Initial v2 commit, deep in restructuring... maybe not for the better?

This commit is contained in:
sloumdrone 2019-09-09 19:35:16 -07:00
parent be34a9a809
commit da45f627e0
13 changed files with 1026 additions and 491 deletions

bookmarks.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package main
import (
// + + + T Y P E S + + + \\
type Bookmarks struct {
IsOpen bool
IsFocused bool
Position int
Length int
Titles []string
Links []string
// + + + R E C E I V E R S + + + \\
func (b *Bookmarks) Add([]string) error {
// TODO add a bookmark
return fmt.Errorf("")
func (b *Bookmarks) Delete(int) error {
// TODO delete a bookmark
return fmt.Errorf("")
func (b *Bookmarks) ToggleOpen() {
b.IsOpen = !b.IsOpen
if b.IsOpen {
b.IsFocused = true
} else {
b.IsFocused = false
func (b *Bookmarks) ToggleFocused() {
if b.IsOpen {
b.IsFocused = !b.IsFocused
func (b *Bookmarks) IniDump() string {
// TODO create dump of values for INI file
return ""
func (b *Bookmarks) Render() ([]string, error) {
// TODO grab all of the bookmarks as a fixed
// width string including border and spacing
return []string{}, fmt.Errorf("")
// + + + F U N C T I O N S + + + \\
func MakeBookmarks() Bookmarks {
return Bookmarks{false, false, 0, 0, make([]string, 0), make([]string, 0)}

