Fixed parsing messages from users with ipv6 hosts. Bot disconnects from server on ERROR messages.

This commit is contained in:
Josh K 2019-05-17 19:13:06 -04:00
parent adcb11debf
commit 1e18a18a3c
2 changed files with 24 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def parser():
message parser decorator.
decorated function gets passed con, dst, nick, msg on each privmsg
by default, bot's own messages are caught by parsers too
even bot's own messages are sent to parsers
def __deco__( func ):
mod = add_module( func.__module__ )
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ def _on_priv_message( con, dst, nick, msg ):
parms, {'con':con,'dst':dst,'nick':nick} ) )
# callback registered parsers, self messages too by default
# callback registered parsers, for self messages too
#if nick != bcfg['user']['nick']:
for v in _MOD_MAP.values():
for p in v['parsers']:

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@ -79,6 +79,11 @@ class IrcProtocol( asyncio.Protocol ):
self._dat = self._dat[self._dat.index( b'\r\n' ) + 2:]
words = raw_msg.split()
if 'ERROR' in words[0]: self.log( raw_msg )
# closing error (too many users?!)
if 'Closing' in words[1]:
self._stop = True
if words[0] == 'PING': self.send( 'PONG ' + words[1] )
# register success, join initial channels
if words[1] == '001':
@ -92,7 +97,7 @@ class IrcProtocol( asyncio.Protocol ):
dst = words[2]
raw_user = words[0]
nick = raw_user[1 : words[0].find( '!' )]
msg = raw_msg[raw_msg.find( ':' , 1 ) + 1 :]
msg = raw_msg[raw_msg.find( ':' , len( words[0] ) ) + 1 :]
for cb in self._cb['message']: cb( self, dst, nick, msg )
# on names
elif words[1] == '353':
@ -106,16 +111,23 @@ class IrcProtocol( asyncio.Protocol ):
self.join_name( n, names_chan )
# update names (add callbacks?)
elif 'JOIN' in words[1]:
self.log( '::JOIN:: {}'.format( raw_msg ) )
nick = words[0][1:words[0].find('!')]
jchan = words[2]
if jchan[0] == ':': jchan = jchan[1:]
if nick == self.cfg['usr']['nick']:
self.log( '::JOIN:: {} has joined {}.'.format( nick, words[2][1:] ) )
self.join_name( nick, words[2][1:] )
self.log( '::JOIN:: {} has joined {}.'.format( nick, jchan ) )
self.join_name( nick, jchan )
elif 'PART' in words[1]:
self.log( '::PART:: {}'.format( raw_msg ) )
nick = words[0][1:words[0].find('!')]
pchan = words[2]
if pchan[0] == ':': pchan = pchan[1:]
if nick == self.cfg['usr']['nick']:
self.log( '::PART:: {} has left {}.'.format( nick, words[2] ) )
self.part_name( nick, words[2] )
self.log( '::PART:: {} has left {}.'.format( nick, pchan ) )
self.part_name( nick, pchan )
elif 'QUIT' in words[1]:
self.log( '::QUIT:: {}'.format( raw_msg ) )
nick = words[0][1:words[0].find('!')]
if nick == self.cfg['usr']['nick']:
self.log( '::QUIT:: {} has quit the server.'.format( nick ) )
@ -128,9 +140,11 @@ class IrcProtocol( asyncio.Protocol ):
if newnick[0] == ':': newnick = newnick[1:]
self.change_name( nick, newnick )
elif 'KICK' in words[1]:
kchan = words[2]
if kchan[0] == ':': kchan = kchan[1:]
if words[3] == self.cfg['usr']['nick']:
self.log( '::KICK:: {} has been kicked from {}.'.format( words[3], words[2] ) )
self.part_name( words[3], words[2] )
self.log( '::KICK:: {} has been kicked from {}.'.format( words[3], kchan ) )
self.part_name( words[3], kchan )
# manual stop
#self._stop = True
#self.send('QUIT :stopped' )
@ -195,7 +209,7 @@ class IrcProtocol( asyncio.Protocol ):
#if 'PONG' not in msg: self.log( '>> {}'.format( msg ) )
self._trans.write( bytes( msg[:510] + '\r\n', 'utf-8' ) )
# helper func for sending a privmsg to specified destination
# also passes on to callbacks by default if not disabled
# also passes on to callbacks by default but can be disabled
def say_to( self, dst, msg, callback=True ):
msg = msg.replace( '\n', ' ' ).replace( '\r', '' )
self.log( '{} >> {}'.format( dst, msg ) )