#include "game.h" #include "world.h" // sound channels #define S_CHAN_JUMP 0 #define S_CHAN_PICKUP 1 extern game_state_t* gs; extern game_assets_t* g_assets; // sets player position to current level's player start void P_Spawn() { // reset view gs->view_x = 0; gs->view_y = 0; gs->scroll_x = 0; // reset player jump gs->ps.jump_timer = 0; gs->ps.on_ground = 0; gs->ps.do_jump = 0; // reset direction and bullet gs->ps.last_dir = 0; gs->ps.bullet_px = 0; gs->ps.bullet_py = 0; gs->ps.do_fire = 0; gs->ps.do_jetpack = 0; gs->ps.do_up = 0; gs->ps.do_down = 0; gs->ps.dead_timer = 0; // hardcoded player starts switch ( gs->current_level ) { case 0: case 4: case 5: case 7: case 9: gs->ps.tx = 2; gs->ps.ty = 8; break; case 1: gs->ps.tx = 1; gs->ps.ty = 8; break; case 2: gs->ps.tx = 2; gs->ps.ty = 5; break; case 3: gs->ps.tx = 1; gs->ps.ty = 5; break; case 6: gs->ps.tx = 1; gs->ps.ty = 2; break; case 8: gs->ps.tx = 6; gs->ps.ty = 1; break; default: break; } gs->ps.px = gs->ps.tx * TILE_SIZE; gs->ps.py = gs->ps.ty * TILE_SIZE; } // pickup functionality and remove from world void P_PickupItem() { uint8_t tx = gs->ps.check_pickup_x; uint8_t ty = gs->ps.check_pickup_y; if ( !tx && !ty ) return; uint8_t til = gs->levels[gs->current_level].tiles[ty * 100 + tx]; // pickup functionality here if ( til == 4 ) gs->ps.jetpack = 0xff; if ( til == 10 ) { gs->ps.score += 1000; gs->ps.trophy = 1; } if ( til == 20 ) gs->ps.gun = 1; // remove gs->levels[gs->current_level].tiles[ty * 100 + tx] = 0; gs->ps.check_pickup_x = 0; gs->ps.check_pickup_y = 0; // sfx //Mix_PlayChannel( S_CHAN_PICKUP, g_assets->sfx[1], 0 ); } // update collision point clear flags void P_UpdateCollision() { if ( gs->ps.dead_timer ) return; // 8 points of collision; relative to top left of tile 56 neutral frame (20x16) // 0, 1 = top left, top right gs->ps.col_point[0] = W_IsClear( gs->ps.px + 4, gs->ps.py - 0, 1 ); gs->ps.col_point[1] = W_IsClear( gs->ps.px + 10, gs->ps.py - 0, 1 ); // 2, 3 = right edge gs->ps.col_point[2] = W_IsClear( gs->ps.px + 12, gs->ps.py + 2, 1 ); gs->ps.col_point[3] = W_IsClear( gs->ps.px + 12, gs->ps.py + 14, 1 ); // 4, 5 = bottom edge gs->ps.col_point[4] = W_IsClear( gs->ps.px + 10, gs->ps.py + 16, 1 ); gs->ps.col_point[5] = W_IsClear( gs->ps.px + 4, gs->ps.py + 16, 1 ); // 6, 7 = left edge gs->ps.col_point[6] = W_IsClear( gs->ps.px + 2, gs->ps.py + 14, 1 ); gs->ps.col_point[7] = W_IsClear( gs->ps.px + 2, gs->ps.py + 2, 1 ); // update on_ground flag if a bottom point (4,5) is not clear gs->ps.on_ground = (!gs->ps.col_point[4] || !gs->ps.col_point[5]); } // update bullet state void P_UpdateBullet() { // skip if no bullet in world if ( !gs->ps.bullet_px || !gs->ps.bullet_py ) return; // collision if ( !W_IsClear( gs->ps.bullet_px, gs->ps.bullet_py, 0 ) ) gs->ps.bullet_px = gs->ps.bullet_py = 0; // off-screen uint8_t tx = gs->ps.bullet_px / TILE_SIZE; uint8_t ty = gs->ps.bullet_py / TILE_SIZE; if ( tx - gs->view_x < 0 || tx - gs->view_x > 20 ) gs->ps.bullet_px = gs->ps.bullet_py = 0; if ( gs->ps.bullet_px ) { gs->ps.bullet_px += gs->ps.bullet_dir * 4; for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(gs->ms) / sizeof(gs->ms[0]); ++i ) { monster_state_t* m = &gs->ms[i]; if ( m->type && !m->dead_timer ) { if ( (ty == m->ty || ty == m->ty + 1) && (tx == m->tx || tx == m->tx + 1) ) { gs->ps.bullet_px = gs->ps.bullet_py = 