client.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
package main
import (
// + + + T Y P E S + + + \\
type client struct {
Height int
Width int
Options map[string]string
Message string
PageState Pages
BookMarks Bookmarks
TopBar Headbar
FootBar Footbar
// + + + R E C E I V E R S + + + \\
func (c *client) GetSize() {
for {
redraw := false
cmd := exec.Command("stty", "size")
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Fatal error: Unable to retrieve terminal size")
var h, w int
fmt.Sscan(string(out), &h, &w)
if h != c.Height || w != c.Width {
redraw = true
c.Height = h
c.Width = w
if redraw {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
func (c *client) Draw() {
// TODO build this out.
// It should call all of the renders
// and add them to the a string buffer
// It should then print the buffer
func (c *client) TakeControlInput() {
input := cui.Getch()
switch input {
case 'j', 'J':
// scroll down one line
case 'k', 'K':
// scroll up one line
case 'q', 'Q':
// quite bombadillo
case 'g':
// scroll to top
case 'G':
// scroll to bottom
case 'd':
// scroll down 75%
distance := c.Height - c.Height / 4
case 'u':
// scroll up 75%
distance := c.Height - c.Height / 4
case 'b':
// go back
err := c.PageState.NavigateHistory(-1)
if err != nil {
c.SetMessage(err.Error(), false)
} else {
case 'B':
// open the bookmarks browser
case 'f', 'F':
// go forward
err := c.PageState.NavigateHistory(1)
if err != nil {
c.SetMessage(err.Error(), false)
} else {
case '\t':
// Toggle bookmark browser focus on/off
case ':', ' ':
// Process a command
entry, err := cui.GetLine()
if err != nil {
c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true)
} else if strings.TrimSpace(entry) == "" {
parser := cmdparse.NewParser(strings.NewReader(entry))
p, err := parser.Parse()
if err != nil {
c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true)
} else {
err := c.routeCommandInput(p)
if err != nil {
c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true)
func (c *client) routeCommandInput(com *cmdparse.Command) error {
var err error
switch com.Type {
case cmdparse.SIMPLE:
case cmdparse.GOURL:
case cmdparse.GOLINK:
case cmdparse.DO:
c.doCommand(com.Action, com.Value)
case cmdparse.DOLINK:
// err = doLinkCommand(com.Action, com.Target)
case cmdparse.DOAS:
c.doCommandAs(com.Action, com.Value)
case cmdparse.DOLINKAS:
// err = doLinkCommandAs(com.Action, com.Target, com.Value)
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown command entry!")
return err
func (c *client) simpleCommand(action string) {
action = strings.ToUpper(action)
switch action {
case "Q", "QUIT":
case "H", "HOME":
if c.Options["homeurl"] != "unset" {
go c.Visit(c.Options["homeurl"])
} else {
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("No home address has been set"), false)
case "B", "BOOKMARKS":
case "SEARCH":
case "HELP", "?":
go c.Visit(helplocation)
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown action %q", action), true)
func (c *client) doCommand(action string, values []string) {
if length := len(values); length != 1 {
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Expected 1 argument, received %d", len(values)), true)
switch action {
case "CHECK", "C":
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown action %q", action), true)
func (c *client) doCommandAs(action string, values []string) {
if len(values) < 2 {
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Expected 1 argument, received %d", len(values)), true)
if values[0] == "." {
values[0] = c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].Location.Full
switch action {
case "ADD", "A":
err := c.BookMarks.Add(values)
if err != nil {
c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true)
err = saveConfig()
if err != nil {
c.SetMessage("Error saving bookmark to file", true)
if c.BookMarks.IsOpen {
case "WRITE", "W":
// TODO figure out how best to handle file
// writing... it will depend on request model
// using fetch would be best
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// var data []byte
// if values[0] == "." {
// d, err := c.getCurrentPageRawData()
// if err != nil {
// c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true)
// c.DrawMessage()
// return
// }
// data = []byte(d)
// }
// fp, err := c.saveFile(data, strings.Join(values[1:], " "))
// if err != nil {
// c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true)
// c.DrawMessage()
// return
// }
// c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("File saved to: %s", fp), false)
// c.DrawMessage()
case "SET", "S":
if _, ok := c.Options[values[0]]; ok {
c.Options[values[0]] = strings.Join(values[1:], " ")
err := saveConfig()
if err != nil {
c.SetMessage("Value set, but error saving config to file", true)
} else {
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%s is now set to %q", values[0], c.Options[values[0]]), true)
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to set %s, it does not exist", values[0]), true)
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown command structure"), true)
func (c *client) getCurrentPageUrl() (string, error) {
if c.PageState.Length < 1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("There are no pages in history")
