.TH "slp" 1 "16 SEP 2021" "" "General Operation Manual" .SH NAME \fBslp\fP - (sl)ope (p)ackage manager .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .fam C \fBslp\fP [\fIargs\fP...] .fam T .fi .SH DESCRIPTION \fBslp\fP is a basic package management system for the slope programming language .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \fBdocs [module]\fP View the given module's README file, if one exists. Only works for local modules. Uses \fI$PAGER\fP, falling back to \fIless\fP, as the document viewer .TP .B \fBgen\fP Generate a new project folder with module.json and main.slo files .TP .B \fBhelp\fP Display usage help and exit. Provides a list of all command line options with a short description and exits .TP .B \fBinstall [module...]\fP Installs the given modules .TP .B \fBinstalled\fP Display a list of the \fIcurrently installed\fP modules .TP .B \fBlist\fP Display a list of \fIall\fP packages in the registry .TP .B \fBremove [module...]\fP Removes the given modules .TP .B \fBsearch [term...]\fP Searches for the given terms in the package registry and displays matching results .TP .B \fBshow [module...]\fP Show information about the given modules .TP .B \fBupdate [module...]\fP Updates the given modules to the newest available version .SH BUGS There are bugs. Have fun! .SH LINKS \fBslp\fP maintains a presence in the following locations: .TP .B Source Code Repository https://git.rawtext.club/slope-lang/slp .SH AUTHORS \fBslp\fP is developed by sloum .TP Based on existing work by Zac Garby (see LICENSE)