LFO FOR THE PHASER (SAWTOOTH)
elseif ishape=5 then
klfo lfo kdepth*0.5, krate, 5 ;LFO FOR THE PHASER (SAWTOOTH)
elseif ishape=6 then
klfo randomi -kdepth*0.5, kdepth*0.5, krate*8 ;LFO FOR THE PHASER (RANDOMI SHAPE)
klfo portk klfo, 1/(krate*8) ;SMOOTH CHANGES OF DIRECTION
elseif ishape=7 then
klfo randomh -kdepth*0.5, kdepth*0.5, krate ;LFO FOR THE PHASER (RANDOMH SHAPE)
aout phaser1 ain, cpsoct((klfo+(kdepth*0.5)+kfreq)), kstages, kfback ;PHASER1 IS APPLIED TO THE INPUT AUDIO
/* ------- */
;instrument will be triggered by keyboard widget
instr 1
kbnd pchbend 0, 100
kcps = p4 + kbnd
iosc1 chnget "osc1"
iosc1_transpose chnget "osc1transpose"
aOutA poscil3 0.6, kcps * giTranspose[iosc1_transpose], giWaves[iosc1]
iosc2 chnget "osc2"
iosc2_transpose chnget "osc2transpose"
aOutB poscil3 0.6, kcps * giTranspose[iosc2_transpose], giWaves[iosc2]
iwheelmix chnget "wheelmix"
if iwheelmix==1 then
koscmix midictrl 1 , 0 , 1
koscmix chnget "oscmix"
aOut ntrpol aOutA, aOutB, koscmix
iattack chnget "attack"
idecay chnget "decay"
isustain chnget "hold"
if isustain == 1 then
kEnv madsr iattack, 0.0001, 1, idecay+iattack
kEnv linsegr 0, iattack, 1, idecay, 0, iattack+idecay, 0
ifilter_mode chnget "filter_mode"
if ifilter_mode == 2 then
aOut moogladder aOut, 12000, 0
elseif ifilter_mode == 3 then
aOut moogladder aOut, 12000, 0.3
gaOut += aOut*kEnv
instr 2
aOut = gaOut
kphaser chnget "phaser"
aPhased Phaser aOut, 0.5, 4, 8, 8, 0.36, 1
aOut ntrpol aOut, aPhased, kphaser
aL = aOut
aR = aOut
kchorus chnget "chorus"
kchorus = kchorus / 2
; chorus
amod1 = randi:a(3,.75)+oscili(2,.35)+31
amod2 = randi:a(2,.65)+oscili(3,.55)+29
a1 = vdelay(aL*.5,amod1,35)
a2 = vdelay(aR*.5,amod2,35)
aLchorus = aL + a1
aRchorus = aR + a2
aL ntrpol aL, aLchorus, kchorus
aR ntrpol aR, aRchorus, kchorus
; reverb
kreverb chnget "reverb"
kreverb = kreverb / 3
aLreverb, aRreverb reverbsc aL, aR, 0.8, 12000
aL = aL + (aLreverb * kreverb)
aR = aR + (aRreverb * kreverb)
; volume
kVol chnget "vol"
aL clip aL*kVol, 0, 0.9
aR clip aR*kVol, 0, 0.9
outs aL, aR
gaOut = 0
schedule 2, 0, -1
;causes Csound to run for about 7000 years...
f0 z