return c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].Location.Full, nil
func (c *client) getCurrentPageRawData() (string, error) {
if c.PageState.Length < 1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("There are no pages in history")
return c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].RawContent, nil
func (c *client) saveFile(data []byte, name string) (string, error) {
savePath := c.Options["savelocation"] + name
err := ioutil.WriteFile(savePath, data, 0644)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return savePath, nil
func (c *client) search() {
entry, err := cui.GetLine()
if err != nil {
c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true)
} else if strings.TrimSpace(entry) == "" {
u, err := MakeUrl(c.Options["searchurl"])
if err != nil {
c.SetMessage("'searchurl' is not set to a valid url", true)
switch u.Scheme {
case "gopher":
go c.Visit(fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s",u.Full,entry))
case "gemini":
// TODO url escape the entry variable
escapedEntry := entry
go c.Visit(fmt.Sprintf("%s?%s",u.Full,escapedEntry))
case "http", "https":
c.SetMessage("Attempting to open in web browser", false)
err := gopher.OpenBrowser(u.Full)
if err != nil {
c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true)
} else {
c.SetMessage("Opened in web browser", false)
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%q is not a supported protocol", u.Scheme), true)
func (c *client) Scroll(amount int) {
page := c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position]
bottom := len(page.WrappedContent) - c.Height
if amount < 0 && page.ScrollPosition == 0 {
c.SetMessage("You are already at the top", false)
} else if amount > 0 && page.ScrollPosition == bottom || bottom < 0 {
c.SetMessage("You are already at the bottom", false)
newScrollPosition := page.ScrollPosition + amount
if newScrollPosition < 0 {
newScrollPosition = 0
} else if newScrollPosition > bottom {
newScrollPosition = bottom
page.ScrollPosition = newScrollPosition
func (c *client) displayConfigValue(setting string) {
if val, ok := c.Options[setting]; ok {
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%s is set to: %q", setting, val), false)
} else {
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid: %q does not exist", setting), true)
func (c *client) SetMessage(msg string, isError bool) {
leadIn, leadOut := "", ""
if isError {
leadIn = "\033[31m"
leadOut = "\033[0m"
c.Message = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", leadIn, msg, leadOut)
func (c *client) DrawMessage() {
cui.MoveCursorTo(c.Height-1, 0)
func (c *client) ClearMessage() {
c.Message = ""
func (c *client) ClearMessageLine() {
cui.MoveCursorTo(c.Height-1, 0)
func (c *client) goToURL(u string) {
if num, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^-?\d+.?\d*$`, u); num {
go c.Visit(u)
func (c *client) goToLink(l string) {
if num, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^-?\d+$`, l); num && c.PageState.Length > 0 {
linkcount := len(c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].Links)
item, err := strconv.Atoi(l)
if err != nil {
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid link id: %s", l), true)
if item <= linkcount && item > 0 {
linkurl := c.PageState.History[c.PageState.Position].Links[item-1]
} else {
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid link id: %s", l), true)
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid link id: %s", l), true)
func (c *client) Visit(url string) {
u, err := MakeUrl(url)
if err != nil {
c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true)
switch u.Scheme {
case "gopher":
// TODO send over to gopher request
case "gemini":
// TODO send over to gemini request
case "http", "https":
c.SetMessage("Attempting to open in web browser", false)
if strings.ToUpper(c.Options["openhttp"]) == "TRUE" {
err := gopher.OpenBrowser(u.Full)
if err != nil {
c.SetMessage(err.Error(), true)
} else {
c.SetMessage("Opened in web browser", false)
} else {
c.SetMessage("'openhttp' is not set to true, aborting opening web link", false)
c.SetMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%q is not a supported protocol", u.Scheme), true)
// + + + F U N C T I O N S + + + \\
func MakeClient(name string) *client {
var userinfo, _ = user.Current()
var options = map[string]string{
"homeurl": "gopher://",
"savelocation": userinfo.HomeDir,
"searchengine": "gopher://",
"openhttp": "false",
"httpbrowser": "lynx",
"configlocation": userinfo.HomeDir,
c := client{0, 0, options, "", MakePages(), MakeBookmarks(), MakeHeadbar(name), MakeFootbar()}
return &c
// Retrieve a byte slice of raw response dataa
// from a url string
func Fetch(url string) ([]byte, error) {
u, err := MakeUrl(url)
if err != nil {
return []byte(""), err
timeOut := time.Duration(5) * time.Second
if u.Host == "" || u.Port == "" {
return []byte(""), fmt.Errorf("Incomplete request url")
addr := u.Host + ":" + u.Port
conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", addr, timeOut)
if err != nil {
return []byte(""), err
send := u.Resource + "\n"
_, err = conn.Write([]byte(send))
if err != nil {
return []byte(""), err
result, err := ioutil.ReadAll(conn)
if err != nil {
return []byte(""), err
return result, err

