
609 lines
17 KiB

* This file is part of the Tracy (
* Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (
namespace Tracy;
use ErrorException;
* Debugger: displays and logs errors.
class Debugger
public const VERSION = '2.7.2';
/** server modes for Debugger::enable() */
public const
DETECT = null;
public const COOKIE_SECRET = 'tracy-debug';
/** @var bool in production mode is suppressed any debugging output */
public static $productionMode = self::DETECT;
/** @var bool whether to display debug bar in development mode */
public static $showBar = true;
/** @var bool whether to send data to FireLogger in development mode */
public static $showFireLogger = true;
/** @var int size of reserved memory */
public static $reservedMemorySize = 500000;
/** @var bool */
private static $enabled = false;
/** @var string|null reserved memory; also prevents double rendering */
private static $reserved;
/** @var int initial output buffer level */
private static $obLevel;
/********************* errors and exceptions reporting ****************d*g**/
/** @var bool|int determines whether any error will cause immediate death in development mode; if integer that it's matched against error severity */
public static $strictMode = false;
/** @var bool disables the @ (shut-up) operator so that notices and warnings are no longer hidden */
public static $scream = false;
/** @var callable[] functions that are automatically called after fatal error */
public static $onFatalError = [];
/********************* Debugger::dump() ****************d*g**/
/** @var int how many nested levels of array/object properties display by dump() */
public static $maxDepth = 3;
/** @var int how long strings display by dump() */
public static $maxLength = 150;
/** @var bool display location by dump()? */
public static $showLocation = false;
/** @deprecated */
public static $maxLen;
/********************* logging ****************d*g**/
/** @var string|null name of the directory where errors should be logged */
public static $logDirectory;
/** @var int log bluescreen in production mode for this error severity */
public static $logSeverity = 0;
/** @var string|array email(s) to which send error notifications */
public static $email;
/** for Debugger::log() and Debugger::fireLog() */
public const
INFO = ILogger::INFO,
/********************* misc ****************d*g**/
/** @var int timestamp with microseconds of the start of the request */
public static $time;
/** @var string URI pattern mask to open editor */
public static $editor = 'editor://%action/?file=%file&line=%line&search=%search&replace=%replace';
/** @var array replacements in path */
public static $editorMapping = [];
/** @var string command to open browser (use 'start ""' in Windows) */
public static $browser;
/** @var string custom static error template */
public static $errorTemplate;
/** @var string[] */
public static $customCssFiles = [];
/** @var string[] */
public static $customJsFiles = [];
/** @var array|null */
private static $cpuUsage;
/********************* services ****************d*g**/
/** @var BlueScreen */
private static $blueScreen;
/** @var Bar */
private static $bar;
/** @var ILogger */
private static $logger;
/** @var ILogger */
private static $fireLogger;
* Static class - cannot be instantiated.
final public function __construct()
throw new \LogicException;
* Enables displaying or logging errors and exceptions.
* @param mixed $mode production, development mode, autodetection or IP address(es) whitelist.
* @param string $logDirectory error log directory
* @param string|array $email administrator email; enables email sending in production mode
public static function enable($mode = null, string $logDirectory = null, $email = null): void
if ($mode !== null || self::$productionMode === null) {
self::$productionMode = is_bool($mode) ? $mode : !self::detectDebugMode($mode);
self::$reserved = str_repeat('t', self::$reservedMemorySize);
self::$time = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'] ?? microtime(true);
self::$obLevel = ob_get_level();
self::$cpuUsage = !self::$productionMode && function_exists('getrusage') ? getrusage() : null;
// logging configuration
if ($email !== null) {
self::$email = $email;
if ($logDirectory !== null) {
self::$logDirectory = $logDirectory;
if (self::$logDirectory) {
if (!preg_match('#([a-z]+:)?[/\\\\]#Ai', self::$logDirectory)) {
self::exceptionHandler(new \RuntimeException('Logging directory must be absolute path.'));
} elseif (!is_dir(self::$logDirectory)) {
self::exceptionHandler(new \RuntimeException("Logging directory '" . self::$logDirectory . "' is not found."));
// php configuration
if (function_exists('ini_set')) {
ini_set('display_errors', self::$productionMode ? '0' : '1'); // or 'stderr'
ini_set('html_errors', '0');
ini_set('log_errors', '0');
} elseif (
ini_get('display_errors') != !self::$productionMode // intentionally ==
&& ini_get('display_errors') !== (self::$productionMode ? 'stderr' : 'stdout')
) {
self::exceptionHandler(new \RuntimeException("Unable to set 'display_errors' because function ini_set() is disabled."));
if (self::$enabled) {
register_shutdown_function([__CLASS__, 'shutdownHandler']);
set_exception_handler(function (\Throwable $e) {
set_error_handler([__CLASS__, 'errorHandler']);
foreach (['Bar/Bar', 'Bar/DefaultBarPanel', 'BlueScreen/BlueScreen', 'Dumper/Dumper', 'Logger/Logger', 'Helpers'] as $path) {
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . "/$path.php";
self::$enabled = true;
public static function dispatch(): void
if (self::$productionMode || PHP_SAPI === 'cli') {
} elseif (headers_sent($file, $line) || ob_get_length()) {
throw new \LogicException(
__METHOD__ . '() called after some output has been sent. '
. ($file ? "Output started at $file:$line." : 'Try Tracy\OutputDebugger to find where output started.')