0; m->dead_timer = 30; } } } } } // validate input whose try flags were set void P_VerifyInput() { // no input when dead if ( gs->ps.dead_timer ) return; // right; col points 2, 3 if ( gs->ps.try_right && gs->ps.col_point[2] && gs->ps.col_point[3] ) { gs->ps.do_right = 1; } // left; col points 6, 7 if ( gs->ps.try_left && gs->ps.col_point[6] && gs->ps.col_point[7] ) { gs->ps.do_left = 1; } // jump; on_ground and col points 0, 1 if ( gs->ps.try_jump && gs->ps.on_ground && !gs->ps.do_jump && !gs->ps.do_jetpack && (gs->ps.col_point[0] && gs->ps.col_point[1]) ) { gs->ps.do_jump = 1; } // reset jump timer if contact a ground while still "jumping" if ( gs->ps.try_jump && gs->ps.on_ground && gs->ps.jump_timer ) gs->ps.jump_timer = 0; // fire if have gun and no bullet in world if ( gs->ps.try_fire && gs->ps.gun && !gs->ps.bullet_px && !gs->ps.bullet_py ) { gs->ps.do_fire = 1; } // jetpack toggle if ( gs->ps.try_jetpack && gs->ps.jetpack ) { gs->ps.do_jetpack = !gs->ps.do_jetpack; // stop jump if ( gs->ps.do_jetpack ) { gs->ps.do_jump = 0; gs->ps.jump_timer = 0; } } // down if bottom is clear and jetpack if ( gs->ps.try_down && gs->ps.do_jetpack && gs->ps.col_point[4] && gs->ps.col_point[5] ) { gs->ps.do_down = 1; } // up if top is clear and jetpack if ( gs->ps.try_up && gs->ps.do_jetpack && gs->ps.col_point[0] && gs->ps.col_point[1] ) { gs->ps.do_up = 1; } } // apply validated player movement void P_Move() { if ( gs->ps.dead_timer ) return; // update player's tile pos // sample x towards the center gs->ps.tx = (gs->ps.px + TILE_SIZE / 2) / TILE_SIZE; gs->ps.ty = gs->ps.py / TILE_SIZE; // wrap to top if off level bottom if ( gs->ps.py >= 10 * TILE_SIZE ) { gs->ps.ty = 0; gs->ps.py = -TILE_SIZE * 2; } if ( gs->ps.do_right ) { gs->ps.px += 2; gs->ps.last_dir = 1; gs->ps.do_right = 0; } if ( gs->ps.do_left ) { gs->ps.px -= 2; gs->ps.last_dir = -1; gs->ps.do_left = 0; } // up and down if ( gs->ps.do_up ) { gs->ps.py -= 2; gs->ps.do_up = 0; } else if ( gs->ps.do_down ) { gs->ps.py += 2; gs->ps.do_down = 0; // jump } else if ( gs->ps.do_jump ) { if ( !gs->ps.jump_timer ) { gs->ps.jump_timer = 25; //gs->ps.last_dir = 0; //Mix_PlayChannel( S_CHAN_JUMP, g_assets->sfx[0], 0 ); } if ( gs->ps.col_point[0] && gs->ps.col_point[1] ) { if ( gs->ps.jump_timer > 12 ) gs->ps.py -= 2; if ( gs->ps.jump_timer >= 7 && gs->ps.jump_timer <= 12 ) gs->ps.py -= 1; gs->ps.jump_timer--; } else gs->ps.jump_timer = 0; //gs->ps.jump_timer--; if ( !gs->ps.jump_timer ) gs->ps.do_jump = 0; } // fire if ( gs->ps.do_fire ) { gs->ps.bullet_dir = gs->ps.last_dir; // default right if ( !gs->ps.bullet_dir ) gs->ps.bullet_dir = 1; // start bullet in "front" of player if ( gs->ps.bullet_dir == 1 ) gs->ps.bullet_px = gs->ps.px + 18; if ( gs->ps.bullet_dir == -1 ) gs->ps.bullet_px = gs->ps.px - 8; // halfway down player gs->ps.bullet_py = gs->ps.py + 8; gs->ps.do_fire = 0; } } // apply gravity to player void P_ApplyGravity() { if ( gs->ps.dead_timer ) return; if ( !gs->ps.do_jump && !gs->ps.on_ground && !gs->ps.do_jetpack ) { // check below sprite if ( W_IsClear( gs->ps.px + 4, gs->ps.py + 17, 0 ) && W_IsClear( gs->ps.px + 10, gs->ps.py + 17, 0 ) ) gs->ps.py += 2; else { // align to tile uint8_t not_align = gs->ps.py % TILE_SIZE; if ( not_align ) { gs->ps.py = not_align < (TILE_SIZE / 2) ? gs->ps.py - not_align : gs->ps.py + TILE_SIZE - not_align; } } } }