footbar.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package main
import (
// + + + T Y P E S + + + \\
type Footbar struct {
PercentRead string
PageType string
Content string
// + + + R E C E I V E R S + + + \\
func (f *Footbar) SetPercentRead(p int) {
f.PercentRead = fmt.Sprintf("%d%%", p)
func (f *Footbar) SetPageType(t string) {
f.PageType = t
func (f *Footbar) Draw() {
// TODO this will actually draw the bar
// without having to redraw everything else
func (f *Footbar) Build(width string) string {
// TODO Build out header to specified width
f.Content = "" // This is a temp value to show intention
return ""
func (f *Footbar) Render() string {
// TODO returns a full line
return ""
// + + + F U N C T I O N S + + + \\
func MakeFootbar() Footbar {
return Footbar{"", "N/A", ""}

View File

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ func Visit(addr, openhttp string) (View, error) {
if u.Gophertype == "h" { if u.Gophertype == "h" {
if res, tf := isWebLink(u.Resource); tf && strings.ToUpper(openhttp) == "TRUE" { if res, tf := isWebLink(u.Resource); tf && strings.ToUpper(openhttp) == "TRUE" {
err := openBrowser(res) err := OpenBrowser(res)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return View{}, err return View{}, err
} }

View File

@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ package gopher
import "os/exec" import "os/exec"
func openBrowser(url string) error { func OpenBrowser(url string) error {
return exec.Command("open", url).Start() return exec.Command("open", url).Start()
} }

