
55 lines
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#ifndef _LMDAVE_H
#define _LMDAVE_H
#include <SDL.h>
// for dealing with resources in EXE
#include "util/util.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "monster.h"
// global game state
typedef struct {
uint8_t quit;
uint16_t tick;
uint8_t current_level;
// view and scroll are per tile
uint8_t view_x, view_y;
int8_t scroll_x;
// player state
player_state_t ps;
// max 5 monster states
monster_state_t ms[5];
// a single monster bullet
uint16_t mbullet_px, mbullet_py;
int8_t mbullet_dir;
level_t levels[NUM_EXE_LEVELS]; // copied from exe util's GetLevel
} game_state_t;
// game assets
typedef struct {
// tiles as textures converted from util's tile surfaces
SDL_Texture* tile_tx[NUM_EXE_TILES];
// sfx
Mix_Chunk* sfx[NUM_SFX];
// music
//Mix_Music* mus;
} game_assets_t;
// level tile size in pixels
#define TILE_SIZE 16
// fixed frame delay
#define FRAME_DELAY 33
// common functions
// update a tile index based on game tick for animation
uint8_t G_UpdateFrame( uint8_t til, uint8_t salt );