} elseif (self::$enabled && session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
ini_set('session.use_cookies', '1');
ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', '1');
ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', '0');
ini_set('session.cookie_path', '/');
ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', '1');
if (self::getBar()->dispatchAssets()) {
* Renders loading <script>
public static function renderLoader(): void
if (!self::$productionMode) {
public static function isEnabled(): bool
return self::$enabled;
* Shutdown handler to catch fatal errors and execute of the planned activities.
* @internal
public static function shutdownHandler(): void
$error = error_get_last();
if (in_array($error['type'] ?? null, [E_ERROR, E_CORE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, E_USER_ERROR], true)) {
self::exceptionHandler(Helpers::fixStack(new ErrorException($error['message'], 0, $error['type'], $error['file'], $error['line'])));
} elseif (($error['type'] ?? null) === E_COMPILE_WARNING) {
self::errorHandler($error['type'], $error['message'], $error['file'], $error['line']);
self::$reserved = null;
if (self::$showBar && !self::$productionMode) {
try {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
* Handler to catch uncaught exception.
* @internal
public static function exceptionHandler(\Throwable $exception): void
$firstTime = (bool) self::$reserved;
self::$reserved = null;
if (!headers_sent()) {
http_response_code(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE ') !== false ? 503 : 500);
if (Helpers::isHtmlMode()) {
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
if (self::$productionMode || connection_aborted()) {
try {
self::log($exception, self::EXCEPTION);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
if (!$firstTime) {
// nothing
} elseif (Helpers::isHtmlMode()) {
$logged = empty($e);
require self::$errorTemplate ?: __DIR__ . '/assets/error.500.phtml';
} elseif (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') {
@fwrite(STDERR, 'ERROR: application encountered an error and can not continue. '
. (isset($e) ? "Unable to log error.\n" : "Error was logged.\n")); // @ triggers E_NOTICE when strerr is closed since PHP 7.4
} elseif ($firstTime && Helpers::isHtmlMode() || Helpers::isAjax()) {
} else {
try {
$file = self::log($exception, self::EXCEPTION);
if ($file && !headers_sent()) {
header("X-Tracy-Error-Log: $file", false);
echo "$exception\n" . ($file ? "(stored in $file)\n" : '');
if ($file && self::$browser) {
exec(self::$browser . ' ' . escapeshellarg($file));
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
echo "$exception\nUnable to log error: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
try {
foreach ($firstTime ? self::$onFatalError : [] as $handler) {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
try {
self::log($e, self::EXCEPTION);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
* Handler to catch warnings and notices.
* @return bool|null false to call normal error handler, null otherwise
* @throws ErrorException
* @internal
public static function errorHandler(int $severity, string $message, string $file, int $line, array $context = null): ?bool
$error = error_get_last();
if (($error['type'] ?? null) === E_COMPILE_WARNING) {
self::errorHandler($error['type'], $error['message'], $error['file'], $error['line']);
if (self::$scream) {
if ($severity === E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR || $severity === E_USER_ERROR) {
if (Helpers::findTrace(debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS), '*::__toString')) { // workaround for PHP < 7.4
$previous = isset($context['e']) && $context['e'] instanceof \Throwable ? $context['e'] : null;
$e = new ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line, $previous);
$e->context = $context;
$e = new ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line);
$e->context = $context;
throw $e;
} elseif (($severity & error_reporting()) !== $severity) { // muted errors
} elseif (self::$productionMode) {
if (($severity & self::$logSeverity) === $severity) {
$e = new ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line);
$e->context = $context;
} else {
$e = 'PHP ' . Helpers::errorTypeToString($severity) . ': ' . Helpers::improveError($message, (array) $context) . " in $file:$line";
try {
self::log($e, self::ERROR);
} catch (\Throwable $foo) {
} elseif (
(is_bool(self::$strictMode) ? self::$strictMode : ((self::$strictMode & $severity) === $severity)) // $strictMode
&& !isset($_GET['_tracy_skip_error'])
) {
$e = new ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line);