View File

@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ package gopher
import "os/exec" import "os/exec"
func openBrowser(url string) error { func OpenBrowser(url string) error {
return exec.Command("xdg-open", url).Start() return exec.Command("xdg-open", url).Start()
} }

View File

@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ package gopher
import "fmt" import "fmt"
func openBrowser(url string) error { func OpenBrowser(url string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported os for browser detection") return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported os for browser detection")
} }

View File

@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ package gopher
import "os/exec" import "os/exec"
func openBrowser(url string) error { func OpenBrowser(url string) error {
return exec.Command("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", url).Start() return exec.Command("rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", url).Start()
} }

headbar.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package main
// + + + T Y P E S + + + \\
type Headbar struct {
title string
url string
content string
// + + + R E C E I V E R S + + + \\
func (h *Headbar) SetUrl(u string) {
h.url = u
func (h *Headbar) Build(width string) string {
// TODO Build out header to specified width
h.content = "" // This is a temp value to show intention
return ""
func (h *Headbar) Draw() {
// TODO this will actually draw the bar
// without having to redraw everything else
func (h *Headbar) Render() string {
// TODO returns the content value
return ""
// + + + F U N C T I O N S + + + \\
func MakeHeadbar(title string) Headbar {
return Headbar{title, "", title}

View File

@ -1,402 +1,143 @@
package main package main
import ( import (
"io/ioutil" "io/ioutil"
"os" "os"
"os/user" // "strconv"
"strings" "strings"
"" ""
"" ""
"" // ""
) )
var bombadillo *client
var helplocation string = "gopher://" var helplocation string = "gopher://"
var history gopher.History = gopher.MakeHistory()
var screen *cui.Screen
var userinfo, _ = user.Current()
var settings config.Config var settings config.Config
var options = map[string]string{
"homeurl": "gopher://",
"savelocation": userinfo.HomeDir,
"searchengine": "gopher://",
"openhttp": "false",
"httpbrowser": "lynx",
func saveFile(address, name string) error {
quickMessage("Saving file...", false)
url, err := gopher.MakeUrl(address) // func saveFileFromData(v gopher.View) error {
if err != nil { // quickMessage("Saving file...", false)
quickMessage("Saving file...", true) // urlsplit := strings.Split(v.Address.Full, "/")
return err // filename := urlsplit[len(urlsplit)-1]
} // saveMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Saved file as %q", options["savelocation"]+filename)
// err := ioutil.WriteFile(options["savelocation"]+filename, []byte(strings.Join(v.Content, "")), 0644)
// if err != nil {
// quickMessage("Saving file...", true)
// return err
// }
data, err := gopher.Retrieve(url) // quickMessage(saveMsg, false)
if err != nil { // return nil
quickMessage("Saving file...", true) // }
return err
err = ioutil.WriteFile(options["savelocation"]+name, data, 0644)
if err != nil {
quickMessage("Saving file...", true)
return err
quickMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Saved file to %s%s", options["savelocation"], name), false)
return nil
func saveFileFromData(v gopher.View) error { // func doLinkCommand(action, target string) error {
quickMessage("Saving file...", false) // num, err := strconv.Atoi(target)
urlsplit := strings.Split(v.Address.Full, "/") // if err != nil {
filename := urlsplit[len(urlsplit)-1] // return fmt.Errorf("Expected number, got %q", target)
saveMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Saved file as %q", options["savelocation"]+filename) // }
err := ioutil.WriteFile(options["savelocation"]+filename, []byte(strings.Join(v.Content, "")), 0644)
if err != nil {
quickMessage("Saving file...", true)
return err
quickMessage(saveMsg, false) // switch action {
return nil // case "DELETE", "D":
} // err := settings.Bookmarks.Del(num)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
func search(u string) error { // screen.Windows[1].Content = settings.Bookmarks.List()
cui.MoveCursorTo(screen.Height-1, 0) // err = saveConfig()
cui.Clear("line") // if err != nil {
fmt.Print("Enter form input: ") // return err
cui.MoveCursorTo(screen.Height-1, 17) // }
entry, err := cui.GetLine() // screen.ReflashScreen(false)
if err != nil { // return nil
return err // case "BOOKMARKS", "B":
} // if num > len(settings.Bookmarks.Links)-1 {
// return fmt.Errorf("There is no bookmark with ID %d", num)
// }
// err := goToURL(settings.Bookmarks.Links[num])
// return err
// }
quickMessage("Searching...", false) // return fmt.Errorf("This method has not been built")
searchurl := fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", u, entry) // }
sv, err := gopher.Visit(searchurl, options["openhttp"])
if err != nil {
quickMessage("Searching...", true)
return err
quickMessage("Searching...", true)
screen.Windows[0].Scrollposition = 0
return nil
func routeInput(com *cmdparse.Command) error {
var err error
switch com.Type {
case cmdparse.SIMPLE:
err = simpleCommand(com.Action)
case cmdparse.GOURL:
err = goToURL(com.Target)
case cmdparse.GOLINK:
err = goToLink(com.Target)
case cmdparse.DO:
err = doCommand(com.Action, com.Value)
case cmdparse.DOLINK:
err = doLinkCommand(com.Action, com.Target)
case cmdparse.DOAS:
err = doCommandAs(com.Action, com.Value)
case cmdparse.DOLINKAS:
err = doLinkCommandAs(com.Action, com.Target, com.Value)
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown command entry!")
