# Developing Bombadillo ## Getting Started Following the standard install instructions should lead you to have nearly everything you need to commence development. The only additions to this are: - To be able to submit pull requests, you will need to fork this repository first. - The build process must be tested with Go 1.11 to ensure backward compatibility. This version can be installed as per the [Go install documentation](https://golang.org/doc/install#extra_versions). Check that changes build with this version using `make test`. - Linting must be performed on new changes using `gofmt` and [golangci-lint](https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint) ## How changes are made A stable version of Bombadillo is kept in the default branch, so that people can easily clone the repo and get a good version of the software. New changes are introduced to the **develop** branch. Changes to the default branch occur as part of the software release process. This usually occurs when: - there are a set of changes in **develop** that are good enough to be considered stable. - an urgent issue is identified in the stable version that requires immediate changes ### Process for introducing a new change Please refer to our [notes on contributing](README.md#contributing) to get an understanding of how new changes are initiated, the type of changes accepted and the review process. 1. Create a new feature branch based on the **develop** branch. 1. Raise a pull request (PR) targeting the **develop** branch. 1. The PR is reviewed. 1. If the PR is approved, it is merged. 1. The version patch number is incremented. ### Incrementing the version number Version numbers are comprised of three digits: major version number, minor version number, and patch number. Each new change added to **develop** should increment the patch number. For example, version 2.0.1 would become 2.0.2. After the change is merged from the feature branch to **develop**: ```shell # ensure everything is up to date and in the right place git checkout develop git pull # get the commit ID for the recent merge git log # get the current version number git tag # add the incremented version number to the commit-id, for example: git tag 2.0.2 abcdef ``` As part of the software release process, any part of the version number may change: - Urgent changes increment the **patch** number - A set of small changes increments the **minor** version number - A significant change to large parts of the application increments the **major** version number The process is very similar to the above commands, however the final command should include an annotation: ```shell git tag 2.1.0 abdef -a "This version adds several new features..." ``` Release information should also be added to the [tildegit releases page](https://tildegit.org/sloum/bombadillo/releases).