$e->context = $context;
$e->skippable = true;
} else {
$message = 'PHP ' . Helpers::errorTypeToString($severity) . ': ' . Helpers::improveError($message, (array) $context);
$count = &self::getBar()->getPanel('Tracy:errors')->data["$file|$line|$message"];
if ($count++) { // repeated error
return null;
} else {
self::fireLog(new ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line));
return Helpers::isHtmlMode() || Helpers::isAjax() ? null : false; // false calls normal error handler
return false; // calls normal error handler to fill-in error_get_last()
private static function removeOutputBuffers(bool $errorOccurred): void
while (ob_get_level() > self::$obLevel) {
$status = ob_get_status();
if (in_array($status['name'], ['ob_gzhandler', 'zlib output compression'], true)) {
$fnc = $status['chunk_size'] || !$errorOccurred ? 'ob_end_flush' : 'ob_end_clean';
if (!@$fnc()) { // @ may be not removable
/********************* services ****************d*g**/
public static function getBlueScreen(): BlueScreen
if (!self::$blueScreen) {
self::$blueScreen = new BlueScreen;
self::$blueScreen->info = [
'Tracy ' . self::VERSION,
return self::$blueScreen;
public static function getBar(): Bar
if (!self::$bar) {
self::$bar = new Bar;
self::$bar->addPanel($info = new DefaultBarPanel('info'), 'Tracy:info');
$info->cpuUsage = self::$cpuUsage;
self::$bar->addPanel(new DefaultBarPanel('errors'), 'Tracy:errors'); // filled by errorHandler()
return self::$bar;
public static function setLogger(ILogger $logger): void
self::$logger = $logger;
public static function getLogger(): ILogger
if (!self::$logger) {
self::$logger = new Logger(self::$logDirectory, self::$email, self::getBlueScreen());
self::$logger->directory = &self::$logDirectory; // back compatiblity
self::$logger->email = &self::$email;
return self::$logger;
public static function getFireLogger(): ILogger
if (!self::$fireLogger) {
self::$fireLogger = new FireLogger;
return self::$fireLogger;
/********************* useful tools ****************d*g**/
* Dumps information about a variable in readable format.
* @tracySkipLocation
* @param mixed $var variable to dump
* @param bool $return return output instead of printing it? (bypasses $productionMode)
* @return mixed variable itself or dump
public static function dump($var, bool $return = false)
if ($return) {
return Helpers::capture(function () use ($var) {
Dumper::dump($var, [
Dumper::DEPTH => self::$maxDepth,
Dumper::TRUNCATE => self::$maxLength,
} elseif (!self::$productionMode) {
Dumper::dump($var, [
Dumper::DEPTH => self::$maxDepth,
Dumper::TRUNCATE => self::$maxLength,
Dumper::LOCATION => self::$showLocation,
return $var;
* Starts/stops stopwatch.
* @return float elapsed seconds
public static function timer(string $name = null): float
static $time = [];
$now = microtime(true);
$delta = isset($time[$name]) ? $now - $time[$name] : 0;
$time[$name] = $now;
return $delta;
* Dumps information about a variable in Tracy Debug Bar.
* @tracySkipLocation
* @param mixed $var
* @return mixed variable itself
public static function barDump($var, string $title = null, array $options = [])
if (!self::$productionMode) {
static $panel;
if (!$panel) {
self::getBar()->addPanel($panel = new DefaultBarPanel('dumps'), 'Tracy:dumps');
$panel->data[] = ['title' => $title, 'dump' => Dumper::toHtml($var, $options + [
Dumper::DEPTH => self::$maxDepth,
Dumper::TRUNCATE => self::$maxLength,
Dumper::LOCATION => self::$showLocation ?: Dumper::LOCATION_CLASS | Dumper::LOCATION_SOURCE,
Dumper::LAZY => true,
return $var;
* Logs message or exception.
* @param mixed $message
* @return mixed
public static function log($message, string $level = ILogger::INFO)
return self::getLogger()->log($message, $level);
* Sends message to FireLogger console.
* @param mixed $message
public static function fireLog($message): bool
return !self::$productionMode && self::$showFireLogger
? self::getFireLogger()->log($message)
: false;
* Detects debug mode by IP address.
* @param string|array $list IP addresses or computer names whitelist detection
public static function detectDebugMode($list = null): bool
$addr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ?? php_uname('n');
$secret = isset($_COOKIE[self::COOKIE_SECRET]) && is_string($_COOKIE[self::COOKIE_SECRET])
: null;
$list = is_string($list)
? preg_split('#[,\s]+#', $list)
: (array) $list;
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED'])) {
$list[] = '';
$list[] = '::1';
$list[] = '[::1]'; // workaround for PHP < 7.3.4
return in_array($addr, $list, true) || in_array("$secret@$addr", $list, true);