return err // func doCommand(action string, values []string) error {
} // if length := len(values); length != 1 {
// return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1 argument, received %d", length)
// }
func toggleBookmarks() { // switch action {
bookmarks := screen.Windows[1] // case "CHECK", "C":
main := screen.Windows[0] // err := checkConfigValue(values[0])
if bookmarks.Show { // if err != nil {
bookmarks.Show = false // return err
screen.Activewindow = 0 // }
main.Active = true // return nil
bookmarks.Active = false // }
} else { // return fmt.Errorf("Unknown command structure")
bookmarks.Show = true // }
screen.Activewindow = 1
main.Active = false
bookmarks.Active = true
screen.ReflashScreen(false) // func doLinkCommandAs(action, target string, values []string) error {
} // num, err := strconv.Atoi(target)
// if err != nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("Expected number, got %q", target)
// }
func simpleCommand(a string) error { // links := history.Collection[history.Position].Links
a = strings.ToUpper(a) // if num >= len(links) {
switch a { // return fmt.Errorf("Invalid link id: %s", target)
case "Q", "QUIT": // }
case "H", "HOME":
return goHome()
case "B", "BOOKMARKS":
case "SEARCH":
return search(options["searchengine"])
case "HELP", "?":
return goToURL(helplocation)
default: // switch action {
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown action %q", a) // case "ADD", "A":
} // newBookmark := append([]string{links[num-1]}, values...)
return nil // err := settings.Bookmarks.Add(newBookmark)
} // if err != nil {
// return err
// }
func goToURL(u string) error { // screen.Windows[1].Content = settings.Bookmarks.List()
if num, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^-?\d+.?\d*$`, u); num {
return goToLink(u)
quickMessage("Loading...", false)
v, err := gopher.Visit(u, options["openhttp"])
if err != nil {
quickMessage("Loading...", true)
return err
quickMessage("Loading...", true)
if v.Address.Gophertype == "7" { // err = saveConfig()
err := search(v.Address.Full) // if err != nil {
if err != nil { // return err
return err // }
} else if v.Address.IsBinary {
return saveFileFromData(v)
} else {
screen.Windows[0].Scrollposition = 0
return nil
func goToLink(l string) error { // screen.ReflashScreen(false)
if num, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^-?\d+$`, l); num && history.Length > 0 { // return nil
linkcount := len(history.Collection[history.Position].Links) // case "WRITE", "W":
item, _ := strconv.Atoi(l) // return saveFile(links[num-1], strings.Join(values, " "))
if item <= linkcount && item > 0 { // }
linkurl := history.Collection[history.Position].Links[item-1]
quickMessage("Loading...", false)
v, err := gopher.Visit(linkurl, options["openhttp"])
if err != nil {
quickMessage("Loading...", true)
return err
quickMessage("Loading...", true)
if v.Address.Gophertype == "7" { // return fmt.Errorf("This method has not been built")
err := search(linkurl) // }
if err != nil {
return err
} else if v.Address.IsBinary {
return saveFileFromData(v)
} else {
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid link id: %s", l)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid link id: %s", l)
screen.Windows[0].Scrollposition = 0
return nil
func goHome() error { // func updateMainContent() {
if options["homeurl"] != "unset" { // screen.Windows[0].Content = history.Collection[history.Position].Content
return goToURL(options["homeurl"]) // screen.Bars[0].SetMessage(history.Collection[history.Position].Address.Full)
} // }
return fmt.Errorf("No home address has been set")
func doLinkCommand(action, target string) error {
num, err := strconv.Atoi(target)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Expected number, got %q", target)
switch action {
case "DELETE", "D":
err := settings.Bookmarks.Del(num)
if err != nil {
return err
screen.Windows[1].Content = settings.Bookmarks.List()
err = saveConfig()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
case "BOOKMARKS", "B":
if num > len(settings.Bookmarks.Links)-1 {
return fmt.Errorf("There is no bookmark with ID %d", num)
err := goToURL(settings.Bookmarks.Links[num])
return err
return fmt.Errorf("This method has not been built")
func doCommandAs(action string, values []string) error {
if len(values) < 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("%q", values)
if values[0] == "." {
values[0] = history.Collection[history.Position].Address.Full
switch action {
case "ADD", "A":
err := settings.Bookmarks.Add(values)
if err != nil {
return err
screen.Windows[1].Content = settings.Bookmarks.List()
err = saveConfig()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
case "WRITE", "W":
return saveFile(values[0], strings.Join(values[1:], " "))
case "SET", "S":
if _, ok := options[values[0]]; ok {
options[values[0]] = strings.Join(values[1:], " ")
return saveConfig()
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to set %s, it does not exist", values[0])
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown command structure")
func doCommand(action string, values []string) error {
if length := len(values); length != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1 argument, received %d", length)
switch action {
case "CHECK", "C":
err := checkConfigValue(values[0])
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown command structure")
func checkConfigValue(setting string) error {
if val, ok := options[setting]; ok {
quickMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%s is set to: %q", setting, val), false)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to check %q, it does not exist", setting)
func doLinkCommandAs(action, target string, values []string) error {
num, err := strconv.Atoi(target)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Expected number, got %q", target)
links := history.Collection[history.Position].Links
if num >= len(links) {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid link id: %s", target)
switch action {
case "ADD", "A":
newBookmark := append([]string{links[num-1]}, values...)
err := settings.Bookmarks.Add(newBookmark)
if err != nil {
return err
screen.Windows[1].Content = settings.Bookmarks.List()
err = saveConfig()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
case "WRITE", "W":
return saveFile(links[num-1], strings.Join(values, " "))
return fmt.Errorf("This method has not been built")
func updateMainContent() {
screen.Windows[0].Content = history.Collection[history.Position].Content
func clearInput(incError bool) {
cui.MoveCursorTo(screen.Height-1, 0)
if incError {
cui.MoveCursorTo(screen.Height, 0)
func quickMessage(msg string, clearMsg bool) {
xPos := screen.Width - 2 - len(msg)
if xPos < 2 {
xPos = 2
cui.MoveCursorTo(screen.Height, xPos)
if clearMsg {
} else {
fmt.Print("\033[48;5;21m\033[38;5;15m", msg, "\033[0m")
func saveConfig() error { func saveConfig() error {
bkmrks := settings.Bookmarks.IniDump() bkmrks := bombadillo.BookMarks.IniDump()
// TODO opts becomes a string builder rather than concat
opts := "\n[SETTINGS]\n" opts := "\n[SETTINGS]\n"
for k, v := range options { for k, v := range bombadillo.Options {
opts += k opts += k
opts += "=" opts += "="
opts += v opts += v
opts += "\n" opts += "\n"
} }
return ioutil.WriteFile(userinfo.HomeDir+"/.bombadillo.ini", []byte(bkmrks+opts), 0644) return ioutil.WriteFile(bombadillo.Options["configlocation"] + "/.bombadillo.ini", []byte(bkmrks+opts), 0644)
} }
func loadConfig() error { func loadConfig() error {
file, err := os.Open(userinfo.HomeDir + "/.bombadillo.ini") file, err := os.Open(bombadillo.Options["configlocation"] + "/.bombadillo.ini")
if err != nil { if err != nil {
err = saveConfig() err = saveConfig()
if err != nil { if err != nil {
@ -407,72 +148,29 @@ func loadConfig() error {
confparser := config.NewParser(file) confparser := config.NewParser(file)
settings, _ = confparser.Parse() settings, _ = confparser.Parse()
file.Close() file.Close()
screen.Windows[1].Content = settings.Bookmarks.List()
for _, v := range settings.Settings { for _, v := range settings.Settings {
lowerkey := strings.ToLower(v.Key) lowerkey := strings.ToLower(v.Key)
if _, ok := options[lowerkey]; ok { if lowerkey == "configlocation" {
options[lowerkey] = v.Value // The config should always be stored in home
// folder. Users cannot really edit this value.
// It is still stored in the ini and as a part
// of the options map.
if _, ok := bombadillo.Options[lowerkey]; ok {
bombadillo.Options[lowerkey] = v.Value
} }
} }
return nil return nil
} }
func toggleActiveWindow() {
if screen.Windows[1].Show {
if screen.Windows[0].Active {
screen.Windows[0].Active = false
screen.Windows[1].Active = true
screen.Activewindow = 1
} else {
screen.Windows[0].Active = true
screen.Windows[1].Active = false
screen.Activewindow = 0
func displayError(err error) {
cui.MoveCursorTo(screen.Height, 0)
fmt.Print("\033[41m\033[37m", err, "\033[0m")
func initClient() error { func initClient() error {
history.Position = -1 bombadillo = MakeClient(" ((( Bombadillo ))) ")
screen = cui.NewScreen()
cui.SetCharMode() cui.SetCharMode()
err := loadConfig()
screen.AddWindow(2, 1, screen.Height-2, screen.Width, false, false, true) return err
screen.Windows[0].Active = true
screen.AddMsgBar(1, " ((( Bombadillo ))) ", " A fun gopher client!", true)
bookmarksWidth := 40
if screen.Width < 40 {
bookmarksWidth = screen.Width
screen.AddWindow(2, screen.Width-bookmarksWidth, screen.Height-2, screen.Width, false, true, false)
return loadConfig()
func handleResize() {
oldh, oldw := screen.Height, screen.Width
if screen.Height != oldh || screen.Width != oldw {
screen.Windows[0].Box.Row2 = screen.Height - 2
screen.Windows[0].Box.Col2 = screen.Width
bookmarksWidth := 40
if screen.Width < 40 {
bookmarksWidth = screen.Width
screen.Windows[1].Box.Row2 = screen.Height - 2
screen.Windows[1].Box.Col1 = screen.Width - bookmarksWidth
screen.Windows[1].Box.Col2 = screen.Width
} }
func main() { func main() {
@ -480,91 +178,27 @@ func main() {
defer cui.Exit() defer cui.Exit()
err := initClient() err := initClient()
if err != nil { if err != nil {
// if we can't initialize the window, // if we can't initialize we should bail out
// we can't do anything!
panic(err) panic(err)
} }
mainWindow := screen.Windows[0] // Start polling for terminal size changes
go bombadillo.GetSize()
if len(os.Args) > 1 { if len(os.Args) > 1 {
err = goToURL(os.Args[1]) // If a url was passed, move it down the line
// Goroutine so keypresses can be made during
// page load
go bombadillo.Visit(os.Args[1])
} else { } else {
err = goHome() // Otherwise, load the homeurl
} // Goroutine so keypresses can be made during
// page load
if err != nil { go bombadillo.Visit(bombadillo.Options["homeurl"])
} else {
} }
// Loop indefinitely on user input
for { for {
c := cui.Getch() bombadillo.TakeControlInput()
switch c {
case 'j', 'J':
case 'k', 'K':
case 'q', 'Q':
case 'g':
case 'G':
case 'd':
case 'u':
case 'b':
success := history.GoBack()
if success {
mainWindow.Scrollposition = 0
case 'B':
case 'f', 'F':
success := history.GoForward()
if success {
mainWindow.Scrollposition = 0
case '\t':
case ':', ' ':
cui.MoveCursorTo(screen.Height-1, 0)
entry, err := cui.GetLine()
if err != nil {
// Clear entry line and error line
if entry == "" {
parser := cmdparse.NewParser(strings.NewReader(entry))
p, err := parser.Parse()
if err != nil {
} else {
err := routeInput(p)
if err != nil {
} }
} }

page.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package main
// + + + T Y P E S + + + \\
type Page struct {
WrappedContent []string
RawContent string
Links []string
Location Url
ScrollPosition int
// + + + R E C E I V E R S + + + \\
// + + + F U N C T I O N S + + + \\
func MakePage(url Url, content string) Page {
p := Page{make([]string, 0), content, make([]string, 0), url, 0}
return p

pages.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package main
import (
// + + + T Y P E S + + + \\
type Pages struct {
Position int
Length int
History [20]Page
// + + + R E C E I V E R S + + + \\
func (p *Pages) NavigateHistory(qty int) error {
newPosition := p.Position + qty
if newPosition < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("You are already at the beginning of history")
} else if newPosition > p.Length - 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Your way is blocked by void, there is nothing forward")
p.Position = newPosition
return nil
func (p *Pages) Add(pg Page) error {
// TODO add the given page onto the pages struct
// handling truncation of the history as needed.
return fmt.Errorf("")
func (p *Pages) Render() ([]string, error) {
// TODO grab the current page as wrappedContent
// May need to handle spacing at end of lines.
return []string{}, fmt.Errorf("")
// + + + F U N C T I O N S + + + \\
func MakePages() Pages {
return Pages{-1, 0, [20]Page{}}

url.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package main
import (
// + + + T Y P E S + + + \\
type Url struct {
Scheme string
Host string
Port string
Resource string
Full string
Mime string
DownloadOnly bool
// + + + R E C E I V E R S + + + \\
// There are currently no receivers for the Url struct
// + + + F U N C T I O N S + + + \\
// MakeUrl is a Url constructor that takes in a string
// representation of a url and returns a Url struct and
// an error (or nil).
func MakeUrl(u string) (Url, error) {
var out Url
re := regexp.MustCompile(`^((?P<scheme>gopher|http|https|gemini):\/\/)?(?P<host>[\w\-\.\d]+)(?::(?P<port>\d+)?)?(?:/(?P<type>[01345679gIhisp])?)?(?P<resource>.*)?$`)
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(u)
if valid := re.MatchString(u); !valid {
return out, fmt.Errorf("Invalid url/unable to parse")
for i, name := range re.SubexpNames() {
switch name {
case "scheme":
out.Scheme = match[i]
case "host":
out.Host = match[i]
case "port":
out.Port = match[i]
case "type":
out.Mime = match[i]
case "resource":
out.Resource = match[i]
if out.Scheme == "" {
out.Scheme = "gopher"
if out.Host == "" {
return out, fmt.Errorf("no host")
if out.Scheme == "gopher" && out.Port == "" {
out.Port = "70"
} else if out.Scheme == "http" && out.Port == "" {
out.Port = "80"
} else if out.Scheme == "https" && out.Port == "" {
out.Port = "443"
} else if out.Scheme == "gemini" && out.Port == "" {
out.Port = "1965"
if out.Scheme == "gopher" && out.Mime == "" {
out.Mime = "0"
if out.Mime == "" && (out.Resource == "" || out.Resource == "/") && out.Scheme == "gopher" {
out.Mime = "1"
if out.Mime == "7" && strings.Contains(out.Resource, "\t") {
out.Mime = "1"
if out.Scheme == "gopher" {
switch out.Mime {
case "1", "0", "h", "7":
out.DownloadOnly = false
out.DownloadOnly = true
} else {
out.Resource = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", out.Mime, out.Resource)
out.Mime = ""
out.Full = out.Scheme + "://" + out.Host + ":" + out.Port + "/" + out.Mime + out.Resource
return out, nil